
  1. 中国的古圣先贤用成语流传很多智慧给下一代的人。

    The ancient sages of China passed down a lot of wisdom in the form of proverbs .

  2. 古圣先贤和过去的大明师们遗留的经典,就是支持此观点的强有力的证据。

    The compelling written evidence from ancient , wise philosophers and past great spiritual masters certainly supports such a view .

  3. 然后它教我们在日常生活中,对所有人、事、物,要如何保持小心谨慎,要我们做一个有信用的人,教我们要相信古圣先贤的教诲。

    It then teaches us how to be cautious with all people , matters , and objects in our daily lives ; how to be a rtustworthy person ; and to believe in the teachings of the ancient saints and sages .