
  1. 这应是传说一词的原始义。

    This should be the original meaning of " legend " .

  2. 从文化到文学:《诗经》兴原始义解读

    From Culture to Literature : Analyzing the Primitive Meaning of " Hsing " on Book of Odes

  3. 从语义角度看,语素的原始义几乎完全消失,复合词语的意义大都是从矛盾对立中概括出来的新义。

    From the angle of semantics , the original meaning of the morphemes almost disappear completely ; the new meanings of the compound words are gathered up from the contradicted pairs .

  4. 佛教在对本土文化的曲迎中曲藏原始佛义,悲悯被消释,佛理清谈成了论辩技巧、华美言辞的演练场,佛学成为士人摩登的标识。

    The primitive buddhism were concealed , the discourse of buddhism becomes the practice field of argues technique .

  5. 天台智融冶了原始佛教的义理传承与中土文化的表述方式:“三千”,是佛理智性的推演;“一念三千”,则是浑融无痕、不可思议的组合。

    Primeval Buddhism has been integrated into the expression of Chinese culture in Tiantai Zhiyi ideology . " three thousand " is deduced from wisdom of buddhism , while " yinian sanqian " is a perfect and incredible combination .