
  • 网络brand enhancement;Brand Lift
  1. 阿我们的客户越来越多的认识到品牌提升的机会,碳中立的地位有关。

    A growing number of our customers have realized the brand enhancement opportunity associated with Carbon Neutral status .

  2. 金聿堂形象策划机构是专注于企业形象塑造与企业形象、品牌提升的专业策划设计机构。

    JinYuTang image planning company is a professional planning and designing company specializing in enterprise image creation and improvement , and brand enhancement .

  3. 第三部分针对SWOT分析的具体情况,提出相应的品牌提升策略。

    Part three needle detailed conditions of SWOT analysis , put forward concrete brand promote tactics .

  4. 同时,结合SWOT分析矩阵结果,为法蓝瓷提出了今后品牌提升和改进的建议。

    In the meantime , this essay combining the SWOT Analysis Matrix , provides some advices for Franz , about the brand improving in the future .

  5. 打造农产品品牌提升农产品竞争力北京市基础地理信息DLG数据库物理无缝数据层的更新方法探讨

    On the Marketing of Agricultural Products ; Discuss on Updating Method of Physical Seamless Data of Beijing Foundation Geography Information DLG Database

  6. 打造梧州旅游品牌提升旅游业核心竞争力

    To Create Wuzhou Brand of Tourism and Raise the Competitive Level

  7. 广西工业品牌提升&关于品牌文化战略的思考

    Guangxi Industrial Brand Enhancing & Some Thoughts on the Strategies for Brand Enhancing

  8. 王子啤酒品牌提升策略研究

    Study on Brand Promoting Strategies of Prince Beer

  9. 我国汽车自主品牌提升策略

    Brand Promotion Strategy of China 's Independent-Brand Automotive

  10. 品牌提升的内涵与策略

    Connotations and Strategies about Brand Promotion

  11. 《大连晚报》品牌提升策略研究

    The Research of Brand Promoting

  12. 客户可能会调整对品牌提升的宣传,而加大对直接拉动销售市场活动的投入。

    They may need to divert resources into direct sales driving activities and away from brand building .

  13. 2008年是简约设计品牌提升年,我们将力争打造更多优秀本土品牌!

    2008 is the simple design branding , we will strive to create more good local brand !

  14. 对于开发商来说,可以提高开发上的品牌提升及其价值提升。

    For developers , you can improve to enhance the brand and its development to enhance the value .

  15. 一批文化品牌提升了安徽文化影响力,更展示出文化安徽既有“高原”也有“高峰”的繁荣景象。

    Raised a number of cultural brand Anhui cultural influence , but also demonstrate the cultural Anhui both " plateau " have " peak " of prosperity .

  16. 价值传递着眼于IT的价值如何通过诸如盈利增加、费用减少、错误降低、公司形象和品牌提升等结果得以证实。

    Value delivery focuses on how the value of IT can be proved through results like profitability , expense reduction , error reduction , improved company image , branding , and so on .

  17. 因此,食品添加剂行业发展趋势如何,中小生产企业如何制定适合自身发展的品牌提升战略以实现品牌的增值等都是急需解决的问题。

    So it is urgent to solve the problems what is the developing tendency , and how the SMEs set down the brand value promotion stratagem which agree with the evolution themselves to achieve the brand 's appreciation .

  18. 为了打造品牌提升新闻竞争力,网站抓住社会转型期网民对新闻信息在深度和广度上的渴求推出了网络新闻专题报道。

    In order to forge the news brand and improve its power of competition , The website puts forward Internet Special Report by meeting Internet users on their demand for the profundity and scope of news during social transformation stage .

  19. 从网络视角对集群企业品牌提升进行研究,揭示集群环境下的品牌成长机理,对集群内知名品牌的数量和质量提升具有重要的理论和现实意义。

    Enterprise brand within industrial clusters is studied from the perspective of network , and its growth mechanism is revealed as well , which have great theoretical and practical significance for the enhancement of famous brands ' quantity and quality .

  20. 在对品牌提升的内涵进行分析的基础上,重点论述了品牌提升的主要内容,并提出了通过创新产品、选择通路、沟通消费者、树立形象和构筑品牌文化等策略来提升品牌的思路。

    Based on the analysis about the connotations of brand promotion , the contents are emphatically explained , concluding that brand should be promoted by creating new product , choosing proper channel , communicating customer , establishing image and building up brand .

  21. 在手机行业竞争激烈,产品日趋同质化,消费者购买更加理性化的今天,品牌提升,寻找销售渠道的竞争优势己成为手机行业内竞争的聚焦点。

    Nowadays , with the competition vehemence , product quality accordant gradually and the consumer purchases more reasonableness in the cell phone line , the brand upgrade and looking for the competitive advantage of marketing channel have become the competitive focus in the cell phone line .

  22. 自主创新与民营企业品牌竞争力提升&中国民营企业品牌竞争力50强和品牌竞争潜力企业100家分析JX公司自主创新能力评价及对策研究

    Independent Innovation and the Upgrade of Brand Competitiveness of Private Enterprises Study on Evaluation and Countermeasure about Independent Innovation Capability of JX

  23. 2002年本院顺利通过ISO9000质量体系认证审核。结论实施满意工程作为一项护理管理措施,对树立护理服务品牌、提升病人对医院品牌的信任度起到积极的促进作用。

    Conclusion Implementing the satisfactory project is becoming one of the important methods of the management in prompting the forming of the service brand of nursing and increasing the patients ' confidence in the hospital .

  24. 在销量方面,通用和福特的部分市场份额被克莱斯勒蚕食,后者已经把Jeep品牌成功提升到此前难以想象的高度。随后,克莱斯勒将它的光辉历史抛在身后,将总部搬到荷兰,并更名为FCAUSLLC。

    On the sales front , General Motors and Ford F - 0.13 % lost market share to Chrysler , which leveraged its Jeep brand to previously unimagined heights - and then , metaphorically left its heritage behind when it established legal domicile in the Netherlands and changed its name to FCA US LLC.

  25. 信阳市劳务经济品牌及其提升研究(二)

    On the Labor Economic Brand in Xinyang and its Improvement ;

  26. 创建区域品牌,提升农产品竞争力

    Promoting Competitive Ability of Farm Products through Establishing Regional Brand

  27. 奥运文化品牌的提升与国家形象塑造

    Promotion of brand value of Olympic-related culture and building of national image

  28. 打造优质品牌是提升服务水平的重要途径

    To Make High Quality Brand is Important Approach to Upgrading Service Level

  29. 论服务品牌与提升竞争实力

    Comments on Service Brand & Improvement of Competitive Power

  30. 论高等教育品牌价值提升策略

    On Promotional Strategies of Brand-name Value in Higher Education