
  • 网络Brand Attitude;attitude toward the brand
  1. 测量的应变项分别有怀旧情绪、广告态度与品牌态度。

    The dependent variables include the nostalgic emotion , advertising attitude , and brand attitude .

  2. 女性消费者自我概念对中国移动产品品牌态度影响的研究

    A Study on the Impact of Self-Concept of Female Consumers on China Mobile 's Brand Attitude

  3. 家庭沟通模式对青少年品牌态度的影响研究

    Research on the Effect of Family Communication Patterns on Adolescents ' Attitudes towards Brands

  4. 娱乐是一种欢乐体验,分享是一种品牌态度。

    Entertainment is a joyful experience , and sharing is an attitude of brand .

  5. 高校学生饮料品牌态度

    Attitude toward Drink Brands of College students

  6. 中国文化价值观对代际品牌态度影响作用的初步研究

    Exploratory Research of the Impact of Chinese Cultural Values on Intergenerational Influences of Brand Attitudes

  7. 奢侈品品牌态度研究

    Attitude Research about Luxury Brands

  8. 中国城市消费者的品牌态度与市场细分轮廓:一项来自上海的实证研究

    The Brand Attitude and Segmentation Profile of Urban Consumer in China : An Empirical Study from Shanghai

  9. 其中品牌态度对消费者的购买意向影响最大。

    Of these , the brand attitude has the greatest influence on the consumers ' purchasing intention .

  10. 研究结果表明:1.网络口碑论据质量越高,对消费者品牌态度的影响越大。

    The quality of argument quality is higher , its influence on the consumer is higher . 2 .

  11. 中国文化背景下代际影响对代际品牌态度的作用:权力距离的调节效应

    Intergenerational Influence on Intergenerational Brand Attitudes in the Context of Chinese culture : A Moderating Effect of Power Distance

  12. 本研究并深入探讨了不同类型的消费群体在以不同的路径进行品牌态度的转移后,对购买意愿的贡献也是不同的。

    In the paper , the in-depth exploration on the different consumer has the different contribution to the co-branding purchase-intension .

  13. 「高情境涉入」相较于「低情境涉入」,会使消费者产生较高的广告态度与品牌态度。

    Compare with low situation involvement , the high situation involvement could cause higher advertising attitude and the attitude of brand .

  14. 研究最后,归纳四个主要的显著结果:(1)双关品质的差异会对广告态度和品牌态度造成影响;

    Four major findings were concluded : ( 1 ) The difference in pun quality will influence advertising attitude and brand attitude ;

  15. 对顾客价值、品牌态度、品牌关系与品牌忠诚的研究进行了扩展,延伸到网站特征因素。

    The research of Internet brand loyalty based on customer value , attitudes , and brand relationships extends former to website characteristics .

  16. 回馈信息复杂度会对广告态度、品牌态度生成影响效果;

    " complexity of information feedback " has effect on " attitude toward the advertisement " and " attitude toward the brand ";

  17. 然而顾客满意和信任并不能全面解释品牌态度忠诚和行为忠诚的形成,引入品牌关系型态这一变量,能够进一步深化我们对品牌忠诚原因的理解。

    Customers ' satisfaction and trust cannot give a full explanation for the formation of attitude loyalty and behavior loyalty of a brand .

  18. 运用态度量表和反应时实验比较了品牌态度强度与品牌态度可达性的关系性质。

    Introduction Brand attitude accessibility is related to brand attitude strength , which is usually viewed as a well-established feature of attitude strength .

  19. 广告广告本文着眼于我国时尚类杂志化妆品广告对受众品牌态度的影响策略研究。

    This dissertation is seen from the angle to the study on influential tactics towards their audience of cosmetic advertisements in Chinese fashion magazines .

  20. 其中,消费者对公益事业的态度、介入度对认知性品牌态度的影响更大,而跨国公司可信度对品牌购买意愿的影响更大。

    For example , attitude to the cause , involvement in the international brand and corporate credibility affect more to the cognitive brand attitude .

  21. 双关品质的提升,会增强高认知需求之消费者的广告态度、品牌态度与购买意愿;

    The improvement in pun quality will increase the advertising attitude , brand attitude , and purchase intention of consumers with a high need for cognition ;

  22. 所以,从广告心理学观点来定义广告就是:广告是以多种内部联系的方式,影响消费者品牌态度和购买行为倾向。

    Therefore , from the point of view of psychological : Advertising is a number of internal links to impact consumers'brand attitudes and purchase behavior tendencies .

  23. 品牌态度以及品牌选择行为是学术界研究的热点话题,消费者的品牌态度能够有效预测其消费行为,因而对企业营销者来说有重要的实际意义。

    Band attitude and brand choice behavior is an academic topic , consumers ' brand attitude can effectively predict their consumption behavior , and has a practical significance to corporate marketer .

  24. 然后,本文对品牌态度和品牌情感的相关概念、理论进行了论述。在文献基础上,本文建立了终端销售促进对购后品牌情感影响的模型。

    Then , the paper discussed on brand attitude and brand emotions and the related concept . Then , the paper builds the model of the influence of sales promotion on brand emotion .

  25. 通过对比实验组和控制组在母品牌态度评价上的差异,发现品牌延伸对母品牌的反馈影响只在拥有者群体得到了证实。

    Through the comparison of the attitude toward the parent brand between the experimental group and the control group , we can find the feedback effects of brand extension on parent brand only in the owner groups .

  26. 而本文的创新点主要表现在引入顾客满意度、品牌态度和企业形象三个中间变量来分析企业社会责任对品牌忠诚度的影响。

    The innovation points of this thesis is mainly manifested in the introduction of the three intermediate variables including customer satisfaction , brand attitudes and corporate image to analyze the influence of corporate social responsibility on brand loyalty .

  27. 产品属性重要程度与负面信息比例没有交互作用,但是以品牌态度、购买倾向为因变量时,负面信息比例的主效应显著。

    The importance of product attributes and negative information ratio of no interaction , but to attitude toward brand , purchase intention as the dependent variable , the main effect of negative word of mouth information proportion is significant .

  28. 进一步的研究分别将认知性变量和情感性变量作为调节变量研究了在不同认知水平和情感水平下,各变量对品牌态度的影响,进一步理顺了品牌个性对品牌态度的影响机制。

    An in-depth analysis have set cognitive and affective variables as moderators in order to test the influence of each variable on brand attitude on different cognitive and affective levels then further clarify the mechanism of how brand personality influences brand attitude .

  29. 大学生消费者的品牌态度及选择行为受同龄群体影响较大,与此同时,不同自我监控水平的大学生消费者对于自我/功能一致性的品牌感知及关注程度有所不同。

    College students consumers ' brand attitude and choice behavior are influenced by their reference groups . At the same time , consumers are more concerned about brand perception of self-congruity / function-congruity . The degree of Brand Consumption varies from consumer of different levels of self-monitoring .

  30. 第四章是研究结果与讨论,包括语言影响消费者对高科技和低科技产品品牌态度的数据分析讨论,及消费者认知、情感和行为倾向态度间相互关系的分析讨论。

    Chapter Four is the results and the discussion of the research , including data analysis and discussion of the influences of the language on consumers ' attitudes towards high-tech and low-tech brand names , and the relationships among consumers ' cognitive , affective and behavioral attitudes towards them .