
  • 网络Tasting coffee;PINN CAFE;KINGCOFFE
  1. 就从SABRINAFOSSI发明的暖杯开始你一天的旅程吧,你将在品咖啡或者喝茶的时候顺便温暖自己的双手。

    Start your day with this ToastyMUG by SABRINA FOSSI . It will warm your hands as you sip coffee or tea .

  2. 当地必点咖啡:浓缩咖啡、卡布奇诺或单品咖啡。

    Local order : Espresso , cappuccino or a single-origin pour .

  3. “品咖啡”不同心境感受是不同的。

    You may have different feelings when you taste coffee under different circumstances .

  4. 滤泡式咖啡壶适合手感稳定、口感敏锐的品咖啡一族。

    Follicular coffee pot handle for stability , sharp taste of coffee products family .

  5. 他的眼神,他的表情,他的抚慰,未品咖啡已仙然迷醉。

    His eyes , his face , his comfort , not coffee has immortal enchantment .

  6. 店里的人都专心品咖啡,心无旁骛。

    All people in the cafe were tasting their coffee wholeheartedly without any mood to chat .

  7. 喜欢月亮,就象喜欢轻音乐,喜欢品咖啡一样的情有独钟。

    Like the moon , just as like light music , like a special liking for the same goods , coffee .

  8. 你最喜欢甚麽单品咖啡?你会用这支豆子进配方吗?

    BGT : Which one is your favorite single origin coffee ? Did you use it as one of your espresso blend ?

  9. 其中更有咖啡店只销售信息烘焙、即磨的咖啡豆、特调综合和单品咖啡,向咖啡之上最高敬意。

    The best of them pay serious respect to coffee by serving only fresh-roasted and freshly ground beans , distinct blends and single-origin roasts .

  10. 这个房间已经成为了麦圭尔最中意的房间,她喜欢清晨坐在这里品咖啡,也喜欢在雨天从这里看窗外种植的橄榄树和柠檬树。

    The room has become Ms. McGuire 's favorite place to sit with morning coffee , or to look out on her olive and lemon trees when it rains .

  11. 白天路过很多咖啡馆时,你会看到人们坐在里面,一边细细品着咖啡,一边在笔记本电脑上忙碌着。

    Walk past many cafes during the daytime and you 'll see people sitting inside , nursing a coffee as they work away at their laptops .

  12. 那一夜我们品着咖啡说着话一直聊到半夜。

    We stayed up half the night drinking coffee and talking .

  13. 焊工加工的金属品从咖啡壶到到摩天大楼而不等;

    Welders help build metal products from coffeepots to skyscrapers .

  14. 在此方面,欧品浓咖啡仅选用经精心种植的咖啡谷物为原料。

    EXOTIC COFFEE takes pride in solely using beans coming from the best plantations .

  15. 浪漫是与挚爱坐在咖啡厅,品着咖啡,轻唱一首英文歌;

    Romance is the coffee you taste with your dear in a caf é, whispering in an English song ;

  16. 她细细品着咖啡,微笑着,中年政客走过来,和她一起站在点心桌前。

    She sipped her coffee and smiled as the middle-aged politician came to stand by the refreshment table with her .

  17. 几个好友坐在一起优雅的品着咖啡,是一件很惬意的事情,不过谁说咖啡只能优雅的喝?

    A few friends to sit together and elegant products of coffee , is a very pleasant thing , but says only elegant drink coffee ?

  18. 因此,我们请您品尝具有世界风味特色的欧品浓咖啡。

    That is why we cordially invite you to experience the flavour that we experience every day * The world flavour of " Exotic Coffee " .

  19. 希欧多尔坐在屋后他最喜欢的椅子上,品着咖啡,看着正在院子里玩的孙子孙女们。

    Theodore sat in his favorite chair on the back deck , sipped his coffee , and invigilated the activities of his grandchildren as they played in the yard .

  20. 也许,这便是有些年轻人动不动就花一整个下午泡在咖啡吧,摆开笔记本电脑,上上网,或者只是打打文件的原因吧.他们悠闲地品着咖啡,其实也是在炫耀自己。

    B : Maybe that 's why some young chaps often spend a whole afternoon in a coffee bar , surfing the net or just typewriting something with laptop . While they are savoring a coffee at a leisured pace , they are actually showing off !

  21. 研究显示,咖啡因能让身体多产CREB1蛋白质。那么,喝一杯茶,或是品一杯咖啡会是非常有益。

    A cup of tea or coffee may also be beneficial , with studies crediting caffeine with upping the amount of CREB1 made in the body .