
  • 网络powerboat
  1. 由推进器尾流计算确定动力艇合理牵引间距研究

    An investigation on determination of proper towing distance between the autoboat and the dumb ship by numerical simulation on the wake flow of the propeller

  2. 动力艇为玻璃钢充气艇,配备双马力引擎,附有船架。

    The boats with engines are air charging ones made of glass fiber reinforced plastics , equipped with double horsepower engines and a framework as well .

  3. 此次拍卖资产主要包括参加百年盛会开幕式活动的一批动力艇和无动力旗船。

    The items to be sold this auction include a group of boats with engines and other boats without engines , all of which were used at the opening ceremony gala show .

  4. 该方法可以结合动力艇的拖钩拉力与航速曲线,确定组合体可能达到的最大设计航速。

    Associated with the relationship between the towing force of a given autoboat and its sailing velocity , this method can be used to figure out the designed maximum sailing velocity of the assembled body ( autoboat towing ships ) .

  5. 美国海军正式停用被火灾毁损的核动力潜水艇。

    The US Navy has officially deactivated a fire damaged nuclear-powered submarine .

  6. 国际海事组织动力支持艇安全规则

    IMO Code of Safety of Dynamically Supported Craft

  7. 成百上千的海军船厂的工人们因为在核动力潜水艇上工作而受到大量核辐射。

    Hundreds of workers in naval dockyards have received large doses of radiation while working on nuclear submarines .

  8. 那一份报纸也指责德国和荷兰“对北京预先采取的行动卑躬屈膝”,因为德国和荷兰已经使得为roc海军建造柴油动力的潜水艇成为不可能的事。

    The newspaper also criticized Germany and the Netherlands for having " preemptively kowtowed to beijing " by ruling out the possibility of building diesel-powered submarines for the ROC navy .