- 网络pdes;pde;partial differential equations

Because the determining systems are a linear or nonlinear overdetermined PDEs , it is very hard to solve them completely .
Taylor Polynomial Stepwise Refinement Algorithm for Lie and High Symmetries of Partial Differential Equations
H ~ ( 3 / 2 )( q ) - solution of system of integro-differential equations for nonstationary population evolution process
Cauchy problem for linear limitedly hyperbolic system of partial differential equations in two variables
Equality between wu-characteristic sets and Janet bases for linear homogeneous partial differential equations
Based on energy conservation , dynamic models for heat - exchange network are obtained , and by Visual Basic language , the mathematic differential equations are solved by method of explicit difference law .
The global stability of ODE and PDE systems are investigated using the method of charateristic subspace decomposition and Lyapunov function .
Applications of Expansion Method About the Jacobi Elliptic Function of Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations
The Construction of Analytic Solutions for Cauchy Problem with System of Third Order Linear Partial Differential Equations
On the connected problem of Riemann type for system of partial differential equations of the second order
The application of the decomposition theory for large scale system to consistent suitability of the Cauchy problem of linear parital differential equation system
Steep dip finite-difference migration using the system of lower-order partial differential equations
The system governed by elliptic partical differental equations with Dirichlet conditions is discussed and the optimum system of the boundary control is given .
The nonlinear partial differential equations obtained are transformed into ordinary differential equations by expansion into Fourier series and then solved numerically by the Runge-Kutta method of the fourth order .
The equilibrium equations of elastic circular arches are established using the principle of virtual work . The nonlinear partial differential equations of motion are solved using a finite difference method ( Park 's method for time difference ) .
On the Necessary and Sufficient Conditions of the Uniqueness of the Solution of the Dirichlet Problem for a Class of Elliptic Partial Differential Systems of Second Order with Constant Coefficients
The mathematical model of mass transfer in the membrane absorber was derived . The solution method for nonlinear partial differential equations was given by using MATLAB . CO_2 concentration in liquid outlet was predicted by mathematical model of kinetics of mass transfer .
This paper deals with generalized Cauchy-Riemann system in even dimensions , which is transformed to an equation similar to the ones in the plane by using the theory of governing equations .
The nonlinear partial differential equations are transformed into the ordinary differential equations of Kronecker tensor product by series expansion and solved numerically by the fourth order Runge Kutta method .
A geometrical relation between longitudinal displacement and transverse displacement of a Euler 's pole is ( obtained ) by Lagrange 's description method , and a nonlinear dynamic model expressed by partial-differential equations is ( established . )
To contrast with Hamilton Jacobi method , this method reduces the problem of solving Hamilton 's canonical equations to that of finding special solutions of successively generated sets of partial differential equations .
By the method of global iteration , this paper proves the existence and exponential decaying property of the global classical solutions to the Cauchy problem of first-order nonlinear damped partial differential equations with small inital data .
The working principle of the molten carbonate fuel cell ( MCFC ) is a heat and mass transfer process going with electrochemical reactions .
The governing nonlinear partial differential equations which expressed by stress function and deflection function are obtained using the von Karman theory . Then the nonlinear partial differential equations are transformed into nonlinear ordinary differential equation using Galerkin method .
The motion of a charged particle in an electromagnetic field is studied by Mei symmetry . Based on the Mei symmetry of two dimensional particle motion , the generator and the partial differential equations for the electromagnetic field are obtained by comparing the coefficients of all the monomials .
In accordance with E. Reissner 's plate theory , in this paper , common forms of the partial differential equations as well as their analytical solutions to bend-ing and stability problems for rectangular plate of moderate thickness are con-sidered .
Expansion method about the Jacobi elliptic function is firstly applied to systems of nonlinear partial differential equations . The variant Boussinesq equation is considered to illustrate the effectiveness of the method . The periodic solutions are obtained by the method , including the shock wave solutions .
The modified unstable nonlinear Schro ¨ dinger equation is first reduced to a system of second order nonlinear partial differential equations , then some of the nonlinear algebraic equations and nonlinear ordinary differential equations are obtained by choosing different parameters .
The case of regular solutions of nonlinear PDAEs is investigated .
A Difference Scheme Solving First Order Linear Hyperbolic Partial Differential Equations