
  • 网络development socialization;developmental socialization
  1. 大力发展社会化养老、家政、物业、医疗保健等服务业。

    We will vigorously develop elderly care , domestic , property management , medical and healthcare services .

  2. 发展社会化养老事业;弘扬与提倡中国优良的传统文化。

    The society should develop its welfare for aging people and promote the positive parts of Chinese traditions and culture .

  3. 第五部分就社会性别视角下如何发展社会化居家养老提出发建议与对策。

    Part V of the gender perspective on how the development of the social old-age home of the recommendations and proposed countermeasures .

  4. 为此,发展社会化、共同化的第三方物流就成为一条有效的途径,这也是当前发展零售业物流的侧重点所在。

    Therefore , development of social and universal the third party logistics is very effective . This also is the emphasis of current retailing logistics development .

  5. 建立和发展社会化物流配送中心以形成与国际接轨的物流配送体系,是推动我省商贸乃至整个国民经济高速、持续发展的重要基础。

    The establishment and development of socialized distribution centers integrated with international practices will achieve a rapid and sustainable development of the provincial even the national economy .

  6. 建立现代企业制度是发展社会化大生产的必然要求,是我国国有企业改革的方向。

    Building modern enterprise system is indispensable to the development of large - scale social production , is the orientation of reform of state - owned enterprises .

  7. 现代企业制度的根本目的是建立起具有市场竞争力的企业,这是发展社会化大生产和市场经济的必然要求,关联企业的出现和发展壮大正是建立现代企业制度的必然成果。

    The fundamental purpose of modern enterprise system is to establish enterprise with market competitiveness , the appearance and development of affiliated enterprise is the inevitable outcome of the establishment of modern enterprise system .

  8. 同时,本文以新学校为例详细阐述了整合社会资源的模式,以及政府在促进基础教育发展社会化中的定位和策略。

    Meanwhile , this paper , taking new schools as examples , explains the integrative mode of social resources and the orientation and strategy of governments in integrating social resources and promoting the development of elementary education .

  9. 高等教育大众化进程和社会主义市场经济日趋完善,必然要求高校教育发展社会化,否则将以质量低劣为代价危及一代大学生。

    With the course of popularity of higher education and socialist market economy being increasingly improved , it is necessary to make the socialization of higher education ; otherwise a generation of college students will be imperiled at the cost of low-grade quality of education .

  10. 互联网技术的不断发展使社会化媒体展现出极强的生命力,Web成为社会化媒体的一种重要的传播媒介手段之一。

    The continuous development of Internet technology had made the social media demonstrate a strong vitality ; Web has become an important means of social media to disseminate information .

  11. 建立和发展农村社会化服务体系的探讨

    A study of establishing rural social service system

  12. 尊重是儿童的道德发展和社会化的一个重要部分。

    Respect is an important issue in the field of children 's moral development and socialization .

  13. 其次,在青少年的个性发展和社会化的进程中,学校和老师担负着重要的教化功能。

    Besides , schools and teachers shoulder important civilizing function in his personality development and socializing .

  14. 五是图书馆发展的社会化、自动化和信息化。

    The fifth is the acculturation of the library development and automation to turn with the information .

  15. 综合性发展、社会化办学等改革方式使高等学校与城市的结合更加紧密。

    The comprehensive development and society-supported way of higher education promote the close connection between universities and cities .

  16. 随着网络的发展,社会化媒体以其独特的模式引领着各大企业走向新的营销渠道。

    As internet develops , social media is leading major companies to the new marketing channels with its unique mode .

  17. 发展养老社会化服务,建立、发展为老年人服务的设施和网络,使之产业化。

    Develop the old-age insurance socialized service by industrializing the establishment and development of the social service facilities and network ;

  18. 个人事务对个体自我感、自主性、情绪情感的发展及其社会化过程有着重要的意义。

    Personal domain is very important for the development of childrens and adolescents ? self , autonomy , social emotions and socialization .

  19. 青少年犯罪心理是青少年时期青少年的生理、心理发展及社会化过程中的各种矛盾引起的。

    The youth 's offense psychology is caused by the contradictions in the young people 's physiological and the psychological development and socialization process .

  20. 自20世纪80年代世界物流业的发展呈现社会化发展趋势以来,物流产业作为国民经济发展中的一个新兴服务部门,在全球范围内得到了迅猛的发展。

    Logistics industry has developed rapidly all over the world as a newborn service area with the tendency of socialization since the late 20th century .

  21. 情绪的个体发展和社会化研究使情绪心理学更加接近和更好地解释人的心理生活。

    The research on the individual development and socialization of emotion makes the psychology of emotion closer to a more adequate account of human psychological life .

  22. 这一变化,预示着高等职业教育发展与社会化将由被动适应转向主动适应,由局部适应转向全面适应。

    This predicts that the development of higher vocational education and socialization may turn from passive adaptation to active adaptation , from partial one to an overall one .

  23. 网络营销是适应信息技术发展和社会化网络营销环境的新生事物,必将成为企业未来重要的营销模式。

    Internet marketing which emerges newly must adapt to the development of information technology and social internet marketing environment , and it will become more important in the future .

  24. 它是工业革命以来世界各国经济与科技飞速发展,社会化程度不断加大,导致社会公共问题日益突出的产物;

    It grew out of the severe situation of public problems which comes from the rapid development of economy and technology and the enlargment of socialization since the Industrial Revolution .

  25. 商业银行是市场经济的产物,它是为适应市场经济发展和社会化大生产需要而形成的一种金融组织。

    Commercial banks are the product of a market economy , it is to adapt to the market economic development and social needs of mass production and the formation of a financial organization .

  26. 城市环境卫生管理作为城市现代化不可或缺的标志与环节,在不断发展的社会化进程中越来越被人们所重视和关注。

    Urban environmental sanitation management , as an essential part of urban modernization and link , is more and more recognized and paid attention to by people in the process of continuous development of the society .

  27. 由于商品经济的高度发展,社会化大生产带来了社会分工的细化,使得生产链延长,生产过程某一环节的变化常常引起强烈的经济震荡。

    With the fast development of merchandize economy and social subdivision caused by mass production , production chain has been prolonged , thus a small change in the process of production may cause intensive economic shock .

  28. 从社会参照、教育互动、性别认同、同伴交往等角度,论述性别差异对儿童心理发展和社会化的制约作用并探讨相关教育问题,对儿童的成长发展意义重大。

    This paper , which is based on comparing the society consults , educational interaction , sex admitting and companion associate , describes the restriction function of gender differences on children 's mental development and socialization and relevant educational problem .

  29. 环境权的发展将呈现社会化、生态化和全球化的趋势。

    The development process of environment rights shows a social , ecological and globalization trends .

  30. 认为社区教育是通过对社区发展和个体社会化的作用来推动社会现代化的发展。

    The writer believes community education promotes social modernization through community development and individual socialization .