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  1. SPAD值随叶位的上升,其变化可用二次多项式的函数关系进行描述,同节位叶片不同时期SPAD值存在极显著差异。

    SPAD value increased with leaf position increased , the change function of a quadratic polynomial can be described , SPAD values in different periods there were significant difference with the leaf nodes .

  2. 去年秋天的另一项综述得出了类似的结论,锻炼同节食相结合的效果比单纯节食要好,不过没有多少差异。

    Another systematic review from last fall found similar results , with diet plus exercise performing better than diet alone , but without much of an absolute difference .

  3. 电针同异节段穴位对大鼠脊髓背角WDR神经元的作用

    Effects of Electroacupuncture of Close and Distal Segment Points on WDR Neurons of Spinal Dorsal Horn in Rats

  4. 在来这里的火车上,我们在同一节列车上。

    On the train coming here , we were on the same car .

  5. 在同一节中,修改下面语句

    In the same stanza , change the following

  6. 我们在同一节车厢。

    We were in the same car .

  7. 有关适用于本主题的特定详细信息,请参见同一节中的引发事件。

    For specific details that apply to this topic , see raising an event in the same section .

  8. 每次作业答案在同一节课的最后分发,因此不接受迟交作业。

    Since the solutions will be handed out at the end of the same lecture , no late homework will be accepted .

  9. 柏柏尔语柏柏尔人讲的亚非语言中一种弗赖斯节死后,杜洛瓦同弗赖斯节夫人一起守灵。

    Any of the Afro-Asiatic languages of the Berbers . After Forestier 's death , he and Mrs. Forestier kept a vigil over the corpse .

  10. 如果可能的话,听说活动应该在同一节课内进行,以便于学生及时运用所听到的语言。

    If possible , they should be done within the same class , so that students can immediately apply put the language they have listened to .

  11. 弗赖斯节死后,杜洛瓦同弗赖斯节夫人一起守灵。万圣节起初是一个异教徒的节日,纪念死去的人。

    After Forestier 's death , he and Mrs. Forestier kept a vigil over the corpse . It was originally GetWord (" originally "); a pagan GetWord (" pagan "); holiday , honoring the dead .

  12. 不同的受体亚型在脊髓同一节段以及同一受体亚型在不同脊髓节段的表达水平存在差异。

    The differences in the expression level among these 5 HT receptor subtypes at the same level of the spinal cord or the same receptor subtype in different segments of the spinal cord were also observed .

  13. 结果表明,互连线宽W同互连线节距P之比为0.5~0.6是获得最小时间延迟的最佳尺寸。

    Results show that a W / P , the ratio of metal interconnect line width to interconnect pitch , of 0.5 ~ 0.6 is the optimum interconnect geometry to have the minimum time delay .

  14. 第五节课:同第四节理由,睡;

    The fifth class : Keep on sleeping with the same reason ;

  15. 同指中节指动脉背侧皮支皮瓣修复指端缺损

    Repair of fingertip defects with flaps based on dorsal cutaneous branch of the digital artery in the second phalanx of the same finger

  16. 结论应用同指中节指动脉背侧皮支皮瓣修复指端缺损,避免了指固有动脉的损伤,手术简便,疗效满意。

    Conclusion Using a flap based on dorsal branches of digital artery in the second phalanx can avoid sacrificing the proper digital artery .

  17. 通过对玉米苗期各条根生物量干重的测量,发现同一层节根内各条根生物量干重占整层节根生物量的百分比呈现递减规律。

    In the same layer , the percent of each single root in the entirely layer was showed the rule of descending through weighting .

  18. 唐代元宵节广泛的参与性和极度的狂欢性是同时代其他节俗无法比拟的,唐代元宵诗具有很高的审美价值和民俗研究价值。

    Any festival at the same age cannot surpass the wide participation and extreme carnival of Tang 's Lantern Festival and its Lantern Festival poetry has high value of beauty and folk custom research .

  19. 以数情节对量刑影响的功能(作用)为标准,可分为两类:同向多情节并存的情形和逆向多情节并存的情形。

    According to functions of multiple circumstances in penalty measurement , it can be classified into two types , coexistence of multiple circumstances of the same directions and coexistence of multiple circumstances of the contrary directions .

  20. 方法应用同指中节指动脉背侧皮支皮瓣修复指端缺损17例,其中修复示指13例,中指3例,环指1例;

    Mehtods 17 cases of fingertip defects , including 13 cases of index finger , 3 cases of middle finger and 1 case of ring finger , were repaired by using flaps based on dorsal branches of digital artery in the second phalanx of the same finger .

  21. 在横轴面同一颈髓节段(C3水平)不同部位分别测量各项参数值;

    Various parameters in different regions at the same level ( C3 ) were measured on axial image .

  22. 结果显示①左心室各室壁收缩期长轴峰值应变心尖段大于基底段、中间段,差异有统计学意义(P0.01),同平面不同心肌节段比较差异无统计学意义(P0.05)。

    RESULTS ① LV longitudinal peak systolic strain at apical level was significantly greater than that at basal and middle levels ( P0.01 ), no significant difference was found among the different myocardial segments at same plane ( P0.05 ) .

  23. PD组患者患侧肢体同侧的基底节区NAA/Cr和Cho/Cr比值与正常对照组比较无显著差异(P>0.05)。

    However , no significant differences in NAA / Cr and Cho / Cr ratios were found between the basal ganglia ipsilateral to the affected limbs of PD patients and the both basal ganglia of healthy controls ( P > 0.05 ) .

  24. 同一室壁不同节段心肌运动速度显著不同,由基底段、中段至心尖段运动速度逐渐减低;

    Peak velocities of different segments of each wall decreased gradually from the basal to the apical portion ;

  25. 结论:应变与应变率在同一室壁不同节段与不同室壁同名节段之间差异无显著性。

    Conclusion : There was no statistical difference of strain and strain rate between the different segments and the different walls .

  26. 同类型枝条不同节位产量也不同,一般4~6节位产量最高。

    Yield varied in different node on the same branch as well . 4 to 6 node often have the highest yield .

  27. 结果同一室壁各节段收缩期峰值速度和位移从心底部到心尖部呈逐渐递减(P<0.001);

    Results Systolic velocity and displacement values in the different LV segments were gradually decreased from basis to apex ( P < 0.001 ) .

  28. 研究发现花芽分化与温度、不同类型枝条、同一枝条不同节位以及营养物质积累有密切关系。

    What ' more , there are close relation between flower bud differentiation and temperature , different types of shoots , different parts of same shoot and accumulation of nutrient substance .

  29. 利未人情愿与那人同情人在情人节互赠贺卡。

    " and the Levite said he would make his living-place with the man , and he became to him as one of his sons . " Lovers exchange cards on Valentine 's Day .

  30. 结果:1.DTI速度图显示,①健康人室壁心肌运动色彩均匀、鲜亮,同一室壁各节段内膜下心肌相同方向运动速度由基底段至心尖段逐渐降低。

    RESULTS . 1 . ㏕ he color coded by DTI of ventricular wall motion was well-distributed and bright in HEALTH and endocardial velocities of the same ventricular wall which were in the same direction decreased gradually along cardiac base to cardiac apex .