
běi yáng jūn fá
  • the Northern Warlords
北洋军阀 [běi yáng jūn fá]
  • [the Northern Warlords] 中国清代末期由袁世凯建立的封建军阀集团。1916年袁死后,分化为直、皖、奉三系,主要首领先后有段祺瑞、冯国璋、王士珍、曹锟、吴佩孚、孙传芳、张作霖等。各系军阀争权夺利,不断发生混战。1926年皖系军阀段祺瑞下台,1927年直系被国民革命军消灭。1928年奉系军阀政府垮台,历时十七年的北洋军阀从此覆灭

北洋军阀[běi yáng jūn fá]
  1. 他们喑中和北洋军阀勾结起来。

    They secretly entered into collusion with the northern warlords .

  2. 一九二五年到一九二七年,担任北洋军阀孙传芳的军事顾问。

    From 1925 to 1927 , he was military adviser to Sun Chuan-fang , one of the Northern warlords .

  3. 北洋军阀统治时期国民道德状况探析

    Chinese People 's Morality under the Reign of Northern Warlords

  4. 北洋军阀是中国近代一支特殊的军事政治力量。

    Northern Warlords are a special military and political force in modern China .

  5. 北洋军阀统治时期的政府行为与工业发展

    The Governmental Behaviour and the Industrial Development during the Period of the Northern Warlords

  6. 载沣被免职后,袁世凯和他的北洋军阀们有效地控制了清朝的政治。

    With Zaifeng gone , Yuan Shikai and his Beiyang commanders effectively dominated Qing politics .

  7. 北洋军阀统治时期,战祸不断,殃及教育。

    In the reign of the Northern Warlords , with the frequent wars , education was stagnant .

  8. 大革命的中心任务是打倒北洋军阀的统治。

    The central task of the great revolution is to overthrow the governance of the Northern Warlords .

  9. 军阀与内阁&北洋军阀统治时期内阁阁员群体构成与分析(1916-1928)

    Warlord and Cabinet : Analysis of the Member of Cabinet of Northern Warlords Government ( 1916-1928 )

  10. 叶开鑫是当时站在北洋军阀方面反对革命的一个将军。

    Yeh Kai-hsin was a general on the side of the northern warlords who fought against the revolution .

  11. 后来,他就失败于北洋军阀首领袁世凯之手。

    Later , he suffered defeat at the hands of yuan shih-kai , the chieftain of the northern warlords .

  12. 北洋军阀统治时期的土匪与军阀论北洋军阀统治时期的中苏关系

    Bandits and Warlords During the Period of the Northern Warlords On the Sino-Russian relation in the period of the Northern Warlords

  13. 北洋军阀统治时期工业的发展与北洋政府的政策倾向有关,其具体内容有:一、解除了对民间兴办工业企业的限制;

    The industrial development during the period of the Northern Warlords was related to the policy trend of the Northern Government .

  14. 在全国人民反帝爱国斗争的压力下,北洋军阀政府被迫释放被捕学生。

    Under the pressure of the nation-wide anti-imperialist patriotic struggle , the Northern Warlord government had to set fee the students it had arrested .

  15. 比如在影片中,将斗争对象设计为北洋军阀、农村中的黑恶势力。

    For example , in the film , will fight an object designed for the northern warlords , criminal and evil forces in rural areas .

  16. 加上日本低价收购铁矿、北洋军阀抢占矿山等外在因素,使安徽矿业发展遇到种种困难。

    With the Japanese low-cost acquisition of iron sand , the warlords capturing the mines and so on , so that the difficulties encountered in development of Anhui mines .

  17. 辛亥革命后,他一面辅助阎锡山与北洋军阀进行周旋,一面暗中与南方革命党人积极联络,主张共和。

    After the Revolution on the one hand to help deal with Yan and the Northern warlords , the south side of the revolutionaries secretly active liaison with advocates republicanism .

  18. 胡适,作为一名忧心国家命运的爱国学者,他不满北洋军阀政府的黑暗统治,主张建立“好人政府”,实行“联省自治”,以维系国家的统一,消除军阀的混战,促进国内的和平;

    Hu Shi was dissatisfied with the dark rule of the Northern Warlords , advocated establishing " the government of kind people " and pursuing " joint autonomy among provinces " .

  19. 当他对军阀统治彻底失望,转而主张根本改造的社会改革思想,认为只有推翻北洋军阀的黑暗统治,才是解决中国政局的根本出路。

    Completely disappointed at the rule of the warlords , he turned to thorough reforms and thought that it was the only way to solve all the problems of China by overthrowing it .

  20. 叶开鑫是当时站在北洋军阀方面反对革命的一个将军。佳鑫精品贸易有限公司是集开发,工厂生产、计、营于一体的玩具公司。

    Yeh Kai-hsin was a general on the side of the Northern warlords who fought against the revolution . Our company collects and develop , the factory produces , designs , manages in the integrative toy company .

  21. 在当时全国派系林立、你争我夺的社会情势之下,不是北洋军阀出身的阎锡山受到来自各方面的猜忌,尤其是中央政府和周边其他军阀都对山西这块肥肉虎视眈眈。

    Yan Xishan was suspicion coming from all sides in the country at that time under the social situation , especially the central government and the other warlords , both of whom are eyeing Shanxi as a piece of flesh .

  22. 我国从北洋军阀政府时期实行烟草专卖制度,至今已有近一百年的时间,各届政府运用政策、法规或法律等形式,都对烟草实行严格的管制。

    It is nearly one hundred ' years since our government first implemented tobacco monopolization system in the Northern Warlords Government period . Every government supervises tobacco trade strictly by using the forms of policy , rules and regulations , etc.