
  • 网络brand creation
  1. 消费者间的互动得到空前加强,消费者在品牌创造中的主导作用正日益凸显。

    The interaction between consumers has achieved unprecedented strengthening and the leading role of consumers in brand creation is increasingly prominent .

  2. 第四部分是公司品牌营销战略设计,共分为六大步骤,通过品牌定位、品牌创造、品牌传播、品牌发展、品牌维护、品牌经营一系列流程设计,打造公司的品牌营销模式。

    The fourth part is the design of brand marketing strategy , which is divided into six steps , design , brand orientation , brand creation , brand development , brand maintenance , brand management , then the article makes a series of process of brand marketing mode .

  3. 世界名牌服装的创始人品牌创造出共同利益。

    The initiating of world famous brand clothes . They create common ground .

  4. 品牌创造出共同利益。商品收益及损益计算表

    They create common ground . statement of merchandise income and profit and loss

  5. 面对产品同质化的市场,利润空间更需要品牌创造附加价值支持!

    The profit is more supported by brand margin when facing the market of product homogeneity !

  6. 品牌创造出共同利益。

    They create common ground .

  7. 以品牌创造人心力量,以品牌的接受创造新的赢利市场。

    Therefore impression will be made by brand and new profitable market will be created by brand acceptation .

  8. 大汽车制造商的市场经理承认其新目标在于为品牌创造激情。

    Marketing executives from the major carmakers agree that their new focus is on creating more passion for their brands .

  9. 一个合适的代言人能够利用其自身的知名度和专业性吸引消费者的注意力,成功的为企业和品牌创造价值。

    An appropriate spokesperson could attract the attention of consumers and create value for business or brand with his or her popularity and expertise .

  10. 市场对卷烟工业企业全面开放,为来自全国各地的卷烟品牌创造了公平竞争的环境。

    The market has been fully open to the cigarette enterprises and created a fair competitive environment for the cigarette brands from all parts of China .

  11. 基点设计坚持“简单、直接和概念”等视觉设计服务,为很多知名品牌创造了众多成功的视觉沟通;

    BASE Design insists " simple , straightforward and conceptual " visual design service , they created many successful visual communication examples for lots of high-end brands ;

  12. 这样也为自已餐饮品牌创造了发展之路,也是为我国餐饮业全面发展做出更大的贡献!

    This also created a brand for their own food and beverage development , but also for the comprehensive development of China 's catering industry to make greater contributions !

  13. 随着设计师和奢侈品公司寻找新方法,来为他们的品牌创造兴奋感,并将独有性进行到底,限量版日益受欢迎,尤其在很难触及的男性消费者中。

    As designers and luxury houses look for new ways to create excitement around their brands and to maximise exclusivity , limited editions are increasingly popular , especially for the hard-to-reach male consumer .

  14. 而我国的汽车售后服务业与国外相比还处在初级阶段,从法律法规、经济模式到服务理念、品牌创造都存在巨大差异。

    The auto aftersales service in our country is under the initial step compared with the overseas ' auto aftersales service . There is big difference among the law & regulation , economic mode , service concept and brand build .

  15. 在国际和国内的羊绒业现状之下,整个羊绒衫行业开始注重品牌创造,认识到企业通过设计能获得具有竞争性的优势。

    Realizing the present situation of the cashmere business home and abroad , our enterprises have started to attach an importance to the creation of the brand and got to know that they can obtain a competitive advantage by means of design .

  16. 美国《全国餐馆新闻》报道称,2014年是30年来麦当劳美国市场史上首度出现销售额下滑。单个美国餐饮品牌创造的史上最长销售增长记录就此告终。

    As Nation 's Restaurant News has reported , this year was the first time in at least 30 years that sales at the company 's U.S. business declined , ending the longest run ever of domestic restaurant sales growth for a single chain .

  17. 市场理念:经营品牌,创造市场。

    Market principle : Conduct the brand , create the market .

  18. 品牌&创造无形的竞争优势

    BRANDING & Creating Intangible Competitive Advantages in the Forest Products Industry

  19. 不少高端品牌都创造了创纪录的销量,而且还有很多顾客排队等着提车。

    They are accumulating record sales and building waiting lists of eager customers .

  20. 奢侈品牌需要创造出能直接吸引他们的东西。

    Luxury brands need to create something that will appeal directly to them .

  21. 好的品牌能创造好的市场效应,提供巨大经济效益。

    A good brand can create positive market effect and provide enormous economic benefit .

  22. 世界上最好销的指甲艺术品牌。创造数百种顾客所需的有趣设计。

    Fing'rs World 's best selling nail art brand ! Create hundreds of customized fun designs .

  23. 牌成功与发展的过程,实质上也是品牌文化创造与传播的过程。

    The process of product-and-brand 's success and development is also the process of its creation and spread in essence .

  24. 骏豪集团致力创造独一无二的世界级休闲度假品牌,创造全新的国际化生活模式。

    Mission Hills Group is committed to developing a unique world-class brand of leisure and holiday , and advocates a brand-new lifestyle .

  25. 体育商品尤其要注重品牌,创造精品,才能在激烈的竞争中获胜。

    Sports clothes should pay attention to name brand products , to create elaborate works in order to win in fierce competitions .

  26. 这也是湖南烟草工业在国际、国内竞争中实践创造品牌、创造价值的新起点。

    It is also a new start of Hunan tobacco industry for creating brand and value in the domestic and international competition .

  27. 要提高收视率,实现频道经营的持续性收益,是一项建立频道品牌,创造品牌信用度的系统工程。

    It is a systematic job to build channel brand and create brand credit to raise the audience rating and achieve the sustainable revenue .

  28. 《非诚勿扰》在创新的同时也注重节目的文化内涵和服务功能,使得节目实现了由模仿性制造到品牌化创造的升级。

    Simultaneously the director pays attention on the culture and service in the program . After these the program got the upgrading from imitating to brand making .

  29. 这些要素均对品牌价值创造做出了贡献。第四,改造并建立了可行的品牌综合价值评价模型。

    These factors have made a contribution to the creation of brand value . Fourth , the dissertation develops a feasible evaluation model of integrated brand value .

  30. 媒体政策语境影响文化品牌的创造,教育电视的改革与创新是一种高度语境化的实践活动。

    The context of media policy influences the creation of a culture brand . The reform and innovation of educational TV is a practice that greatly influenced by context .