
  • 网络Brand PR;Brand Public Relations
  1. 有一位从事时尚品牌公关的朋友,正处于一种无法正确定位自身的尴尬境地。

    Now one of my friends in the famous brand public realtion undertaking is facing the awkward circumstance of self orientation doubt .

  2. 此外,鲁斯对于员工的股权激励制度,品牌公关活动以及系列出版,培育未来读者群等的管理观念与实践,也是《时代》成功的因素之一,成为媒介经营的范本和财富。

    Otherwise , such managements as employee stock purchase , public relation activity in molding brand , publishing in series and activities in cultivating future consumers are all factors for Time 's achievement and fortune for the whole industry .

  3. rim眼下面临一场品牌和公关考验。

    Rim now faces a brand and communications challenge .

  4. 企业品牌危机公关之凤凰涅磐

    Enterprise Brand crisis Public Relation : A New Lease Of Life

  5. 四大关键词解读2006年品牌危机公关

    Unscramble Brand Crisis Management in 2006 by 4 Keywords

  6. 最后在这些理论的指引下,本文着重从塑造性公关、生态性公关、危机公关三个层面阐述了塑造企业品牌的公关实践。

    Finally , with the direction of these theories , the text analyzed the practice of PR in the brand construction from three lays of PR of construction , PR of ecological , Crisis PR .

  7. 各大汽车公司为争夺市场不断发起价格战、服务战、广告战、品牌战、公关战等,想方设法在产品的质量、价格、性能、售后服务等方面展开全方位的竞争。

    The major car companies compete for market launching price war , service war , advertising war , brand war , the public relations war , the idea of trying the product quality , price , performance , after-sales service and so on to start all-round competition .

  8. George公司给10几个品牌的鞋做公关。

    George 's firm does P.R. for about 10 shoe brands .

  9. 逻辑上,宏观上品牌体现出的公关传播效果应该与其市场份额保持一致。

    Logically , the effect of the brand PR is closely connected with its market share .

  10. 从品牌管理、内部公关、外部公关、优质服务四个方面,系统地阐述了电力企业当前公关工作的重点、原则与技巧。

    This article studies emphases , principle and skill of public relationship of power company from brand management , inter relationship , outer relationship and knight service .

  11. 由广告机构、品牌咨询机构和公关业务分支组成的庞大电通帝国与广播电视机构和日本两大新闻机构都关系密切——这种影响力网络深深地渗入至企业和公众生活当中,许多人认为这让该公司拥有了太大的势力。

    Dentsu 's extended empire of advertising agencies , brand consultancies and public relations subsidiaries includes ties with TV broadcasters and Japan 's two biggest news agencies - a network of influence that stretches deeply into corporate and public life , and which many believe gives it too much power .

  12. 品牌广告传播要体现体育运动诉求、品牌形象代言人要个性鲜明、品牌事件及公关传播要借用媒介传递信息、品牌网络传播形态要多样化。

    Brand advertising should reflect the demand of sports , image representative must have distinctive character , use media to conduct event and public relation communication , the patterns of brand network communication should be diversified .

  13. 主要阐述名称的选择和标识的设计、公司品牌与所属蒙餐店品牌的关系、公司的多品牌策略、蒙餐店品牌的广告和公关策略、蒙餐店的品牌创新等品牌策略问题。

    This part mainly expounds the name selection and trade-mark designing , the relationship of brand between the company and the subordinate restaurant , the multi-brand strategy , the strategies of advertisement and public relations , the innovation of restaurant .