
  • 网络brand competition
  1. 随着我国加入WTO和高等教育大众化进程的加快,品牌竞争正成为高校面临的重要挑战,实施品牌战略是高校应对挑战的重要举措。

    With China 's taking part in WTO and quickening-up of process of popularization of higher education , brand competition has become a big challenge to colleges , so the implement of brand strategy has become an important act for colleges .

  2. VIS设计与品牌竞争息息相关,随着社会市场的发展,技术手段的转变,设计在品牌塑造中将具有更加重要的作用。

    The VIS design and brand competition is closely related with the development of the social market , the technical means of changes in design in brand building will have a more important role .

  3. 瑞银证券(UBSSecurities)驻上海的运输业分析师RobinXu说:这份波士顿合同表明,中国铁路设备公司能够与外国品牌竞争。

    The Boston deal shows that Chinese railway companies can compete against foreign brands , says Robin Xu , a Shanghai-based transport analyst with UBS Securities .

  4. 中国高科技BtoB企业面临严重的品牌竞争压力。

    Our high-tech BtoB enterprises are facing serious competitive pressures .

  5. 李宁犯了一个错误:2010年,由于自信能与耐克(nike)和阿迪达斯(adidas)之类的全球大品牌竞争,该公司提高了价格。

    Li Ning tripped up when it raised prices in 2010 in the belief that it could compete with global powers such as Nike and Adidas .

  6. 本文以A公司SPA产品为主要研究对象,结合相关渠道设计理论以及当前国内SPA市场发展环境、品牌竞争情况以及A公司SPA产品市场定位进行分析,总结出一系列适宜的营销渠道设计方案。

    In this paper , the SPA products of A company was the main objective for my study . Based on the channel design theory , current domestic marketing environment , brand competition as well as A firm SPA products marketing position analysis , summarize several proper channel design proposals .

  7. 品牌竞争时代下的现代包装品牌文化建立

    On Establishment of Modern Packaging Brand Culture in Brand Competition Era

  8. 我们正在与一些顶级品牌竞争。

    We 're competing with some of the top brand names .

  9. 旅游业已进入品牌竞争时代。

    The tourism industry has entered the era of brand competition .

  10. 品牌竞争&建筑机械租赁市场的制高点

    Brand Competition & Key point of Rental Market of Construction Machinery

  11. 21世纪是品牌竞争的时代。

    St century is an era of competition of brand .

  12. 目前的市场竞争已经进入到品牌竞争时代,而消费者的消费也已经进入到品牌消费时代。

    Nowadays , both market and consumer have gone the brand time .

  13. 基于体验层次的品牌竞争策略

    The Strategy Base on the Practice Stage of Brands Competition

  14. 当今世界,企业的产品竞争正逐渐演变为品牌竞争,跨国公司正运用其品牌扩张战略吞噬着中国市场。

    Nowadays , the product competition is developing gradually into brand competition .

  15. 21世纪的企业竞争已经全面步入品牌竞争时代,做好品牌定位工作,对企业实施品牌战略至关重要。

    Enterprises are facing the brand competition in the 21st , century .

  16. 在同质化的市场竞争中,唯有传播能够创造出差异化的品牌竞争优势。

    Only communication can create alienation in the homogeneity of market competition .

  17. 当今国际市场的竞争已由产品竞争转向品牌竞争。

    Today product competition has turned to brand competition in international market .

  18. 基于供应链间品牌竞争的库存管理策略研究

    Study on inventory management tactic under chain-to-chain brand competition

  19. 实施大名牌战略是品牌竞争的重要举措。

    In competition , it is a very important step to develop famous brand .

  20. 如今品牌竞争已经成为市场竞争最重要的领域。

    Brand competition now has become the most important competition in the market area .

  21. 品牌竞争是国际家电市场竞争的主要形式。

    Brand competition is the primary form of competition in global household appliance market .

  22. 随着品牌竞争日益剧烈,品牌的资源配置功能日益突出。

    The resource allocation function of brands grows sharply with the increasing brand competition .

  23. 不可避免的,我国房地产企业也跨入了品牌竞争的时代。

    Inevitably , the real estate business has entered the era of brand competition .

  24. 现代产业的竞争焦点已经由传统的产品竞争转向了品牌竞争。

    The focus of modern industry competition has from industry compete to brand compete .

  25. 新时代的品牌竞争

    COMPETITION Competitive of Brand in New Age

  26. 中国城市零售商业企业品牌竞争优势的创造与持续

    Discuss the Creation and Sustainability of the Chinese Urban Retails Enterprises ' Brand Competition Advantage

  27. 电信服务品牌竞争的策略分析

    The competitive analysis of service brand

  28. 略论品牌竞争中的文化力作用

    On Cultural Effectiveness in Brand Competition

  29. 比附定位的目的是通过品牌竞争提升自身品牌的价值与知名度。

    The aim is to promote product 's brand value and famous degree with brand competition .

  30. 各个国家及各个地区之间的竞争已经从简单的商品竞争过渡到品牌竞争的时代。

    Every country and every region has evolved from simple commodity competition to brand competition era .