
  1. 东北方言通过东北文化品牌的运用又传播了东北地域文化。

    The northeast dialect has spread northeast culture s through the application of famous brand of northeast culture .

  2. 这一课题的探讨可算是一个抛砖引玉的尝试,为国内女装品牌今后运用新兴流行设计元素,在设计思维和设计实践中起到积极启发作用。

    Probing into this field is a kind of start-discussion trial , considering the practice of future popular design element in domestic female clothing brand , it will play an active role in design thinking and design practice .

  3. 民族地区发展品牌经济要运用市场力量,规范企业的生产和经营行为,打造自己的品牌;

    In order to develop trademark economy we should use market power , standardize the manner of enterprise 's production and management , product its own trademark ;

  4. 由于缺乏足够的经验积累和理论指导,传媒领域品牌战略的运用在实践中存在着不少障碍。

    Due to the lack of sufficient accumulated experience and theoretical guidance , the use of brand strategy in the media field has run up against many obstacles .

  5. 近年来,许多原先从事外贸出口加工的中国服装厂与鞋厂自创了很多品牌,想方设法运用其高端制造方面的专门技艺,以获取不断培育的国内市场的更高利润。

    Many Chinese clothing and shoemakers previously engaged in contract manufacturing for export have in recent years created brands of their own , trying to use their expertise in high-end manufacturing to pocket higher margins in the growing domestic market .

  6. 不可否认的是,作为一本具有悠久历史、良好发行成绩及口碑的通俗文学类读物的《故事会》,它的成功离不开品牌策略的运用。

    However , it is undeniable that , as one has a long history of good performance and reputation of the popular issue of literary reading of the " story ", and its success is inseparable from the use of brand strategy .

  7. 文章通过对我国现代饭店业发展现状和竞争状况的分析,提出了规模化经营、完善市场机制、注重品牌培植、运用信息技术支持等发展对策。

    Based on the analysis of the development and competitive situation in our country 's modern restaurant industry , the article posed the countermeasures of development & scale operation , perfecting market system , fostering famous brands , and applying information technology to support the industry .

  8. 以法国Caudalie集团为例,这是一家在英国受人顶礼膜拜的化妆品品牌,因善于运用葡萄多酚的功效而闻名。

    Take the French group Caudalie , a cult cosmetics brand in the UK known for harnessing the power of polyphenols in grapes .

  9. 汉语语词在商品品牌名称中的运用

    Chinese Words : Their Use in Choosing Brand Names for Commodities

  10. 论系统论在服装品牌建设中的运用

    On Application of Theory of System in Constructing Fashion Brand

  11. 浅析无品牌化策略的运用

    On the Use of No-brand Strategy

  12. 动画广告是现今企业在品牌塑造过程中运用的一种重要手段。

    Then there is a brief of the analysis of the range industry application about animation advertising .

  13. 而在苗族银饰品牌视觉形象的运用中应该注重将苗族银饰自身的视觉元素解构应用。品牌产品的设计创新,应具有自身独特性和时尚性。

    Should focus on the use of the visual image of the Miao silverware brand Miao silverware visual elements of deconstruction of the application of brand products , design innovation , should have their own unique and stylish .

  14. 文章从色彩的营销策略探讨怎样运用色彩语言来进行企业形象识别与品牌构筑,还运用图文结合的形式阐明了企业是如何将色彩很好利用来为树立品牌形象服务的。

    Articles from the color marketing strategy on how to use colorful language to identify corporate image and brand building , but also by the use of the enterprises in the form set out how good use of color to establish a brand image for the service .

  15. 文章的主体部分分析现在酒类品牌翻译中主要运用的翻译方法,并从传播学角度影响品牌翻译的各种因素,提出本研究所倡导的酒类品牌翻译方法。

    The main part of the study firstly analyses the translation methods used in the alcoholic drink brand name translation and then analyses factors influence the result from the perspective of communication and puts forward the translation methods this study advocates in alcoholic drink brand name translation .

  16. 品牌资产是可以加以运用的,很重要的一种方式是品牌延伸,将品牌运用到新产品中。

    The brand equity can be taken into application , an important one of which is brand extend that corporation make use of the brand to a new product .

  17. 品牌信任是营销理论在品牌层面的运用,是品牌理论研究的新阶段。

    Brand trust is the application of marketing theory in the aspect of brand , and it is the new phase of brand theory study .

  18. 而随着市场竞争程度的加剧和新产品导入费用的高涨,越来越多的企业相继采用了品牌延伸策略,即将已有的老品牌运用到新产品之上。

    As market competition becomes much fierce and the introduction fee of new products becomes much high , more and more companies take the measure of brand extension , which means carrying the old brand into the new products .

  19. 接着,从功能性和象征性两个方面对房地产品牌定位进行了研究,并将品牌定位运用到房地产项目开发的过程中去。

    Immediately after , this thesis researches real estate brand positioning with two aspects of symbol and function , and make use of the brand position developing to the real estate item .

  20. 在复杂多变的环境中,有效提升品牌资产是一项挑战性的工作,品牌代言人的合理运用就是有效提升品牌资产的手段之一。

    Promoting brand equity is a challenging task in the complicated and various environment , and using brand endorsor appropriately is one of the most effective ways .

  21. 本文采用广告学和传播学的相关理论作为支撑,从广告传播的角度对品牌形象代言人进行了解析,尤其是对品牌形象代言人的运用进行了深入的分析。

    This literary grace uses the relevant theories of Advertisement and Communication as a support , has analyzed the brand spokesman in terms of symbol , carry on deep analysis to the use of brand spokesman especially .

  22. 本文通过介绍体验经济与传统经济、体验营销与传统营销以及品牌形象与品牌体验这三对关系的差别,引入以体验营销来全面改善品牌体验并运用到实践中。

    By outling differences among experiential economy and traditional economy / experiential marketing and traditional marketing / brand image and brand experience , the article introduces experiential marketing to improve the overall brand experience and put the theory into practice .

  23. 然而由于品牌本身的不确定性和品牌研究中对品牌功能的无限放大,导致简单地用品牌经营代替营销管理和品牌工具运用中的大而无当。

    However , because of the uncertainty of the brand itself and the over-amplification of the brand functions in brand research , it causes that whether in practice or in theory , brand management is applied in stead of marketing management , and causes the emptiness in brand method application .