
  • 网络Brand awareness;brand conscious;brand sense
  1. H有限公司具有愿景清晰、发展战略明确的特点,公司治理、品牌意识、文化建设、企业运营等方面都有出众的发展潜力。

    The outstanding development potentiality lies in company governance , brand awareness , culture construction and enterprise operation .

  2. 2009年,随着“HuLu”模式在视频行业的兴起以及行业面对小众文化确立企业品牌意识等因素的共同促进,视频分享网站开始走上了行业的新发展之路。

    With the " HuLu " mode rise in the video sharing websites industry in 2009 and the minority culture has established the brand awareness , video sharing websites of the industry embarked on a new development road .

  3. 渡部贤一喜欢把这家新机构称为新野村。为了加深员工的新品牌意识,他甚至准备了一个罚款箱(swearbox),任何人在会议期间提到雷曼这个词,都会被罚款5英镑。

    Mr Watanabe likes to call the new entity the New Nomura and to emphasise the new brand , he has even introduced a swear box fining anybody 5 who mentions the word Lehman in meetings .

  4. 消费者变得愈发精明&他们正学着追求质量,品牌意识也越来越浓,Gartner驻上海消费者研究主管沈哲怡表示。

    Consumers are becoming more sophisticated – they are learning to demand quality , and they are becoming brand conscious , says Sandy Shen , head of consumer research at Gartner in Shanghai .

  5. 增强品牌意识实施名牌战略

    Reinforcing the Brand Consciousness and Carrying Out the Famous Brand Strategy

  6. 品牌意识及内隐自尊影响品牌决策的实验研究

    Brand Awareness and Implicit Self-esteem Affect Consumers ' Decision on Brands

  7. 树立品牌意识打造地方名优品牌

    Set Up Brand Concept Establish Local Famous and Quality Brand

  8. 旅游企业需要树立网络品牌意识

    Tourist Enterprises Need to Establish the Consciousness of Network Brand

  9. 结果通过各种控制增强全员的质量意识,品牌意识。

    Outcome : Enhancing entire personnel 's consciousness of quality and brand .

  10. 将品牌意识导入护理管理的初步构想

    A Tentative Idea of Introducing " Trademark Consciousness " Into Nursing Management

  11. 论旅游企业的品牌意识

    An Analysis on Brand Awareness of China 's Tourism

  12. 树立品牌意识发展西瓜产业化

    Establish Consciousness of Brand and Developing Industrialization of Water-melon

  13. 论企业品牌意识与品牌定位的互动性

    On the Interaction between Brand consciousness and Brand Identity

  14. 品牌意识增强,标准化生产已起步;

    The brand awareness has been strengthened and standardization of production has begun ;

  15. 立足科技创新优化期刊品牌意识

    Optimize the periodical 's brand consciousness on the base of the technology innovation

  16. 品牌意识打算立刻寻求缓解遗嘱法院的命令。

    Brand Sense intends to seek immediate relief from the probate court 's order .

  17. 具有品牌意识的时尚业公司会追随外包潮流、把生产转移到亚洲吗?

    Will image-conscious fashion houses join the outsourcing bandwagon by shifting production to Asia ?

  18. 提高集群企业的品牌意识;

    Enhancing brand consciousness of the clusters enterprises ;

  19. 树立品牌意识,突出重点;

    Set up the brand consciousness and emphasis ;

  20. 你们早期的品牌意识宣传活动还应该包括联合促销活动。

    Lauren : Your initial brand awareness campaign should also include joint promotional events .

  21. 论品牌意识与品牌管理

    Discussion on Brand Consciousness and Brand Management

  22. 激烈的市场竞争使得商业医院的品牌意识日趋强烈。

    The increasing competitions have caused commercial hospitals to realize the importance of the brand .

  23. 强化品牌意识,重视媒体宣传;

    Strengthening the sense of brand establishment and attaching importance to publicity via the media ;

  24. 少年儿童品牌意识研究

    A Study of Children 's Brand Awareness

  25. 品牌意识也是人们生活水平提高的标志。

    Brand consciousness is a symbol of the improve-ment of the people 's living standard .

  26. 试析学报编辑的学术品牌意识

    On Academic Trademark Consciousness in Journal Editing

  27. 树立品牌意识以强势学科带动医院综合实力全面提升

    To set up brand awareness and promote hospital general strength in all aspects with advantage discipline

  28. 简论品牌意识的研究

    On the Study in Brand Awareness

  29. 品牌意识、品牌的价值判断、品牌的选择是品牌文化的重要因素;

    And brand consciousness , brand value judgement , brand choice are important attributes of brand culture .

  30. 我国饭店业只有树立品牌意识,加强品牌建设,才能应对挑战。

    Only by establishing brand consciousness and strengthening the brand construction , can the hotels face challenges .