
  • 网络Brand Core Value;core value
  1. 分析房地产市场特点,加强房地产市场研究,强化品牌核心价值;

    The analysis real estate market characteristic , strengthens the real estate market research , the strengthened brand core value ;

  2. 有无清晰明确的品牌核心价值是能否成为强势品牌的必要前提。

    Having clear and definite brand core value is the necessary premise to a brand if it want to be a famous one .

  3. 它能够集中体现企业的文化及其品牌核心价值观,它主要包括企业理念识别系统M工、企业行为识别系统BI和企业视觉识别系统VI。

    It can embody a concentrated reflection of enterprise culture and its core brand values , and it mainly includes the concept of enterprise recognition system MI , enterprise behavior identity system and visual identification system VI and BI .

  4. 品牌核心价值构建中的终端视觉表现探究

    The Terminal Visual Performance in the Construction of the Core Brand Value

  5. 商业广告创意中的品牌核心价值论

    The Essential Value of the Brand in the Creative Concept of Commercial Advertisement

  6. 中小企业品牌核心价值问题研究

    Study on the Key Value of the Brand of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises

  7. 品牌核心价值研究

    Study on the Key Value of the Brand

  8. 以品牌核心价值为中心的品牌定位系统构建

    The Setting up for Brand Positioning System Regarding Brand Core Value as the Center

  9. 它的品牌核心价值就是:穿梭纽约街头的时尚。

    It 's core value is : The fashion through the New York city .

  10. 如何提升我国民族品牌核心价值

    The Core Value Enhancement of Native Chinese Brands

  11. 知名品牌核心价值观塑造及对策研究

    Well-known Brand Core Values to Shape and Countermeasures

  12. 品牌核心价值的传播与推广&山西品牌崛起之路

    The Promotion of the Core Values in Brand , the Rise of the Brand in Shanxi

  13. 品牌核心价值:品味悠闲,简单生活,自然混搭,巴西符号。

    Brand core values : Taste leisure , Simple Life , Natural mix , Symbol of Brazil .

  14. 本文围绕品牌核心价值这一管线来讨论品牌延伸策略,指出了品牌延伸的原则和禁区;

    This paper discusses brand extension strategy focusing on brand 's essential value , and points out the principles and preserve of brand extension .

  15. 广告设计师需不断提升对品牌核心价值的认识,以提高商业广告创意的有效性。

    The advertisement designers should keep sharpening their acknowledgement of the essential value of the brand to improve the effectiveness of the creative concept of commercial advertisement .

  16. 本论文选择了两个知名国际企业-伊莱克斯和宜家家居,就品牌核心价值和品牌资产营建工作,进行了深入分析研究。

    In this paper , two well-known international companies , Electrolux and IKEA , are analyzed , focusing on their brand core value and brand equity building .

  17. 提炼与规划服饰品牌核心价值有三大原则:高度的差异化、高度的消费者认同、体验式营销。

    Refine to have three greatest principles with the programming dress brand core value : the high difference turn , the high consumer approve , experience personally a type marketing .

  18. 品牌核心价值是品牌向消费者承诺的核心利益,它代表着品牌对消费者的终极意义和独特价值,是一个品牌最独一无二且最有价值的精髓之所在。

    Brand core value is the core value that the brand 's promise to consumers , it represent the ultimate meaning and special value to consumers , it is the only one and the most worthy essence in a brand .

  19. 通过分析品牌核心价值建设过程中设计所起到的作用,引出设计作为企业资源的必要性和设计管理在创建品牌核心价值中的重要作用。

    The roles of design in building the core value of brand was analyzed to answer why can design be a kind of resource of corporation , and what roles do design management play in building the core value of brand .

  20. 品牌核心价值的提炼与传播是品牌营销理论的精华,也是企业品牌营销实践创建强势品牌的关键,因而也是本文的核心和主体部分。

    Brand key value refine and it propagates to be brand marketing essential part of theory , it is a key of establishing the surging brand of enterprise 's brand marketing practice too , so is core and the main body part of this text too .

  21. 以品牌的核心价值为中心进行整合营销传播

    IMC Must be the Center of the Core Worth of Brand

  22. 然后,确定品牌的核心价值,建立企业识别;

    Furthermore confirm the core value of brand , form the CI ;

  23. 品牌没有核心价值,就只会是一个商标

    Without core Vale , The Brand Is Only A Logo

  24. 品牌的核心价值缺乏个性;

    The kernel value of the brands lacks individuality .

  25. 品牌是核心价值的体现,是企业核心竞争力的体现。

    Nowadays a brand embodies the core value and the competitiveness of a product .

  26. 接着通过大量的例子探讨了设计管理如何建立品牌的核心价值。

    The ways design management does in building the core value of brand were explained with examples .

  27. 我们的任务在于确保品牌的核心价值忠实呈现在所有的行销活动上。

    Our task is to ensure all the bran-dcore values are embodied into all the process of promotion activities .

  28. 我们将继续保留这个瑞典卓著品牌的核心价值,即安全、高品质、环保和现代的斯堪的纳维亚设计风格。

    This famous Swedish premiumbrand will remain true to its core values of safety , quality , environmentalcare and modern Scandinavian design .

  29. 此外,代理机构或者客户方面均不得对品牌的核心价值理念有所动摇。

    And nobody on the agency side or the client side is permitted to waver in the belief of the essential values of the brand .

  30. 成人高校必须根据市场需求确定自己品牌的核心价值,合理定位,确定质量管理目标,并通过规范化管理提高教学质量。

    Adult education college must make sure the core value of the brand image and fixed position right according to the market need . We must confirm a target of quantity controlling and we can improve teaching quality by management of standardization .