
She finally agreed to have the wretched animal put down .
The most innocent stroll costs a myriad tiny creatures .
Endowed with animal life as distinguished from plant life .
Most animals have relatively short life spans anyway .
Vital signs and health status of the sheep are observed after the operation .
Plants and animals reproduce life through seeds or eggs , but each plant or animal eventually dies .
Storm was a rival of the devil and jousted with him for the lives of men and beasts .
How can we speak of right and justice if we take an innocent creature and shed its blood ?
But , with personnel abusing wild animals and deforesting , life and inhabit of wild animals fall under serious threat and destroy .
Many children are brought up with delicious animal-based dishes without ever being told that they come at the expense of other life .
I didn 't understand how you could take the life of an innocent animal just so you could put it in your mouth .
So I just think it is the coolest thing that a teenager invented a product that helped save the lives of thousands of animals .
Each of Dr Chu 's oxidation events corresponds with an increase in the size , complexity and diversity of life , both plant and animal .
Today 's veterinarians are extremely dedicated and willing to work long , difficult hours to save the life of an animal or help solve a public health crisis .
The results suggest that bacteria affect genes that control life span , and that overuse of antibiotics could harm well-being and longevity in animals and perhaps even in humans .
A man can live and be healthy without killing animals for food ; therefore , if he eats meat , he participates in taking animal life merely for the sake of his appetite .
On the other hand , they look upon the existence of life with awe , in an effort to illuminate the view of life that the heart should be empty of everything and that all beings are equal .
Nerve growth factor ( NGF ) initially interested neurobiologists because of its effects in the developing nervous system of the survival , differentiation and maturation . It is now clear that NGF functions throughout the life of the animal with a wide repertoire of actions .
Microelement Zinc is very important for the animals with fundamental effects in their life process .
SPS management system stands for the management system owned by a WTO member on the application and implementation of sanitary and phytosanitary measures to protect human , animal and plant life and health .
Most of the legal documents within the wto 's framework demonstrated that all countries have the right to take necessary measures to restrict international trade in view to protect life or the health of human beings , animal and plants .
As a new kind of regulatory factors , in both animals and plants , miRNA play many important roles range over tissue differentiation , cell proliferation , embryonic development , signal transduction and diseases .
A planarian is a flatworm , one of the lowest life-forms that can be considered an animal .
CONCLUSION : The animal model established in this paper can be used for the forensic medicine study on lidocaine anesthesia accident death .
Here one can experience the magic of Africa with its friendly , natural people and its unique animal and plant life in a comfortable and affordable manner .
Such legitimate objectives are , inter alia : national security requirements ; the prevention of deceptive practices ; protection of human health or safety , animal or plant life or health , or the environment .
Members have the right to take sanitary and phytosanitary measures necessary for the protection of human , animal or plant life or health , provided that such measures are not inconsistent with the provisions of this agreement .
We sat together for a while after Belker 's Death , wondering aloud about the sad fact that animal lives are shorter than human lives . Shane , who had been listening quietly , piped up , 'I know why .
Sanitary or phytosanitary measure-any measure applied : to protect animal or plant life or health within the territory of the member from risks arising from the entry , establishment or spread of pests , diseases , disease-carrying organisms or disease-causing organisms ;
The medical animal experiments play an important role in development of biomedicine .