
piān zhèn
  • polarization
偏振 [piān zhèn]
  • [polarization] 使光或其他横波辐射的振动约束在一个平面内的作用或过程

  • 偏振光

偏振[piān zhèn]
  1. CCD器件在光纤偏振测试中的应用

    Application of CCD in the Measurement of Polarization in Optical Fibers

  2. 理论计算表明,表面等离子体激发过程中,P偏振反射波相位的变化可达300°。

    Theory shows that the phase of P polarization can change from 180 ° to ~ - 120 ° during the excitation of surface plasma .

  3. X波段双通道同时收发式多普勒偏振天气雷达

    Dopple-Polarization Weather Radar of Simutaneous Transmissions and Receivers of X-Band Double-Channel

  4. 1997年3月9日的日冕偏振CCD观测

    Polarimetry of the Solar Corona at the 1997 March 9 Eclipse

  5. 同步辐射软X射线综合偏振测量分析装置的控制与数据获取系统

    The system of control and data acquirement for the synchrotron radiation polarimeter in soft X-ray range

  6. 这是一个利用P波远震偏振资料去反演速度结构的方法,与走时层析成像相比,它有几个显著的优点:不受震源定位和发震时刻误差的影响;

    Polarization inversion has some intrinsic advantages over travel time inversion : It is not influenced by source location and origin time errors ;

  7. 应用FPGA实现的数据采集系统可以检测出偏振耦合检测仪中的微弱干涉光信号。

    At last , the data acquisition system with FPGA could detect weak photocurrent of interferential signal .

  8. 在相对论激光强度下,对p偏振30fs激光与固体Cu靶相互作用中产生的Kα射线进行了实验研究。

    The characteristics of K α X-ray sources generated by p-polarized femtosecond laser-solid interactions are experimentally studied in the relativistic regime .

  9. 内腔双纵模He-Ne激光器偏振方向的竞争效应

    Competition effect of polarization in two-mode internal mirror He-Ne lasers

  10. 用反射式动态椭圆偏振光谱技术对Cu块材、Cu薄膜及Cu厚膜的光学常数进行了测试分析。

    The optical constants of Cu bulk and sputtering Cu films were studied in details by employing a reflecting spectroscopic ellipsometer .

  11. WDM系统中偏振模色散的抑制

    Suppression of polarization mode dispersion in WDM system

  12. 偏振模色散(Polarizationmodedispersion),简称PMD,现已成为发展高速光纤通信的主要限制因素。

    Polarization Mode Dispersion ( PMD ) has been becoming the main restriction problem for the development of optical fiber communication .

  13. 利用SYSTEMVIEW仿真软件,对系统功率代价进行分析,仿真结果表明,该偏振模色散补偿系统使输出信号的质量大为改善。

    Through the analysis of system power penalty using System View software , the result can be obtained that using the compensation system mentioned above , the quality of the output signal can be improved greatly .

  14. TM偏振光子隧道效应

    TM-polarised Photon Tunneling Effect

  15. 偏振控制的Ce∶KNSBN类光纤光折变光开关

    Photorefractive Fiber-like Optical Switch by Adjusting the Readout Beam Polarization

  16. 用光信号偏振度衡量偏振模色散和非线性效应对WDM系统的影响

    The Influence of Polarization Mode Dispersion and Nonlinear Effect in WDM Systems Using Signal Degree of Polarization

  17. 重点研究了激发波长、热处理温度对荧光与偏振荧光光谱的影响,较好的窄化了ZnO粉体的荧光光谱。

    It was found that the luminescence spectra of ZnO could be optimized by simply varying the exciting light and heat-treatment temperatures .

  18. 0.5mm金刚石X射线相位延迟板及偏振度的标定

    0.5 mm Diamond Crystal for X-Ray Phase Retarder and Determination Its Polarimetry

  19. 望远镜的旋转会改变s光和p光间的相位差,影响信标激光的偏振态,导致偏振分光系统接收效率的退化。

    During the rotating of the telescope the phase difference between s wave and p wave will change , and the receiving efficiency of the polarizing beam coupling and splitting system will decrease .

  20. 用光电耦合器件(CCD)获取物体表面反射光的偏振信息,对其进行分析和计算,合成了反映物体表面状态的偏振度图像。

    Obtained the polarized information of reflected light of object 's surface using CCD , by analysis and computation , composed a polarization image .

  21. 方法以DPH为荧光探针,用荧光偏振技术检测MF。

    Methods : Membrane fluidity was determined by fluorescence polarization technique .

  22. 偏振模色散(PMD)自适应反馈补偿系统

    Polarization mode dispersion adaptive feedback compensation system

  23. 偏振模色散(PMD)已成为长距离高速率数据光网络的主要限制因素。

    PMD has become the main limiting factors on the high speed long distance optical networks .

  24. 偏振无关的Michelson光纤传感器的研究

    Study of polarization-insensitive fiber optic michelson interferometric sensors

  25. 使用G(HL)~SHA膜系。制作0.85μm红外介质薄膜偏振片。

    The 0.85 micron infrared medium polarizing film we made is by use of G ( HL ) ~ s HA film system .

  26. 扭转DBR光纤激光器的偏振特性研究

    Study on Polarization Properties of a Twisted DBR Fiber Laser

  27. 用Sagnac干涉法和固定分析法测量光纤偏振模的色散

    Polarization Mode Dispersion Measurement Using Sagnac Interferometer and Fixed Analyzer

  28. 适于InGaAsP光放大器偏振不灵敏的增益介质

    Polarization Insensitive Gain Medium for InGaAsP Optical Amplifiers

  29. 采用ATR-FTIR、荧光偏振和SEM对量子点的毒性机制进行了探讨。

    The mechanism of cytotoxicity of QDs was also studied through ATR-FTIR spectra , FL polarization , and SEM .

  30. 偏振模色散(PMD)已成为高速光纤通信系统发展的严重障碍。

    Polarization mode dispersion ( PMD ) has become a serious obstacle in the development of high-speed optical fiber communication .