
zhàn yǒu
  • possess;occupy;have;own
占有 [zhàn yǒu]
  • (1) [possess]∶占领;取得

  • 占有主动权

  • (2) [occupy]∶位于;处于;居于

  • 占有重要地位

  • (3) [have]∶拥有

  • 占有肥田沃土

  • 占有财产

占有[zhàn yǒu]
  1. 谷歌、Facebook和其他公司不再追求让我们的生活丰富多彩,而是占有我们所有清醒的时刻。

    Google , Facebook and the rest no longer seek to enrich our days but to own our every waking moment .

  2. 占有市场意味着你真正成了垄断。

    When you own the market , you are true monopoly .

  3. 他们声称占有全球40%的市场。

    They claim to have a 40 % worldwide market share .

  4. 这家公司在国际市场上占有举足轻重的地位。

    The firm has achieved a dominant position in the world market .

  5. 在那些生活贫困的人中,老年人占有很大的比例。

    Older people comprise a large proportion of those living in poverty .

  6. 他们军事实力较强,占有巨大优势。

    Their superior military strength gives them a huge advantage .

  7. 他相信自己一定会在历史上占有一席之地。

    He is assured of his place in history .

  8. 人们感到这家公司与其他地方的小公司相比占有不公平的优势。

    It was felt that the company had an unfair advantage vis - à - vis smaller companies elsewhere .

  9. 巴西称其宪法禁止个人占有能源资产。

    Brazil says its constitution forbids the private ownership of energy assets .

  10. 她在20世纪60年代的电影界占有一席之地。

    She made her mark in the film industry in the 1960s .

  11. 丹尼很爱吃醋,对我的占有欲很强。

    Danny could be very jealous and possessive about me

  12. 文盲人口占有相当高的比例。

    A large percentage of the population is illiterate .

  13. 阿马托先生的政府在下议院仅以16席的优势占有多数席位。

    Signor Amato 's government has only a 16-seat majority in the Chamber of Deputies .

  14. 梅斯特尔占有微弱优势。

    Mestel holds a slight advantage .

  15. 从今以后,选票数量未达到总数5%的党派将不能在议会里占有席位。

    Henceforth , parties which fail to get 5 % of the vote will not be represented in parliament

  16. 该公司已经凭借其袋泡茶提高了自己在英国茶叶市场的占有份额。现在它正在成功地使该国人民改喝(最可怕不过的)速溶茶。

    The company has already boosted its share of the UK tea market with its round tea bags . Now it is successfully converting the nation to ( horror of horrors ) instant tea .

  17. 兼职人员中妇女占有很大比例。

    Women comprise a large proportion of part-time workers .

  18. 该党不再能够在议会中占有多数。

    The party was no longer able to command a majority in Parliament .

  19. 她曾是个在政府中占有重要位置的女人。

    She was a woman of high position in the government .

  20. 农业在国民经济中占有重要地位。

    Agriculture occupies an important place in the national economy .

  21. 中国队占有身高优势。

    The Chinese team enjoyed the height advantage .

  22. 你不该未经允许私自占有他人之物。

    You should not appropriate other people 's belongings without their permission .

  23. 仙王和仙后争着要占有这个英俊的孩子。

    The fairy king and queen were contending over possession of the beautiful boy .

  24. 汤姆逊公司有百分之四十八的市场占有率。

    Thomsons have a48 percent market share .

  25. 对手队渐渐占有优势。

    The opposing team gradually drew ahead .

  26. 《红楼梦》在中国文学史上占有重要位置。

    A dream of Red Mansions occupies an important place in the history of Chinese literature .

  27. 元曲研究在20世纪的中国戏曲研究中,占有最为重要的位置。

    Among the study of Chinese opera in the20th century , yuan opera studies occupy the most important position .

  28. 也许斗争不会首先在经济或社会层面展开,而是要占有对生命本身必不可少的空气。

    Perhaps struggle unfolds first , not at an economic or social level , but over the appropriation of air , essential to life itself .

  29. 在他看来,这一技术虽然并不完美,但在教育环境中还是占有一席之地的。

    In his view , the technology — though imperfect — has a place in educational settings .

  30. 我想了一下,我们的钱也不多了。但是有时我们需要做的,就是急人所需,而不是大量地占有。

    I thought about it . We were low on cash ourselves , but ... well , sometimes giving from our ' need ' instead of our ' abundance ' is just what we need to do !