
  • 网络additional value;BVA;World Brand Lab
  1. 品牌附加值不是按照其投资额推算的。

    Brand additional value is not calculated by investment .

  2. 我们通过视觉营销提升品牌附加值及销售业绩,将卖场空间与平面视觉完美整合,提供专业化、系统化、战略型的品牌识别解决方案。

    We increase the additional value and sales volume through visual marketing , perfectly integrate the store space with the graphic vision , and provide professional , systematic and strategic brand identification solution .

  3. 在明确界定品牌附加值概念的基础上,阐明服务品牌附加值的构成元素。

    On the basis of the definition of brand added-value , we clarify its composition .

  4. 如今,更多公司主要是由专利和品牌附加值等无形资产构成。

    More companies now consist essentially of intangible assets such as patents plus the value embedded in their brands .

  5. 品牌附加值使顾客在购买及拥有产品的过程中实现社会优越感,品牌可以向征一个人所属的社会及文化阶层。

    And customers can achieve social superiority through brand value . Brand stands for individuals ' social class and cultural groups belonging to .

  6. 品牌的附加值将在今后的市场竞争中逐渐显露出来。

    And the brand additional value will appear gradually .

  7. 品牌的附加值来自于消费者的需要和品牌意义的联结,其实现途径就是品牌传播。

    Added value of brands comes from the connection between consumer demands and brand meaning , and it is realized through brand communication .

  8. 品牌的附加值来自消费者的需求和品牌价值的链接,其实现的有效途径就是品牌传播。

    The added value of the brand from the links to consumer demand and brand value , an effective way to achieve is brand communication .

  9. 实现家电产业集群升级,虽然从长远发展的角度,慈溪家电产业必须向设计、品牌等高附加值环节发展,并在成本战略的基础上不断向产品差异化和品牌化等新的竞争战略延伸。

    To realize electrical appliance industry cluster upgrading , though Cixi electrical appliance industry are required to develop the design , brand development of high value-added sectors , and on the basis of cost strategy to keep the product differentiation and branding strategy .

  10. 支持具有自主品牌和高附加值产品出口,扩大服务产品和农产品出口,控制高耗能、高污染产品出口,促进加工贸易转型升级。

    We will support the export of high value-added products and products with Chinese trademarks , expand the export of service products and agricultural products , limit the export of products whose manufacture is highly energy consuming or highly polluting , and promote the upgrading of the processing trade .

  11. 创立中国家具的国际品牌,提升产品附加值才是我们的核心竞争力所在。

    The famous brand and extra value of products is the core competitive power of Chinese furniture industry .

  12. 企业面对激烈的竞争需要更加注重设计、打造品牌、增加产品附加值。

    Enterprises to competition need to focus more on design , build brand , increase product added value .

  13. 以市场为导向,以品牌效应提高商品附加值,努力发展中国品牌事业是我国体育产业义不容辞的责任。

    It is the unshirkable duty of our national sports industry to promote its brand causes by orienting market and increasing commodity additional values through brand efficiency .

  14. 然后指出河北省现有农产品名牌中存在着结构不合理、品牌名称简单、附加值低、分散经营规模小等问题;

    Point out that agricultural famous brand management of our province have some problems such as unreasonable structure , simple named , lower added value , disperse manage and small magnitude etc.

  15. 与传统的住户相比,新一代物业的所有者经济能力更强,生活品味不断提高,更注重享受生活品质,因此其物业管理消费意识较高,更重视物业管理服务的品牌和提升服务附加值等。

    Comparing with traditional residents . New generation of householders have stronger consuming capacities , higher living taste and pay more attention to enjoy high living quality , so they have more intensive consciousness of property consumption and require a better brand for the service of property management .

  16. 为了提高竞争力和识别性,很多成熟的企业把工业设计当作创造品牌形象、增加品牌附加值的手段。

    In order to improve their competitiveness and identify many mature enterprise industrial design as a means to create a brand image , increase brand value .

  17. 为了提升品牌形象,强调品牌产品的附加值,国内许多企业越来越依赖于品牌的包装和广告宣传两方面。

    In order to enhance the brand image , emphasize brand added value of products , many domestic enterprises rely more and more on brand the packaging and advertising of the two aspects .

  18. 第六、加强品牌的建设力度,提高品牌的附加值。

    Sixth , strengthening the brand construction and enhancing the supplemental value of the brand .

  19. 因此,何种设计方法能够使内衣产品更加符合消费者对于内衣的体验需求,同时达到强化消费者品牌意识与忠诚度、提高品牌产品附加值的目的成为本文的研究内容。

    Design method is needed which could make products meet the experiential needs of consumers , made them strengthen consciousness and loyalty of brands , and improve added value of product .

  20. 从企业层面来说,我国水产企业品牌意识薄弱,广告宣传不足,导致缺乏自主品牌,商品附加值非常低。

    From the enterprise stratification plane , Chinese aquatic enterprises brand consciousness is weak , and the advertisements propaganda is insufficiency , which cause to lacking the independent brand and the lower added value .

  21. 为了满足不断增长的消费需求和实现品牌升级的战略目标,针织女装产品的设计水平和品牌附加值亟待提高,实施差异化开发已成必由之路。

    In order to meet growing consumer demand and achieve the strategic objectives of the brand upgrade , product design level and brand value needs to be improved , Implement differentiation is the only way to develop .

  22. 服装品牌标识不仅体现了服装产品的特点,还承载着服装企业的文化,为服装品牌提高附加值,因此越来越受到服装企业的重视。

    The apparel brand logo not only embodies the characters of apparel products , but also reflects the culture of the apparel enterprise . It enchances the value of the brand and products , therefore it is attracting more and more attention from the apparel enterprises .

  23. 由于产品同质化和品牌竞争的全球化,包装除了促销和帮助建立品牌形象之外,它更重要的一个功能就是增加和强化品牌的附加值。

    Due to the product homogeneity and brand competition globalization , except for promotion and help build packaging brand image , except that it is more important to a function is increased and strengthened brand value .