
  • 网络brand
  1. 从品牌学角度,采用文献分析法和定性分析法,对CUBA品牌的含义、价值进行了分析和探讨,为CUBA联赛市场开发和持续发展提供理论参考和实践指导。

    This article adopts document and logic method to view the CUBA from brand angle , and analyses the brand value , refer to the market develop and sustained growth of CUBA .

  2. 试论品牌学的概念框架及学科规范

    On the Conceptual Framework and Course Norm for Brand

  3. 城市品牌学的研究是目前城市管理科学研究的热点领域,国内许多城市也热衷于城市品牌的塑造。

    The study of city brand is a noticeable field of the management science at present .

  4. 当前品牌学专业人才的极度匮乏,已成为制约我国品牌理论创新和品牌事业发展的关键因素。

    Talented persons of brandology specialty are so insufficient that brand theory innovation and brand business development has been conditioned in china .

  5. 本文试图从组织文化学和品牌学的角度来研究实现高职院校内涵式发展策略,从而打造高职院校品牌和树品牌形象。

    The thesis tends to explore how to build the brand of higher vocational colleges and set up the image of brand from the viewpoints of science about organizing culture and science about brand .

  6. 此外,品牌学是正在发展中的学科,品牌学的研究尚存在着许多空白领域,品牌视觉形象设计到目前为止还没有较为系统的理论成果。

    In addition , branding is a developing discipline , but there are still many gaps in the branding research fields , and so far brand image design is not a systematic theoretical results .

  7. 本文从品牌学、营销学特别是传播学视角方面对汽车4S店自身服务品牌建设进行了初步探索,属于较新的应用研究,具有一定的创新性。

    This paper from the brand , marketing especially the dissemination study angle of view ' of automobile 4S stores its own service brand construction undertook initial exploration , is a kind of new application research , has certain innovation .

  8. 品牌学已经演化成一种对社会媒介和人类文化进行整体性和综合性研究的学科,其研究成果对于确定和改变我们对品牌的基本信念,适时提出发展品牌的对策具有重要意义。

    Brand has evolved a kind of integral and synthetic course to important society mediums and human culture to research , which has important significance to ensure and change our basic belief about brand and put forward the countermeasure in developing the brand .

  9. 改革开放以来,市场营销学、品牌学随着市场经济的逐步深入,从西方传到中国,并伴随着本土经济人文的独特需要有了一定的发展。

    Since the reform and opening , theories of marketing mode and brand have been spread to China from western countries as the deepening of Market Economy , and have had some development along with the special needs of native economics and humanism .

  10. 因此,本文以受众分析为核心,运用传播学、品牌学、社会学、心理学等相关理论,并结合具体案例,梳理出我国电视选秀节目品牌建设基本的受众思路。

    In this paper , I based on the study of the audience , use related theory of communication , brand , sociology , psychology , also with specific cases of China , sorting out audience ideas of brand construction of Talent-search TV Shows .

  11. 综合运用美学、心理学、广告学、品牌学、传播学、市场学等学科的理论知识,发现广播广告在读图时代背景下将迎来新的发展机遇。

    With comprehensive using of aesthetics , psychology , advertising , branding , communications , marketing and other disciplines of theoretical knowledge , I realize that the context of radio advertising in the era of Reading Pictures will usher in a new development opportunity .

  12. 本文采用文献查阅法和数据分析法,结合经济地理学和品牌学相关内容,概括福建地区品牌经济的类型和特点,研究各种环境因素对品牌经济形成和发展的影响。

    This passage summarized the types and characteristics of brand economics in Fujian Province by combining the economic geography and brand related content uses with the method of reviewing literatures and analyzing dates to study the effects that were caused by environmental factors on brand economics .

  13. 本文所研究的营销策略涉及到品牌管理学、市场营销学、组织行为学、公共关系学、传播学等方面理论,涵盖面广泛,理论知识丰富。

    This paper studied marketing strategies related to brand management , marketing , organizational behavior , public relations , communication theory and it covers a wide range of rich theoretical knowledge .

  14. 因此,品牌忠诚在学界的被研究热度已经持续了半个多世纪。

    Thus , academia has already studied Brand Loyalty for more than half a century .

  15. 在这样的现实背景下,服务品牌竞争力成为学界和业界共同关注的课题。

    Under this realistic background , service brand competitiveness has become a mutual concern in both the academic community and the industry .

  16. 品牌是市场营销学和广告学广为使用的一个概念。

    Brand is used frequently in Marketing & Sales and Advertisement .

  17. 企业品牌是现代管理学研究的热点问题。

    Enterprise brand is a hot issue in modern administration .

  18. 本文最重要的部分是对品牌核心定位下品牌延伸的学理研究和实证研究。

    The most important parts of this article are the theory study and the reality study for brand stretch under brand core position .

  19. 在第三章中,作者把个性的定义界定在心理学范畴,从心理学的角度对品牌个性做了论述,并结合品牌的符号学意义,把品牌个性定义为品牌内涵义的人格化问题。

    In the third part , with restriction of the definition of personality in the field of psychology and with reference to the semiotic significance of brand , this article tries to define brand personality as the personalization of the connotation in the brand .

  20. 品牌管理已经成为市场营销和品牌研究领域中的重要组成部分,而品牌人格作为营销学和心理学的结合体,成为品牌研究领域的重点研究课题之一。

    Brand management has become an important part of the field of marketing and branding research , especially in recent decades the issue of the brand personality has been widely studied .

  21. 品牌经济成为现代经济发展的主流,品牌资产是企业最重要的无形资产,因此作为品牌资产核心的品牌形象成为营销学界一项重要的研究课题。

    As brand equity has become the most important intangible asset , brand economy is becoming the mainstream of modern economic . Brand image , as the core of brand equity is an important research topic in marketing academia .