
xián cài
  • pickles;salted vegetable
咸菜 [xián cài]
  • [pickles;salted vegetable] 用盐腌制的某些菜蔬,有的地区也指某些酱菜

咸菜[xián cài]
  1. 为研究强致癌物亚硝胺的前体亚硝酸盐在咸菜中的含量,对24个品种399份咸菜及原料等进行了检测。

    Content of nitrite which is a powerful carcinogenic substance , predecessor of nitrite amine in 24 sorts ( 399 samples ) of salted vegetables were studed in this paper .

  2. 吃的是冻成了冰块的玉米面饽饽夹咸菜,就着雪吃下去。

    Our food was frozen corn bread with salted vegetables , and snow was our drink .

  3. 世界卫生组织(WorldHealthOrganization)的国际癌症研究机构(InternationalAgencyforResearchonCancer)基于人和动物身上的有限证据,将手机辐射列为“可能”对人类有致癌作用的物质,与咖啡和咸菜属于同一级别。

    The International Agency for Research on Cancer , part of the World Health Organization , rates cellphone radiation a " possible " " human carcinogen , based on limited evidence in both people and animals . It gives the same rating to coffee and pickled vegetables .

  4. 有一种说法认为inapickle这个短语来源于一个古代的荷兰语表达,类似于“坐在咸菜缸”里这样一个说法。

    One theory has it that the phrase in a pickle entered English from an old Dutch expression that translates as something like " sit in the pickle . "

  5. 我妈怀我的时候,常吃咸菜。

    My mother when I am pregnant , eat pickles .

  6. 兼有咸菜和腐乳的风味。

    It is a sort of flavor of pickles and preserved beancurd .

  7. 早餐有咸菜,粥和鸡蛋。一共3美元。

    Breakfast consists of salty vegetables , porridge and eggs for $ 3 .

  8. 在更长的时间才能咸菜它,更将是美味。

    The longer to pickle it , the more delicious it would be .

  9. 饭前来点咸菜怎么样?

    How about some preserved vegetable before dinner ?

  10. 但是像咸菜焖猪肉这样的菜肴在全国都很受欢迎。

    But dishes like pork with salted vegetables have gained popularity across the nation .

  11. 我问她,张阿姨,你家还淹咸菜吗?

    I ask her , Aunt Zhang , your family also floods the brined vegetable ?

  12. 孙:在中国北方,我们吃镘头和粥,加咸菜。

    In North China , we have steamed bread and porridge , together with satled vegetables .

  13. 第三、如今的耳塞咸菜虽然比以前的有不少进步。

    Third , today 's ear pickle than before although there are a lot of progress .

  14. 一次能作出四个人一餐所需的咸菜。

    Salted vegetable enough for four people in one dinner can be made from the utility model .

  15. 在行为上,消落区居民饮食一般比较咸,经常吃腌腊肉、咸菜,淘米次数比较多,仅有77·5%的居民平时关注营养宣传;

    The residents wash rice more times . Only 77.5 % of residents pay attention to nutrition propagandizing .

  16. 在我记忆的深处,那只咸菜坛子就放在父母卧室梳妆台的旁边。

    The pickle jar as far back as I can remember sat on the floor beside the dresser in my parents'bedroom .

  17. 看到孩子们带着的一罐罐盐巴腌制的咸菜丝,这位乡村教师出身的县长心里一阵泛酸。

    Noticing the full jars of pickles they had with them , Chen , once a village teacher , was distraught .

  18. 如果你把醋和香料的解决方案很长一段时间黄瓜,就变成了咸菜。

    If you put a cucumber in a solution of vinegar and spices for a long time , it becomes a pickle .

  19. 钠主要来源于烹调用盐及咸菜类食物(占每日钠摄入总量90.5%);

    The main sources for dietary sodium ( 90.5 % of the daily intake ) were from cooking salt and salted vegetables .

  20. 技工厨师已经开始在家固化产品,如烟熏三文鱼,木瓜,面包,黄油和咸菜,桃果冻。

    YubaNet-Artisan chefs have started home-curing products such as smoked salmon , pancetta , bread and butter pickles , and peach jelly .

  21. 这是一次奇妙的餐酒搭配历险记,食物的主角分别是咸鱼、皮蛋、酸豆角、咸菜、泡菜、臭豆腐!

    Preserved eggs , smelly Tofu , sour beans , salty fish are familiar to Canton gourmets but definitely not to wines .

  22. 我们是被腌制的咸菜,父母唯一的寄托是,这些咸菜们能够自谋生路,活得比他们更好!

    We are pickled pickles , parents only hope these pickles are able to make a living and live better than them .

  23. 碰上个海鲜过敏、鱼肉生腻的人,甚至可能只要两碟咸菜下饭。

    If someone is allergic to seafood , or tired of rich dishes , he may enjoy the pickled vegetables just as much .

  24. 这对于喜欢吃稀饭咸菜的人来说不成问题,但是对孩子和挑食的旅客来说却是很大的麻烦。

    This is no issue for anyone fond of congee and pickles , but can be an unimaginable hurdle for children or picky eaters .

  25. 让我惊讶的是,就在那儿,放着那口旧咸菜坛子,就像从来没被拿走一样,坛子底部已经放慢了硬币。

    To my amazement , there , as if it had never been removed , stood the old pickle jar , the bottom already covered with coins .

  26. 它包括生菜,西红柿,洋葱,青椒,橄榄,咸菜,和调味品或您喜欢的调味料。

    Employee : It includes lettuce , tomatoes , onions , bell peppers , olives , and pickles , and any spreads , condiments , or seasonings you 'd like .

  27. 他腌制出的咸菜色香味俱佳,受到官兵的一致好评。

    Prickled vegetables made by him are excellent in color , smell as well as taste and have thus received numerous favorable comments from his fellow officers and men as well .

  28. 煎后不能直接咸菜的烹调,则应归入其它烹调方法中,即为初步熟处理方法&油煎。

    When frying is only pat of a cooking , it can be classified into other cooking methods and should be regarded as frying in oil or fat-the preliminary step of cooking .

  29. 被动吸烟(包括家庭及公共场所被动吸烟)、食用动物油、常吃咸菜、使用农药史是男、女性肺癌共同的危险因素。

    The same risk factors of male and female lung cancer were second-hand smoking ( both at home and in public ), edible animal oil frequent intake of salty vegetables and agricultural chemical using .

  30. (西班牙)用臧红花调味的菜,由大米、甲壳类动物和鸡肉做成。豆汁摊上,咸菜鲜丽得象朵大花,尖端上摆着焦红的辣椒。

    ( Spanish ) saffron-flavored dish made of rice with shellfish and chicken . At the fermented bean soup stand , pickled vegetables with scarlet chili peppers sprinkled on top were as colorful as flowers .