
  1. “一物两体”的矛盾观等内含朴素辩证法光辉思想的提出更是将古代朴素唯物主义发展提升到一个新的阶段。

    It is the thought of " Move not from outside " and " Qi has two attributes " that has brought ancient naive materialism development up to a new stage even more .

  2. 其科学精神是古代朴素唯物主义和辩证法在兵学领域的展开与升华,对于启迪思维和指导战争有着深刻的现实意义和构建意义。

    These scientific spirits are the display and distillation of ancient naive materialism and dialects in the field of military science , which have profound practical and constructive significance in thinking enlightenment and military direction .

  3. 教科书把古代朴素唯物主义者关于说明世界本原的某种具体物质形态理解为古代的物质概念,把近代自然科学家解释物质结构的观点当成近代的物质范畴,这是不妥的。

    The textbook has some specific material formation , which was used to explain the origin of the world by ancient native materialists as the concept of material in ancient time . It also considers modern natural scientists'explanation of the materials structure as the material category in modern time .

  4. 试论《管子》、《淮南子》等中国古代典籍中的朴素唯物主义哲学思想&兼与古希腊哲学的对话

    On the Simple Materialist Philosophical Thought in Guan Zi , Huai Nan Zi and Other Ancient Chinese Books and Records - Also a Dialogue with Ancient Greek Philosophy