
  • 网络brand operation;branding operation
  1. 通过MI、BI和VI设计建立品牌运营方案。

    2nd , through MI , BI and VI design establishment brand operation plan .

  2. 品牌运营已经成为时代经济发展的一种潮流。

    Brand operation has become the trend of the economic development .

  3. 我国加入WTO后,烟叶生产格局和经营理念发生了根本性的变化,品牌运营成为烟叶生产经营的立足之本。

    After China 's WTO entry , the production arrangements and management conceptions of tobacco have essentially changed , and thus the management base of the tobacco production has become brand management .

  4. Kik则提供一种被一些人称为“聊天广告”的功能,用户通过它能和幽默网站FunnyorDie及电影信息网站Moviefone这类品牌运营的聊天程序进行交谈。

    Kik offers a feature that some are calling " chatvertising , " where users hold conversations with chat-bots powered by brands like Funny or Die and Moviefone .

  5. 针对G品牌运营状况,根据绩效管理与激励理论,结合对店长/业务经理深度访谈和导购员问卷调研的结果,探索适合G品牌服装导购员绩效管理系统与激励机制。

    Constucting performance management and motivation system of fashion advisors suitable to brand G according to performance management and motivation theory , combined with former studies of depth interview of store managers or business directors and questionnaires of fashion advisors .

  6. Lavazza在中国的咖啡店以LavazzaEspression品牌运营,这一品牌同时也在巴塞罗那、贝尔法斯特、都柏林、芝加哥、新德里、伦敦、米兰、首尔、索非亚、都灵、埃里温(Yerevan)等地出现。

    The coffee shops in China operate under Lavazza Espression brand , which is also present in Barcelona , Belfast , Dublin , Chicago , New Delhi , London , Milan , Seoul , Sofia , Turin and Yerevan .

  7. 试论中国企业品牌运营误区及管理策略

    Exploration of China enterprise operated-brands zone of error and management strategy

  8. 西安军工企业品牌运营障碍性因素分析

    The Barrier Factor Analysis of Brand Operation of Xi'an Military Enterprises

  9. 对民族品牌运营中若干问题的思考

    Reflections on Several Issues Concerning the Management of National Famous Brands

  10. 第四节是对品牌运营的定义做一个说明。

    Division 4 is an elucidation for brand operation definition .

  11. 品牌运营&房地产企业的制胜战略

    Brand Operation-The Strategy of a Real Estate Enterprise

  12. 房地产企业品牌运营探究

    Probed into the Enterprises'Brand about the Real Estate

  13. 实施品牌运营战略塑造宁煤名牌企业形象

    Implement the strategy of brand construction to shape the famous CI of Ningxia Coal Corporation

  14. 在企业进行品牌运营的过程中会面临各种各样的风险,因此,对物流企业品牌风险进行研究具有重要的意义。

    Logistics enterprises will be faced with various risks in the process of brand operation .

  15. 研究了科普期刊品牌运营和刊群经营的典型案例。

    This paper also studies typical cases of popular science periodical branding and group operation .

  16. 出版品牌运营初探

    On the Management of Publishing Brand

  17. 制鞋企业品牌运营探析

    Business Data Enterprises BRAND NAME RUNNING

  18. 宁波大学教育培训集团具有多年的品牌运营经验,拥有一支敬业、专业的汉语教师队伍。

    The school belongs to Ningbo University Education Group , which has been set up in1991 .

  19. 品牌运营是高水平竞技项目职业化的首选战略。

    It is the first-selected strategy of the high-level sport project professionalism that the brand is Operated .

  20. 日益恶化的市场环境促使报业企业由资本运营转向品牌运营。

    A deteriorating market environment forces the newspaper enterprise to transform from capital operation to brand operation .

  21. 论品牌运营的意义

    On Significance of Brand Management

  22. 深刻的表达了设计理念在企业品牌运营中的价值所在。

    A profound expression of the design concept in the business operations of the value of the brand .

  23. 本文拟首先通过对红三环品牌运营成功经验的总结来发现其值得加以发扬的闪光点;

    Firstly , this thesis finds the advantages that worth developing through summarizing the successful experience of Red Three Ring .

  24. 第四部份是对我国家电制造业品牌运营的一个总体分析,共分为七节。

    Section 4 is a total analysis for brand operation in electric appliance manufacturing industry , which is divided into seven divisions .

  25. 在服装个性化、时尚化发展的趋势下,品牌运营成为当今服装企业生存发展的战略手段。

    On the trends of clothing personality and fashion , garment enterprises choose brand operating as a strategic tool for survival and development .

  26. 品牌运营作为提升报业集团核心竞争力的必要手段,越来越受到报业集团的重视。

    The brand operation , as a necessary means to enhance the core competitiveness of the newspaper group , is getting more and more attention .

  27. 第三部分:上述两部分已经明确的解释了设计理念在品牌运营中的作用,和其相互之间的依赖性。

    Part III : The above two sections have clearly explained the design concept of the role of brand operations , and their mutual dependence .

  28. 另一方面也能对我国小家电品牌运营的理论发展起到一些积极的促进作用。

    On the other hand , it has some positive improvement promoting function in the theory development of our country 's kitchen appliance brand operating .

  29. 目前日益激烈的市场竞争使企业不得不由传统的产品运营向品牌运营转型。

    At present the increasingly fierce competition in the market enables enterprises from the traditional " products operation " to " brand " in transition .

  30. 本文将品牌运营与房地产市场营销有机的融合在一起,结合案例对房地产企业品牌营销和房地产项目品牌营销的实施过程进行了详细的论述。

    By linking brand operation with real estate marketing , combining case analysis , this paper aims to discuss brand marketing of real estate enterprise and project .