
jiā sù dù
  • acceleration;accelerated velocity;accelerated speed
加速度 [jiā sù dù]
  • [acceleration] 速度对于时间的变化率;速度对于时间的矢量导〔函〕数

加速度[jiā sù dù]
  1. 分析求解了在碰撞过程中汽车变形的位移、速度、加速度和碰撞力;

    The displacement , speed , accelerated speed and collision force during collision are analysed and solved .

  2. 关节式机械大臂和小臂的角速度和角加速度分析

    Analysis of Angle Speed and Angle Accelerated Speed for Big Arm and Small Arm of Prosthetic Manipulator

  3. 加速度和速度都是矢量。

    Acceleration and velocity are both vectors .

  4. 如果物体的角速度是改变的,就说这个物体具有角加速度。

    If the angular velocity of a body changes , it is said to have an angular acceleration .

  5. 要避免含糊,这些定律所指的应当是质心的速度和加速度。

    To remove the ambiguity , these laws should refer to the velocity and the acceleration of the center of mass .

  6. 所有太空人都应能承受加速度。

    All spacemen must be able to bear acceleration .

  7. N重八面体变几何桁架机器人速度、加速度分析

    Study on the Velocity and Acceleration Analysis of N-celled Octahedral Variable Geometry Truss Manipulators

  8. 所有你需要的是移动电话与加速度计和GPS。

    All you need is a mobile phone with accelerometer and GPS .

  9. 基于ARM的ABS车轮加速度测量方法研究

    Study on Measure Method of Acceleration of Wheel in ABS

  10. PWM静电伺服技术在电容微加速度计中的应用

    PWM Electrostatic Servo Technique Applying on Capacitive Acceler-ation Micro-sensors

  11. MEMS加速度传感器;飞行器;倾角指示系统;

    MEMS accelerometer ; aircraft ; tilt angle indication system ;

  12. 差动式光纤Bragg光栅加速度计传感头设计与仿真

    Design and simulation of sensor of differential fiber Bragg grating accelerometer

  13. ZnO薄膜集成加速度传感器

    Integrated Accelerometer with ZnO Films

  14. 高量程MEMS加速度传感器是测量高冲击过程的核心器件。

    High-g MEMS accelerometer sensor is the key device for measuring acceleration during high shock process .

  15. 高g加速度计具有高过载、高响应速度、高环境压力以及体积小和价格低等特点。

    The high-g accelerometer requires the characteristics of high overload , high response speed , high environmental pressure and minor dimensions and low cost .

  16. 利用CHAMP卫星轨道和加速度计数据推求地球重力场模型

    Gravity Field Recovery from CHAMP Orbits and Accelerometer Data

  17. 飞行员加速度耐力与Gz暴露后眼房水蛋白含量变化的关系

    Relation between Gz tolerance of pilots and the change of anterior chamber protein level following Gz exposure

  18. 引入了伪姿态的概念,提出了由伪姿态测量辅助求取载体姿态的具体算法,阐述了单天线GPS和加速度计组合测姿的基本原理。

    The pseudo attitude concept was introduced , and the attitude determination method aided by the pseudo attitude was presented . The principle of attitude determination with single-antenna GPS and accelerometers was introduced .

  19. 文章介绍了ICP振动加速度计的工作原理和实际应用中应当注意的问题。

    The paper introduces the principle of a kind of ICP vibration accelerometer and points out some problems that should be noticed in application .

  20. 随着微机电技术的发展,微型惯性测量组合(MIMU:Micro-inertialmeasurementunit)已经显现出了其优异的性能,而加速度测量在微惯性测量组合中具有极其重要的作用。

    With the development of MEMS ( Micro Electrical Mechanical System ), Micro-Inertial Measurement Unit ( MIMU ) has gradually showed its excellent performance . The measurement of acceleration plays a very important part in the field of Inertial Measurement .

  21. 该文分析了高层大气与太阳活动有关的11周年变化、27天变化以及周日变化,讨论了考虑太阳活动的MET模式大气密度计算途径,并且介绍了卫星大气阻力加速度模型。

    After analyzing the 11-yr , 27 days and diurnal variation of upper atmosphere caused by solar activity , a calculation method for MET model atmosphere density is presented in which solar activity is taken into account .

  22. 角度在时刻t1到t2的过程中,增加了2,故平均加速度大于,看看这个角度。

    The angle increases , 2 so in our case from t1 to t20 the average acceleration is larger than zero Look at the angle .

  23. 用a(rms)评价人体振动需要知道按三分之一倍频带给出的振动加速度和暴露时间。

    It is necessary to know vibration levels in 1 / 3 octave bands and exposure time in evaluating human vibration when a ( rms ) is used .

  24. MEMS陀螺仪和MEMS加速度计是基于MEMS器件的航向姿态测量系统的主要传感器,它们的精度也影响着整个系统精度和性能。

    Gyroscope of MEMS and acceleration of MEMS is pickoff of the inertial systems of heading and attitude of the MEMS machine piece , their accuracy also affects the whole system accuracy and functions .

  25. 方法18名男性受试者进行了Coriolis加速度刺激,在刺激前和刺激后即刻进行人体动态姿态平衡的感觉整合测试。

    Methods Eighteen healthy male subjects were exposed to Coriolis acceleration stimuli , and the sensory organization test was performed before and immediately after the stimuli .

  26. 与高精度方法相比,采用Airy波浪运动理论在杭州湾地区计算所得的加速度误差在5%以内;

    The difference between the acceleration calculated by the Airy Theory and the highly accuracy method is with in 5 % for Hangzhou Bay .

  27. 通过非线性动力分析得到的结果表明,谱加速度AS(T1)和VPG与双线性SDOF结构系统的变形需求有着很好的相关性。

    The numerical results obtained by nonlinear dynamic analyses show good correlation between A_ S ( T_1 ) or V_ PG and deformation demands .

  28. 该方法通过建立二阶AR模型、估计代表不同目标的模型极点并由此估算目标加速度来判断目标性质。

    In this method , a second order AR model is established first , then , the poles of the AR model which represent different type targets are estimated and the acceleration of the targets can be estimated .

  29. 研究表明:岩层的破坏造成渗透率的增大、非Darcy流β因子和加速度系数的减小,从而使突水因数增大,突水发生的危险性增大;

    It was shown that when the permeability raised , the non-Darcy flow β factor and acceleration coefficient decreased as the failure of the mining floors , and the water-inrush-factor raised subsequently .

  30. 在能够获得高频星敏感器测量的情况下,针对模型不确定问题,提出了一种基于Singer模型的新的滤波算法,把角加速度建模为一阶马尔科夫过程,从而避免了使用姿态动力学模型。

    When high-bandwidth star sensor measurements are available , according to the Singer tracking model , the full angular acceleration is modeled as a first order Markov process while the use of the attitude dynamics is totally avoided .