
  • 网络name day
  1. 好了。尽情享受你的命名日吧。陛下。

    Well , enjoy your name day , Your Grace .

  2. 他的八岁命名日来了又去。

    His eighth name day had come and gone .

  3. 在我十八岁命名日那天清晨,我父亲找到我.

    On the morning of my 18th Nameday , my father came to me .

  4. 他们要在命名日那天结婚。

    They were married on her name day .

  5. 至少曾经是,直到乔佛里王子上次命名日的比武大会.

    At least it was , until the tournament on Prince Joffrey 's last Nameday .

  6. 哪天是你的命名日?

    What day is your name day ?

  7. 我只是觉得若您在命名日杀人。恐怕会招来厄运。

    I only meant it would be bad luck to kill a man on your name day .

  8. 他在两岁时死了,在他的命名日三天前。那时我六岁。

    He died when he was two and I was six , three days before his nameday .

  9. 乔里哼了一声,他说每逢小伙子们命名日,首相大人总不忘赏几个小钱。

    Jory snorted . The Hand always gave the lads a copper on their name days , he says .

  10. 这匹母马是我老哥詹姆送给我的二十三岁命名日礼物。提利昂用平板的口气说。

    My brother Jaime gave me that mare for my twenty-third name day , Tyrion said in a flat voice .

  11. “姓”,诺亚·雅各布在其《伊甸园的命名日》中说,“表明了一个人的历史,他的过去以及他在非个人过程中的参与。”

    " A surname ", said Noah Jacobs in his Naming Day in Eden ," refers to man 's history , his past legacy and his involvement in as impersonal process . "

  12. 在那寂寞无聊的白昼,二位年长的主人和一些城里的贵宾接待安德烈公爵,适逢临近命名日,老伯爵的住宅中挤满了城里的贵宾。

    Prince Andrey spent a tedious day , entertained by his elderly host and hostess and the more honoured among the guests , of whom the count 's house was full in honour of an approaching name-day .

  13. 动物权益组织命名该日为“黑猫日”,借此来阻止人们杀害成千上万的黑猫。

    An animal rights group has named that day as " Black Cat Day " to stop the killing of thousands of the cats .