
  • 网络brand message;brand information
  1. 如果目标始终都是促进良好积极的顾客交互,那么语言、视觉和行为的品牌信息就必须一致。

    If the goal is consistently positive customer interactions , the verbal , visual , and behavioral brand messages must be consistent .

  2. 同时,关系管理重视微观操作,关注品牌信息与顾客的每一个微小接触点,是对可控信息和不可控信息的传播管理。

    Relationship management is also the communication management of messages of and out of control and focusing on microscopic operation . It concerns every tiny contact between brand messages and customers .

  3. 沈城商场独有的LED屏,品牌信息传播无极限。

    Exclusive LED screen Shenyang Business Plaza , brand information transmits infiniteness .

  4. 实证分析旨在全面把握超市各类顾客感知其品牌信息的接触点的基础上,甄选出中小型超市的关键接触点,并对中小型超市IMC接触点管理的战略进行了深入的分析探讨。

    Furthermore , it deeply analyzes and discusses the IMC contact points management strategies of small and medium supermarket .

  5. 你的品牌信息是否在你做的每件事情里得到强化?

    And does the message get reinforced in everything you do ?

  6. 品牌信息传播模型初探

    The Research of Establishing Brand Information Model

  7. 这些图案运用了不同元素的组合,呈现统一的主题和品牌信息。

    Such graphics incorporate a combination of elements to project a unified theme and branding message .

  8. 在如何沟通品牌信息方面,我们必须更加直接,不要太精细。

    We 've had to be more direct and less subtle in how we communicate the brand .

  9. 植入广告将品牌信息与所植入的媒体内容构建成一个完备的符号系统。

    The implantable advertisement builds up a complete symbol system between brand information and media content planted into .

  10. 淘宝网等垂直搜索引擎和站内搜索异军突起,在品牌信息推荐中扮演越来越重要的作用。

    Taobao and other vertical search engines rise vigorously and have a more important role in brand information recommendation .

  11. 积极情绪可以让消费者的决策加工过程更加迅速,提取信息速度加快,而消极情绪则会抑制消费者品牌信息的提取,影响其决策。

    Positive emotion accelerate the process of decision , but negative emotions would inhibit the retrieval of brand information .

  12. 面向中国最有影响力和最富足的人群,为广告客户提供度身定制的整合营销方案,传递客户品牌信息。

    We offer tailor-made , integrated marketing solutions for customers who wish to reach the elite of the Chinese business community .

  13. 高科技企业要想生存必须把产品和品牌信息迅速的传递给潜在消费者。

    To be surviving , the high tech enterprise must transmit the product and the brand information to the potential consumer most quickly .

  14. 因为在创造知名度和树立形象方面,影视广告迄今仍然没有对手,在巩固品牌信息方面更是如此。

    Because television advertising still has no rival in creating awareness , establishing the image and even in the consolidation of brand information .

  15. 本文运用加工分离程序,探讨了广告诉求与消费者的情绪状态对品牌信息加工模式的影响。

    We used the process dissociation procedure to examine consumers ' information processing in relation to advertising appeal and consumers ' emotional state .

  16. 当你的旗帜可能出现只有你的品牌信息,有兴趣的前景总是可以点击它就可以直接访问你的网站。

    While your banner may present only your branding message , interested prospects can always click on it to go directly to your Web site .

  17. 然而,尽管呼叫中心增长迅速,人们却很少关注电话通讯如何能够帮助企业向消费者传递品牌信息。

    Despite their growth , however , little attention has been paid to how telephone communication can help companies convey their brand message to consumers .

  18. 通过对各级传播中各个要素的逻辑分析,以及各级传播之间的逻辑关系的分析,发现品牌信息传播具有不同于一般信息传播的特点。

    Through the analysis of items in every step and the logical relation of every step , we find that brand information communication has its own characters .

  19. 因此,本文通过对品牌信息传播过程的研究,旨在寻找其规律性,寻求建立品牌信息传播模型的可能性与途径。

    So this research analyses the process of brand information communication , in order to find the rules , and explore the probability and way of establishing a model of brand information communication .

  20. 同时,本文将品牌信息传播过程中品牌信息的变异作为一条辅线进行研究,从另一个层次展现品牌信息传播过程的特点。

    At the same time , the research analyses the change of brand information which is on its way of communication , and show the character of brand information communication on another way .

  21. 本文将这些规律性用模型的方式来表现,建构了品牌信息传播模型,用简单直观的模型再现复杂却不失规律性的品牌信息传播过程。

    So the research use model to show the rules , and establish Brand Information Communication Model , using simple and direct method to show the complicated and regular process of brand information communication .

  22. 在追求体验消费的网络时代,消费者已经逐渐占据了主动性位置,消费者获取品牌信息的方式逐渐主动和多样化。

    In the age of consumers ' pursuit of Experience on the Internet , consumers have come to occupy a proactive position , the way to get the brand of information gradually becomes active and diverse .

  23. 搜索引擎是品牌信息的聚合器,以关键词形式聚合搜索者需要的品牌信息,并推荐给碎片化的受众,实现品牌信息的去碎片化与品牌传播的长尾效应。

    Search engine is the aggregator of brand information which aggregates the brand information by keywords for the searcher . Then it recommends to fragmented audience to achieve anti-fragmentation of brand information and long tail effect .

  24. 车标识别技术是指将摄像头采集到的数字图像或视频信号流作为研究对象,借助图像处理与自动识别技术对其进行处理,获得机动车辆的品牌信息。

    This technology takes digital image or video signal flow which are collected by the camera , as the object of study , to deal with these objects by the image processing and automatic recognition technology .

  25. 国内综合搜索引擎形成区别明显的两个阵营,以百度为主导的第一阵营占领搜索引擎的绝大多数市场份额,在搜索引擎品牌信息推荐中政绩显赫。

    Domestic search engine forms into two different groups . Baidu which leads to occupation of the first group has the vast majority of search engine market share and gets prominent achievements in search engine recommendation .

  26. 进入这个系统中符号是根据其意义经过筛选的,制作商会根据角色、情节、场景的周边信息的需要而植入与之相吻合的产品或品牌信息。

    The symbol which enter this system is sifted according to its meaning , and the manufacturer embeds matched products or brand information according to the need of the peripheral information of the role , plot , scene .

  27. 而现代国际广告是国际广告主使用特定的媒体向异文化目标人群传播品牌信息,是品牌与异文化目标人群平等沟通以实现品牌目标的互动性传播活动。

    However , modern international advertisement is that international advertisement managers use special media to transmit information to hetero-culture objective human group and is the interactive transmitting activities of brand objective by communication between brand and hetero-culture human group .

  28. 营销人员要处理各种他们本身不负责的内容,包括品牌信息、与用户的对话,在某些情况下甚至还要考虑定价模式。

    Marketers have to cope with the idea that they are not in charge-not in charge of their brand message , not in charge of the conversations , not even , in some cases , in charge of their pricing models .

  29. 服务过程既是服务生产和传递的过程,也是品牌信息沟通的过程,顾客对服务价值的感知主要来源于服务过程中的服务交互以及品牌传播和展示。

    Service process is not only the process of service production and delivery , but also the process of brand communication . Ccustomers ' perception of the value of service mainly comes from service interaction in service process and brand communication and display .

  30. 旅游资源市场价值的提升可通过对市场品牌信息共享、基础设施和生态环境共建、建立战略联盟和旅游企业的集团化发展等几种模式实现。

    Some Tour Resource Integrate modes such as sharing market brand information , joint development of the infrastructure and the ecosystem environment , building up the strategic alliance and the collectivizing development of the enterprises related with tour business are put into discussion .