
míng cè
  • roster;register;roll
名册 [míng cè]
  • [register;roll] 人员花名册

  • 学生名册

  • 职工名册

名册[míng cè]
  1. 很多学生不在选民名册中。

    Many students are not on the electoral register .

  2. 各地政务委员会被要求编制一份该地区成年居民的名册。

    Councils were required to compile a register of all adults living in their areas

  3. 他被列入新年受勋者名册,获授英帝国勋章。

    He has been made an MBE in the New Year Honours list .

  4. 他未以真名在居民名册上登记。

    He was not listed under his real name on the residents panel .

  5. 她按照花名册上的名单对她班上30个12岁大的孩子进行点名。

    She calls the register for her class of thirty 12 year olds .

  6. 她的学生名单看起来像一本大人物名册。

    Her list of pupils read like a roll-call of the great and good .

  7. 我们的名册中有大约12%的人供职于计算机行业。

    Around 12 per cent of the people on our books are in the computing industry .

  8. 他们已经把他从那个俱乐部的名册上除名了。

    They have taken his name off the books of that club .

  9. 请在点名册上登记你的名字。

    Please list your name in the attendance register .

  10. 录取新生名册随后打印并寄发

    Enrolls the newborn register of names to print afterward and to mail .

  11. SAM公司值班花名册注册管理顾问公司名单

    SAM shift roster registered list of management consultants

  12. DVD先驱:产业荣誉名册

    Pioneers of DVD : the industry roll of honour

  13. 替补将由NBA的主教练们挑选,并与整支队伍的花名册一同在星期二公布。

    Reserves will be selected by NBA head coaches and announced Tuesday , and the full team rosters will be announced Jan. 25 .

  14. 2.enrollvi.记入名册,被登记所有参赛者必须在星期六前登记。

    All contestants must enroll by Saturday .

  15. NBA2K18增加了16支新经典球队,阅读下面列出的经典球队名单和每支球队花名册下的著名球员。

    NBA 2K18 is adding 16 new Classic Teams , read below for the list of Classic Teams and notable players on each team 's roster !

  16. 已核准核产品供应商名册由核质量保证(NQA)工程师负责控制和发放。

    The approved nuclear vendor list is controlled and issued by the NQA Engineer .

  17. 但这些基金也突然出现在一些公司的股东名册上,比如电脑芯片制造商AMD,以及日本电子集团索尼(Sony)。

    But funds have also popped up on the share registers of companies such as AMD , the computer chipmaker , and Sony , the Japanese electronics group .

  18. 按照联盟规定,在赛季接下来的时间内,如果他们在周四仍旧花名册上,所有的无保障合同的NBA球员将会得到正式的保障。

    All NBA players with non-guaranteed contracts become officially guaranteed for the rest of the season if they are still on the roster on Thursday , as per league rules .

  19. 收到问卷反馈后,评审人员将对质量保证(QA)问卷作出批注,并将供应商详情填入已认可核产品供应商名册中。

    Subject to acceptance of the response , the reviewer will endorse the QA questionnaire and arrange for vendor details to be included on the nuclear approved vendor list .

  20. 在2009年金融危机期间,卡塔尔投资局和中国投资公司(CIC)出现在歌鸟股东名册上,向其注入新的股本,帮助缓解该公司的沉重债务负担。

    During the financial crisis in 2009 , the QIA and the China Investment Corp arrived on the shareholder register to inject fresh equity and help relieve the company of its heavy debt burden .

  21. 最近回国的艺术家还有马留斯&12539;恩格(MariusEngh)。他是Standard(Oslo)的花名册中的一员。在柏林居住五年后,他回到了奥斯陆。

    Another artist who 's recently come home is Marius Engh , a member of Furnesvik 's roster at Standard ( Oslo ), who moved back to Oslo after five years in Berlin .

  22. 根据美国外交关系协会(CouncilonForeignRelations)的本•斯泰尔(BennSteil)和黛娜•沃克(DinahWalker)所作的分析,按照目前的成员国名册,这将给予北京大约43%的投票权重。

    On the basis of the current membership roll , that would give Beijing about 43 per cent of the votes , according to analysis by Benn Steil and Dinah Walker at the Council for Foreign Relations .

  23. 最近回国的艺术家还有马留斯・恩格(MariusEngh)。他是Standard(Oslo)的花名册中的一员。在柏林居住五年后,他回到了奥斯陆。

    Another artist who 's recently come home is Marius Engh , a member of Furnesvik 's roster at Standard ( Oslo ) , who moved back to Oslo after five years in Berlin . '

  24. 本公司出具证券持有人名册时,将“xx证券公司客户信用交易担保证券账户”作为证券持有人列示在证券持有人名册上。

    The company shall , when issuing the list of security holders , record " the guaranteed securities account for credit trading of clients of XX securities company " in the list of security holders as the holder of securities .

  25. Tatum急于成为一名伟大的球员,现基于欧文和海沃德为主力的花名册上,想先上场?不好意思,可能还得排上一号。

    Tatum is in a hurry to be great , but he might have to wait his turn on a roster that already features Irving and Hayward .

  26. 虽然名册和订阅是紧密相连(如解释,在RFC3921),他们是不相同的。

    Although rosters and subscriptions are closely connected ( as explained in RFC3921 ), they are not identical .

  27. Macarthur的少数股东们如今正在权衡,是折价发售新股,提高股东名册上业内公司的集中度,还是接受目前很小、但有增大潜力的溢价,全部脱手。

    Minorities are now weighing the issuance of shares at a discount , increasing the concentration of industry players on the register , against a currently small , but potentially bigger premium to remove them altogether .

  28. ESPN报道,他们依然对凯莱洛·费申科备感兴趣,但因为易建联将成为名册上的第15位球员,他们不得不裁减别的球员,才能为这个7.1英尺,体重290磅的乌克兰大个子腾出位置。

    They remain interested in Kyrylo Fesenko , ESPN reports , but since Yi will become the 15th player on the roster , they 'd have to cut someone else to make room for the 7-1 , 290-pound Ukranian big man .

  29. 目前在美国篮球训练营名册上,这位24岁的球员希望通过加入美国队和参加下个月的FIBA世界杯,进入他篮球生涯中最重要的赛季。

    late-first-round draft pick out of Utah , Kuzma noted how he has continually beaten the odds and exceeded expectations . Currently on the USA Basketball training camp roster , the 24-year-old hopes to launch himself into the biggest season of his basketball career by making the U.S. team and playing in next month 's FIBA World Cup .

  30. 接待人员会帮助你们准备房间名册。

    The reception personnel will assist you in making room lists .