
  1. 加快机构改革、合理设置岗位、做好定员工作、合理开发和使用劳动力资源是搞好劳动组织管理工作,提高企业劳动生产率,促进企业快速发展的重要内容和途径。

    Enhancing Organization and Management of Work Force , Increasing Production Efficiency of Work Force Speeding up enterprise reform , setting reasonable certain amount of posts and the reasonable development usage of manpower are important issues and approaches for good labor management , improved productivity and fast development of enterprises .

  2. 本论文从防尘技术、劳动卫生和组织管理方面入手,尝试采用模糊综合评价方法对防尘工程的结果进行评价,具有一定的现实意义。

    This paper commences from the dustproof technique , labor hygiene and organizes to manage the aspects , tries to evaluate the result of dustproof engineering by adoption the method of fuzzy comprehensive evaluation , it has a realistic significance .

  3. 劳动定员是企业劳动组织工作和企业管理的重要组成部分。合理确定劳动定员对建立现代企业制度,具有重要的现实意义。

    It is an important part of work organization and management .