
  • 网络motional electromotive force;induced electromotive force;motional emf
  1. 匀强磁场中非直导线的动生电动势

    Motional Electromotive Force of Non-straight Wire in Uniform Magnetic Field

  2. 计算动生电动势的若干注记

    Notes on the Calculation of the Motional Electromotive Force

  3. 动生电动势的讨论评定运动模糊的参数;

    THE DISCUSSION OF MOTIONAL E.M.F estimation of its parameter ;

  4. 地下金属管线探测时的动生电动势

    A theoretical analysis of electromotive force by motion for detecting underground metal pipeline

  5. 动生电动势中洛仑兹力永不作功

    Lorentz force does no work in electromotive force

  6. 动生电动势的产生机理

    Mechanism of Production of Motional Electromotive Force

  7. 介绍匀强磁场中非直导线平动和绕定点转动的动生电动势。

    This paper presents translating and rotating motional electromotive force of non-straight wire in uniform magnetic field .

  8. 对运动导体在磁场中切割磁力线产生动生电动势的讨论

    Discussion on How The Electromotive Force Is Generated By Separating The Magnetic Lines for Moving Conductors In the Magnetic Field

  9. 判定安培力、动生电动势、动生电流等方向的新方法&右手因果定则

    The right hand cause-rule , a new method for judging the direction of ampere force , motional electromotive force and motional current

  10. 在电磁感应现象中,动生电动势是由电荷受到洛仑兹力的作用而产生的;

    During the electromagnetic induction , electro-motive force is produced by electric charge , which is influenced by the function of Lorentz magnetic force .

  11. 该文分别从定性和定量的角度,分析和讨论动生电动势与感生电动势的相对性问题,并得出一些有意义的结论。

    This paper analyses and discusses the relativity of moved inductance and induced inductance from the angle of fixed quantity and quantify , and draws some significant conclusions .

  12. 本文从相对论与库仑定律出发,推导出动生电动势公式,说明磁力实际上是电相互作用的相对论效应。

    Based on the relativity theory and Coulomb 's law , this paper derives the formulas of motional electromotive force and demonstrates that magnetic force is actually the relativistic effect of electric interaction .