
  • 网络paleogene;Paleogene Period;Eogene Period
  1. 山东济阳拗陷古近纪和新近纪火山岩的K-Ar年龄

    K-Ar Dating of Paleogene and Neogene Volcanic Rocks in Jiyang Depression Basin , Shandong Province

  2. 自奥陶纪至古近纪约5亿年期间发育一套基本连续的海相沉积,厚度达14km,是研究特提斯洋形成演化的最佳地区。

    There developed basic unharmed marine strata being about 14 000 m in thickness during about 50 million years from the Ordovician to the Paleogene .

  3. 中生代末至古近纪NW-SE向拉张,煤田构造格架定型;

    Tectonic frame-work of coalfield were established by NW-SE directional stretch from the end Mesozoic to Palaeogene .

  4. 这期伸展可持续至古近纪早期,并被古近纪晚期的NE-SW挤压所终止。

    This extensional phase seems to have lasted through the Early Paleogene and ended in the Late Paleogene by a compressional regime with NE-SW compression and NW-SE extension , as attested by the stratigraphic unconformity at the base of the Neogene in the Jianghan Basin .

  5. Qm-F-Lt,Qt-F-L三角图解显示,南部坳陷的砂岩颗粒组分落入再旋回造山带,极少量落入再旋回造山带与岩浆岛弧混合带,说明古近纪南部坳陷构造活动整体比较强烈。

    Qm-F-Lt , Qt-FL triangular diagram show that sandstone componental particles mainly falling into recycling orogenic zone , a very small amount into recycling of orogenic belts and volcanic arc mixing zone , indicating that there were overall more intensive tectonic activities of south depression in the Paleogene . 5 .

  6. 柴达木盆地西部地区古近纪与新近纪沉积相

    Sedimentary facies of the Paleogene and Neogene in western Qaidam Basin

  7. 第二阶段为晚白垩世-古近纪沉积时期(约120&20Ma)。

    The second is from late Cretaceous period to Paleogene period .

  8. 冀中坳陷古近纪的伸展构造

    Extensional Structures of the Paleogene in the Central Hebei Basin , China

  9. 南黄海盆地北部凹陷古近纪伸展断层转折褶皱作用

    Paleogene extensional fault-bend folding in north depression of southern Yellow Sea basin

  10. 柴达木盆地古近纪&新近纪湖相叠层石与藻礁的沉积组合特征与意义

    Miocene Stromatolites Associated with Lacustrine Algal Reefs : Qaidam Basin , China

  11. 甘肃古近纪哺乳动物化石及其时代

    Ice age Paleogene period mammal fossils and its time in Gansu Province

  12. 部分张剪性裂缝形成时间不晚于古近纪晚期。

    Parts of tension-shear fractures were formed in the Late Paleogene Period .

  13. 渤海湾盆地古近纪海侵问题研究进展及展望

    Research Development and Prospects on Paleogene Sea Transgression in Bohai Bay Basin

  14. 新疆吐鲁番盆地陆相白垩纪与古近纪界线的环境指标

    Environmental Proxies from the Terrestrial Cretaceous-Paleogene Boundary in the Turpan Basin , Xinjiang

  15. 中国-老挝古近纪钾盐矿对比试论钾盐矿床的成矿条件

    Correlation between Palaeogene K-salt deposits of China and Laos

  16. 白垩-古近纪鄱阳盆地的基底构造特征

    Features of basement structures in the Cretaceous-Eogene Poyang Basin

  17. 柴达木古近纪&新近纪盆地的形成演化

    Formation and evolution of Qaidam Paleogene and Neogene Basin

  18. 沅江凹陷古近纪层序地层、沉积相特征及演化

    Characteristics and evolution of Paleogene sequence stratification and sedimentary facies in Yuanjiang sag

  19. 形成时代可能为中生代自垩纪晚期至新生代古近纪。

    And the deposits forming age possibly from late Cretaceous to early Tertiary .

  20. 桦甸盆地古近纪油页岩特征及形成环境分析

    Research on Oil Shale Characteristics and Formation Environment of Paleogene in Huadian Basin

  21. 江汉盆地是我国东部独具特色的古近纪盐湖盆地,其潜江凹陷上始新统含盐岩系中的泥晶白云岩由泥晶白云石组成。

    The Jianghan Basin is a typical Paleogene salt lake basin in eastern China .

  22. ⑶晚白垩世晚期-古近纪时期的逆冲作用;

    ⑶ Compressive from late Cretaceous to Paleogene ;

  23. 横断山-喜马拉雅植物区系的开端是在晚白垩纪和早古近纪(早第三纪)。

    The flora of Himalayas Hengduanshan Mountains started in late Cretaceous and early Paleogene .

  24. 黑龙江嘉荫地区古近纪早期古气候分析

    An Analysis of the Early Paleogene Climate of the Jiayin Area , Heilongjiang Province

  25. 白垩纪-古近纪是显生宙最热、最为典型的温室气候时期。

    The Cretaceous-Paleogene is the hottest , most typical greenhouse period in the Phanerozoic .

  26. 虎林盆地在古近纪再次拉张裂陷,发育了巨厚的含煤地层。

    In Hulin basin , thick coal-bearing strata were formed resulting from the Paleogene taphrogeny .

  27. 南堡凹陷古近纪幕式裂陷作用及其对沉积充填的控制

    Periodic Rifting Activity and Its Controlling on Sedimentary Filling of Paleogene Period in Nanpu Sag

  28. 珠江口盆地惠州凹陷古近纪幕式裂陷特征

    Features of paleogene episodic rifting in Huizhou fault depression in the Pearl River Mouth basin

  29. 南雄盆地白垩纪&古近纪地层研究进展

    New advance in the study of the Cretaceous and Paleogene strata of the Nanxiong Basin

  30. 鲁北和鲁西南地区古近纪盆地沉积特征与控制因素探讨

    Sedimentary Characteristics and Controlling Factors of Basins in the North Shandong and Southwest Shandong in Palaeogene