
  • 网络Brand manager
  1. 丝塔芙(Cetaphil)高级品牌经理辛迪?凯(CindyKee)说:“他们就喜欢这种感觉。”丝塔芙是高德美公司(GaldermaLaboratories)旗下温和护肤系列品牌,包括泡沫型和不起泡产品。

    They like the sensation , ' says Cindy Kee , senior brand manager at Cetaphil , a line of gentle skin-care products , both foaming and nonfoaming , from Galderma Laboratories .

  2. 其次,本文详述了品牌经理和品牌管理委员会在品牌管理中的分工、职责及其所起的作用,提出了OTC生产企业系统建立品牌的组织体系方法。

    Secondly , the thesis shed a light on the assignments and duties of brand manager and brand management commissions . And then it puts forward the organizational principle of brand establishment for the OTC enterprises .

  3. rim最近面临的那些问题,正属于品牌经理所面临的挑战。

    Issues such as those faced by rim recently are among the challenges for brand managers .

  4. 要知道,社会网页远远比Twitter,blogs和Facebook等工具更包罗万象。品牌经理搜索全部的网页后,定位于那些能散播有影响力的会话的地方。

    Understanding that the social web is far more extensive than Twitter , blogs , and Facebook , brand managers search across the entire web to locate where influential dialogue transpires .

  5. 现在宝洁的品牌经理们都有了一个虚拟的汽车仪表盘式的反馈系统,它可以实时显示汇总自Twitter、博客和电子邮件的顾客反馈,让品牌经理们随时了解最新的消费者认知情况。

    Today P & G brand managers have a virtual " cockpit " dashboard that aggregates tweets , blogs , and emails to give them an up to the minute understanding of consumer perceptions .

  6. 31岁的科勒巴(JeffKoleba)是曼哈顿一名消费者品牌经理,他说网上交友是一件颇为费时但却没什么回报的事情。

    ' Online dating is a lot of time for very little return , 'says Jeff Koleba , 31 , a Manhattan consumer-brand manager .

  7. 在古驰的时候,她所在的小组还包括克里斯托弗·贝利(ChristopherBailey)和弗朗西斯科·考斯特(FranciscoCosta),这两位设计师后来也承担起了品牌经理的部分职责。

    At Gucci , she worked on a team that included Christopher Bailey and Francisco Costa , both of whom have gone on to personify the broader role that designers are taking as brand managers .

  8. 品牌经理会说,我们不知道如何分析它。

    Brand managers will say , ' We don 't know how to analyse that .

  9. 他的首批决定之一是改变品牌经理的工作方法。

    One of his first decisions was to shake up the way brand managers work .

  10. 那么品牌经理能从热议指数中学到什么来改善他们的在线行为?

    So what can brand managers learn from the Buzz Index in terms of their online behaviour ?

  11. 品牌经理制度;

    Brand manager system ;

  12. 很快的,她的对商务的强烈先见之明和领导能力很快地为她争得了品牌经理的晋升。

    Very soon , her strong business vision and leadership skills earned her a fast Brand Manager promotion .

  13. 该品牌经理显然将双手在确定如何美泰的明星资产转换到屏幕上。

    The brand managers will clearly be hands on in determining how Mattel 's star asset translates to the screen .

  14. JW万豪酒店副总裁兼全球品牌经理米兹•加斯金斯一直在负责具体的整合工作。

    Mitzi Gaskins , vice president and global brand manager for JW Marriott , has overseen much of that effort .

  15. 研究结果将帮助品牌经理理解如何塑造和利用消费者知识,从而加速消费者对新品牌的接受。

    The research findings will help the brand manager understand how to shape and take advantage of consumer knowledge to expedite consumer acceptance of a new brand .

  16. Uniliver的品牌经理经常要求代理商发展新片,然后根据前一只片子来设定工作指引,结果到最后根本没有办法有任何创新。

    Unilever brand managers very often ask for a new commercial and then set down guidelines based on the previous commercial which make it virtually impossible to do anything new .

