
  • 网络northern indian ocean;north indian ocean
  1. 北印度洋航线最佳选择的分析与探讨

    Analyzing and discussions of the optimum routing in North Indian Ocean

  2. 北印度洋气候特点分析

    Climate characteristic analyze of in North Indian Ocean

  3. 这些特点是印度洋与其他大洋不同之处,对北印度洋的热收支和SST有重要影响。

    Those unique dynamics have significant effects on the heat budget and SST of the northern Indian Ocean .

  4. 基于热力学方程和海洋环流模式输出结果,探讨了热带印度洋SST和北印度洋热量收支的季节和年际变化机制,进一步揭示了海洋动力过程在北印度洋热平衡中的重要作用;

    Based on the thermal equation and model output data , the variation mechanism of SST and heat budget are investigated in the tropical Indian Ocean ;

  5. 西太平洋暖池区SST的变化,与南印度洋西风漂流区、赤道北印度洋存在显著的正相关。

    It is also found that the variation of WEWP SST is positively correlated with the equatorial northern Indian Ocean and the west wind drift of the southern Indian Ocean .

  6. 不仅如此,北印度洋SST在一年有两次增暖、夏季风期间阿拉伯海中部混合层的加深,以及季风转换其间赤道急流的存在等也是季节变化尺度上引人注目的现象。

    Further more , the SST warming twice in one year in the northern Indian Ocean , the mixed layer deepening in the central Arabian Sea during summer , as well as the equator jet occurred only in transient seasons are all noteworthy .

  7. Reale说他们的新方法将对于北印度洋甚至孟加拉湾的气旋预测有用。

    Reale says their new method will be useful for cyclone forecasting in the northern Indian Ocean , even in the Bay of Bengal .

  8. 利用50a(1950~1999)的SODA资料对北印度洋(7°S以北)越赤道的经向翻转环流及其年际变化进行了研究。

    The cross-equatorial meridional overturning circulation in the northern Indian Ocean ( north of ( 7 ° S )) and its interannual variability are studied based on SODA ( Simple Ocean Data Assimilation ) data of 50 years ( 1950 ~ 1999 ) .

  9. 北印度洋风浪场特点及最佳航线分析

    Characteristics of wind wave field and optimum shipping line analysis in North Indian Ocean

  10. 北印度洋西南季风期的航线选择

    Southwest Monsoon and Course Selection in Indian Ocean

  11. 北印度洋气候对冬夏季航线选择的影响

    Impact of climate over North Indian Ocean on the route choice in winter and summer

  12. 青藏高原&北印度洋地区的均衡大地水准面异常和岩石圈构造

    Isostatic geoid anomalies and lithospheric structure of the Qinghai-Xizang plateau & north Indian Ocean Region

  13. 通过分析研究阐明了北印度洋风、浪、涌的特点及其变化规律。

    The characteristics and changing laws of the wind , wind wave and swell are given .

  14. 该海域与北印度洋同属季风气候区,但其特点正好相反。

    Both the North Indian Ocean and this sea area are monsoon areas , but their characteristic are opposite .

  15. 孟加拉湾深海氧同位素2、3期上升流活动&北印度洋冬季风的实证

    Upwelling actions in the bay of Bengal during marine isotope stages 2 and 3 : evidence for Indian winter monsoon

  16. 西北太平洋与北印度洋热带气旋的观测与数值模拟研究及其生成的统计分析

    Observational and Numerical Simulation Study of Tropical Cyclone over the Northwestern Pacific Ocean and Northern Indian Ocean and Statistic Analysis of Cyclogenesis

  17. 活动于西北太平洋和北印度洋孟加拉湾两个洋面上的热带气旋均对我国降水产生影响。

    The tropical cyclones in both western North Pacific and the Bay of Bengal in the Northern Indian Ocean can impact China precipitation .

  18. 对1980&1990年的北印度洋气象船舶报资料,按2°×2°网格进行了分析。

    The meteorological data for shipping in the North Indian Ocean during 1980-1990 are analyzed taking 2 ° X 2 ° of latitude and longitude as statistical grids .

  19. 如果是在孟加拉海湾及北印度洋上空形成的则称为“龙卷风”,在西太平洋的则是“台风”。

    It is a " cyclone " when it forms over the Bay of Bengal and the northern Indian Ocean , and " typhoon " in the western Pacific .

  20. 印度力求保持在北印度洋的海上优势,加强与印度洋沿岸其他国家的海上合作,并把海上利益进一步向南印度洋扩展。

    India has been striving to maintain its pre-eminence in the northern Indian Ocean , strengthen the maritime co-operation with other countries around this ocean and further expand its maritime interests to the southern Indian Ocean .

  21. 某一纬度上经向热输送异常以及此纬度以北印度洋总的海面净热通量异常与此纬度上纬向积分的纬向风应力异常有很好的相关关系;

    There are tight relationships between the total heat transport across any latitude , the total net surface heat flux north of that latitude and the integrated zonal wind stress at that latitude in the Indian Ocean .

  22. 主要结论为:在季节尺度上,越赤道的经向热输送和赤道以北印度洋热含量变化有年循环特征,而海面净热通量呈现半年周期变化特点;

    It is shown that the heat transport crossing the equator and the heat content change north of the equator have the period of one year , whereas the total net surface heat flux north of the equator exhibits a semiannual period .

  23. 北印度洋西南季风期航线的选择,应掌握西南季风的时空分布规律和本船的抗风能力;

    Right selection of a ship 's course in the Indian Ocean during the southwest monsoon is de - pendent on the knowledge of the pattern of the time-space distribution of the monsoon and the a - bility of a ship in combating wind .

  24. 35°S以北的印度洋的气候状况和季风特征

    Climate and monsoon features of the Indian Ocean north of 35 ° s

  25. 35°S以北的印度洋位于热带和副热带。

    The Indian Ocean to the north of 35 ° S locates in the tropics and sub tropics .

  26. 热带印度洋,尤其是7°S以北的印度洋,受亚洲季风的显著影响,与季风对应,海洋环流也有很明显的季节变化,最明显的是索马里海流的季节转向。

    The tropical Indian Ocean , especially for the region north of 7 , is strongly influenced by Asia monsoon .

  27. 北太平洋西部和印度洋东部及其邻近海域表层水体中~(137)Cs的分布

    ~ ( 137 ) Cs distribution in the surface waters of the Western North Pacific Ocean and eastern Indian Ocean and their adjacent seas