
  • 网络Master of Medicine
  1. 许多犯罪现场调查员拥有科学或医学硕士学位。

    many CSIs have master 's of science or medical degrees .

  2. 医学硕士学位论文中统计学应用情况分析

    Application analysis of statistics in thesis of medical master graduates

  3. 医学硕士学位研究生复试线的统计规律分析

    Statistics law analysis of entrance examination accepting line for mater 's degree postgraduate candidates

  4. 该男子毕业于悉尼大学,获得临床医学硕士学位。

    The man graduates with a master degree in clinical medicine from Sydney University according to the local reports .

  5. 结果①20例慢性乙肝患者样本中,7例淋巴细胞与精子样本均见HBV汕头大学医学院硕士学位论文DNA阳性带;

    Results 1 . The positive bands of HBV DNA were observed in both of lymphocyte and sperm samples from seven of twenty cases with chronic hepatitis B infection .

  6. 有临床医学专业硕士学位授权点。

    We also have a clinical medicine professional master 's degree program .

  7. 医学硕士专业学位课程设置改革研究

    A study on innovation of course installation for professional degree of medical master

  8. 浅谈临床医学硕士专业学位研究生临床技能培养网络化管理的建立

    Establishment of Network Management in Clinical Skill Training for the Students of Specialized Master Degree of Medicine

  9. 中医临床医学专业硕士学位研究生是我国医学学位与研究生教育的一项改革,是培养高级中医临床人才的一条新途径。

    Cultivating postgraduates for Master degree of clinical medicine in TCM is a reform in our country 's medical degree education as well as the one in postgraduates ' education . It is a new way for bringing up future senior clinical talents in TCM .

  10. 基于建构主义的医学硕士研究生学位课程设计

    Degree Course Design for Master Students in Medicine Based on Constructivism

  11. 关于临床医学专业学位硕士学位论文评价体系的思考

    Some Thoughts on Evaluate System for Dissertations of Clinical Medicine Postgraduates for Specialty Degree

  12. 这种培养模式是在美国获得医学硕士或博士学位的唯一途径。

    This training model is the only path to an MD or DO degree in the US .

  13. 浅论医学专业英语的课程构建医学硕士研究生学位课程定位思考

    Approach to Medical English Curriculum Development Discussing the Orientation of Medical Graduate Curriculum

  14. 温州医学院于2000年被批准为临床医学硕士专业学位试点单位,目前临床医学硕士专业学位在校生近200人。

    Wenzhou Medical College was approved as a Master of Medicine education pilot unit in 2000 , having a current enrollment of approximately 200 M.M. Candidates .

  15. 访谈调查法:①访谈浙江大学医学院、上海第二医科大学主管临床医学专业硕士学位的管理人员,分别调查临床医学硕士专业学位临床技能毕业考核情况。

    Interview : ( 1 ) interview persons in charge of M. M. education program management from Medical College of Zhejiang University , Shanghai Second Medical University for their views and suggestions on M. M. degree candidates ' graduation assessment methods .