  17. 本文介绍了品牌经理制的由来与历史以及其在企业发展中所发挥的作用,概括了其带来的优势与弊端。

    This article introduces the derivation and history of the brand manager system , as well as its role in the developing enterprise , and summarises its advantages and disadvantages .

  18. 我曾在一家中型公司担任品牌经理,自失业以来,我已经找了差不多一年的工作,一直很不顺利。

    I 've been looking for work for almost a year now , since I lost my job as a brand manager at a mid-sized company , and it is incredibly frustrating .

  19. 他们直接向首席营销长或其他高级主管汇报工作,并可望与其他品牌经理一道竞争,赢得公司的一份营销预算。

    They report directly to the chief marketing officer and other senior executives and are expected to vie for a slice of the marketing budget alongside the company 's other brand managers .

  20. 先后在国际顶级化妆品公司担任销售经理,以及奢侈品公司担任中国品牌经理及精品经理。

    After this job , she became a sales manager of a world famous cosmetic company and later she got a position of China brand manager and boutique manager of a luxury products company .

  21. 我花了无数时间打电话,与一些资深品牌经理交谈他们所处行业与加州当地狂热的渔业相似梳理出能够对我们的客户有所帮助的关键策略。

    I have spent countless hours on the phone , talking to seasoned brand managers from industries that have similarities to this Californian local wild fishery , teasing out the key strategies that could help my clients .

  22. 有意思的一点是,很多品牌经理认为忠诚度高的消费者不会介意标志的改变,而会一如既往地支持购买。

    The very interesting thing here is that a lot of managers think loyal customers will always buy their products and that changing the logo a little won 't matter because it 's just an aesthetic issue .

  23. 格林杯糕公司的品牌经理艾玛•卡尔德说:“看看我们有多忙,我们在工作和维持生活之余所剩的时间有多可怜,这是个有趣的现象。”

    Brand manager at Green 's Emma Calder said : " It is interesting to see just how busy we are - and how little time we have left in our day after work and life admin . "

  24. 显然,现在是时候告别过去了。我重写了自己的简历,展示了自己大学毕业12年以来作为品牌经理的优秀业绩。

    So it 's clearly time to move on , and I 've rewritten my resume to reflect the terrific track record I 've built up as a brand manager since I graduated from college 12 years ago .

  25. 要加强品牌经理队伍建设,建立分级品牌管理机制,并积极尝试采取外线作战的策略,提高品牌建设的层次和水平,此外,还要树立危机意识,加强品牌危机管理。

    The bank should strengthen the construction of brand-manager staff , set up a classified brand management mechanism , and zealously attempt to adopt the strategy utilizing external efforts , to promote the level and standard of brand building .

  26. 多芬男士护肤品的品牌经理保罗·康奈尔说:“我们的调查显示,现代男性更爱直言说出他们对家庭所做的贡献,那种认为男性在家什么也不做的看法现在该改改了。”

    Paul Connell , brand manager of Dove Men Care , said : " Our research shows that modern men are becoming more vocal about the contribution they make in the home , and the popular stereotype of men doing nothing around the house is no longer accurate . "

  27. 但是入驻天猫商城的一些外国品牌的经理抱怨说,还是能在淘宝上轻而易举地找到假货。

    But managers of Western brands sold through Tmall grumble that fakes are still too readily available on Taobao .

  28. “它是关于建立一个社区,”菲尔丁说,她是数字品牌的经理,提供营销的搜索引擎和社会媒体营销的公司。

    " It 's about building a community ," said Veronica Fielding , president of Digital Brand Expressions , which provides search marketing and social media marketing to companies .

  29. 为了有效的创建并延展一个品牌,品牌经理需要考虑如下几步。

    In order to build and develop a successful brand , there are some necessary steps that must be taken into consideration .

  30. 时尚杂志公司里满是实习生的身影,各时尚品牌的人事经理也收到数以千计申请造型师职位的个人简历。

    Fashion magazine offices are crowded with interns , and fashionable brand HR managers get thousands of resumes of people looking for a stylist position .