
  • 网络Concepts in history;historical concept
  1. 民生是一个历史概念。

    The livelihood of the people is a historical concept .

  2. 国家安全既是一个历史概念,又是一个国际政治概念。

    National security is a historical concept as so as an international political concept .

  3. 形成历史概念是全面完成历史教学任务的基本保证

    Comprehensive understanding of history and its role in history teaching

  4. 历史概念是人们对历史事物的本质认识。

    History concepts are the essential knowledge of history events .

  5. 马克思历史概念的关系性规定

    The Stipulations on the Relations of Marx 's History Concept

  6. 国家与社会是两个历史概念,它们之间有着密不可分的关系。

    State and society are two historical concepts with an inseparable relationship .

  7. 关于三大历史概念的哲学思考

    Philosophical Considerations of the Three Grand Conceptions of History

  8. 历史概念,是对历史现象或历史人物所作的抽象概括。

    Historical concepts are to make abstract generalizations of historical phenomena , or historical figures .

  9. 历史概念教学中的有意义学习

    Meaningful Learning in Teaching of Historical Concepts

  10. 多民族统一既是一个政治概念,又是一个历史概念;

    Thus , the multinational unification of China is both a political concept and a historical concept .

  11. “欧洲”是个历史概念,在15世纪之后才普遍出现在欧洲人的讨论之中。

    " Europe " is an historical concept that first been discussed widely in the 15th century .

  12. 形成历史概念对于全面完成中学历史教学三项任务具有极为重要的作用。

    Comprehensive understanding of history plays a vital role in accomplishing the three tasks of history teaching in high schools .

  13. 例如,学生们将很快讨论教堂和政府的分离是不是合法的历史概念。

    For example , students will soon be discussing whether the separation of church and state is a legitimate historical concept .

  14. 马克思的历史概念是唯物史观的核心概念,关系性是这一概念的根本规定。

    Marx 's history concept is the core concept of the historical materialism , and the relations are the basic stipulation of the concept .

  15. 中国先进文化是一个动态发展的历史概念,其核心是扬弃,即始终是在学习借鉴当时世界先进文化的基础上形成和发展的。

    China 's advanced culture has been formed and developed by learning and drawing on the strong points of other nations in the world .

  16. 三十年、二十年,在文学作品、尤其是经典文学作品构建起来的历史概念里,算不上什么了不起的数字。

    In the historical conception of literary works especially classic literary works , popularity of 30 years or 20 years is not very impressive .

  17. 从基督教末世论的历史概念到现代历史概念的转变过程,展现了历史时间的构成作用。

    It displays the construing function of historical time during the process of the transition from the concept of Christian eschatology to that of modern history .

  18. 党员先进性建设是一个历史概念,不同时期先进性的表现各有特点。

    It is a history concept to construct the advanced quality of communist party member , and the advanced quality expresses itself in distinct properties at different period .

  19. 徽州地区作为一个相对独立的地理和文化单元,既是一个地理概念,又是一个历史概念。

    As a relatively independent geographical and cultural unit , the area of Huizhou is not only a concept of geography , but also a concept of history .

  20. 法律至上是一种历史概念与文化传统,更是现代社会发展的必然要求和法治的根本原则。

    Putting law above everything else is a king of history concept and cultural tradition . It is the inevitable requirement of modern society develop and the basic principle .

  21. 在当今,中华法系多被作为历史概念而研究,对于现实的可借鉴性并未引起足够的重视,而作为中华法系一部分的少数民族法律系统更是没有得到应有的研究和重视。

    Today , the Department of China Legal systems are just as a historical concept of research . The study of China Legal systems did not attract enough attention .

  22. 与就业相对,失业亦属一个历史概念,其实质是当事人失去参与社会生活的主要机会。失业保险虽伴随失业而生,但制度性的失业保险即失业保险制度却产生较晚。

    Compared with employment , unemployment is also a historical concept , which means concerned party loses main opportunity of participation to social life , but unemployment system appeared later .

  23. 该算法通过概念的定义计算概念之间相似度,对相似度高的新概念免去学习过程直接用历史概念的分类器对其进行分类。

    The algorithm calculated the concept similarity between concepts through defining the concept , and the concept with high similarity can directly categorize the data using the historical concept classifier without training .

  24. 历史概念作为一种历史主义原则,不仅是青年卢卡奇的总体性方法的实质,而且也体现在他的理论内容中。

    The concept of history as one historicism principle , is not only the essence of totality method of young Luk á cs , but also display itself in his theory content .

  25. 世界史学科定位有一个重要的依据,就是对世界历史概念的界定。

    The answer to the question " what is the world history as a discipline in historiography ?" should be given in the light of the concept of " world history " .

  26. 2005年年底,全国范围内免征农业税,农业税已经成为一项历史概念远离了中国农民,中国已走入后农业税时代。

    In the end of 2005 , Chinese government cancelled the agriculture tax in the whole country . Agriculture becomes a history compaction and leaves Chinese farmers . Post-agriculture tax period of China begins .

  27. 历史概念是历史教学的基础,是提高历史教学质量的关键环节,它既是发展智慧的核心,又是解决问题和进行创造性活动的前提。

    They are the base of history teaching and are also the key to improving the teaching quality of history . History concepts are both the core of developing the wisdom of the students and the premise of solving problems and conducting creative activities .

  28. 在此基础上,提出了现代都市农业可持续发展是一个时代性的历史概念、地域性的产业概念、积极性的发展概念和综合性的多功能概念的内涵。

    Base on above , it illustrates the implication that the sustainable development of modern agriculture in Chinas cities is a historical concept in a new era , a regional industry concept , a proactive development concept , and a comprehensive concept with various functions .

  29. 基于历史概念,提出一种新的市场有效性检验方法,并对上海期货交易所的铜期货市场进行了市场有效性检验,得出了该市场基本符合弱式有效的结论。

    Based on the concept of history , we suggest a new method to test market efficiency . Then we use this method to do a test of market efficiency in copper futures market in Shanghai Futures Exchange and find that the market is weak efficient .

  30. 文学人类学:历史·概念·语境·方法&文艺与人类学的相互碰撞与整合共生

    On the History , Definition , Context and Methodology of Literary Anthropology