
  • 网络Offices
  1. UTM紧密集成了多种安全功能,能够在网络边缘有效防御攻击,不仅可以保护整个内部网络,还能将安全机制延伸到远程办公机构。

    UTM ( Unified Threat Management ) which integrates many security functions , is capable of withstanding the attacks from network boundary effectively . It can not only protect the entire internal network , but also extend the security mechanism to the remote offices .

  2. 我到了全国各地的学校和办公机构,走访了许多人,

    I go to schools offices all over the country . I talk to many people .

  3. 使馆是一个国家的外交使节在所在国的办公机构。

    Embassy is the institution of one national envoy .

  4. 成千上万份传单散发给了商店和办公机构,宣称一种革命性的新颖会计系统已问世。

    Thousands of handbills distributed to shops and offices announcing a revolutionary new accounting system .

  5. 没有一个人坐在一个中央办公机构对这成千上万的人发布命令。

    No one sitting in a central office gave orders to these thousands of people .

  6. 这些办公机构帮助同学们融入学校生活和交美国朋友。

    These offices look for ways to get students involved in school life and make American friends .

  7. 《中国环境管理体系认证国家指导委员会》组建方案公布认证工作即将启动指导委员会下设认证机构国家认可委员会和认证人员国家注册委员会,办公机构及下设委员会办公机构均将设在国家环保局

    National Guiding Committee of China Environmental Managing System Approval Announced , Its Organizing Scheme Approval Working Will Start

  8. 拉金:我到了全国各地的学校和办公机构,走访了许多人。

    Larkin : I go to schools and offices all over the country . I talk to many people .

  9. 字(词)处理/办公室系统是办公室自动化的一个术语,指一个办公机构的总信息处理系统。

    In office automation , word processing / office system is a term referring to the total information handling system of an organization .

  10. 总部设在芬兰赫尔辛基,研发及办公机构遍布全球各地,总员工超过6万人。

    NSN 's headquarters locate in Finland , its R & D distribute all over the world , and the employees is exceed 60000 .

  11. 它由办公机构、办公人员、办公设备、网络环境、办公信息等几个基本要素构成。

    It consists of the office , office staff , office equipment , network environment , office information and so on several basic elements .

  12. 乙方所承租的房屋只能作为商业办事处或办公机构地,而不能用作其他任何用途。

    Party B shall use the Lease Unit wholly and exclusively as an office and shall not use the Leased Unit for any other purposes .

  13. 每天早晨,他的员工涌入美国的公司(办公机构)和工厂,来寻找可以每天结算的临时性工作。

    Every morning , its people swarm into the offices and factories of America , seeking a day 's work for a day 's pay .

  14. CAE技术在办公设备送纸机构中的应用

    The Application of CAE Technology in Paper Feeding Mechanisms of Office Equipments

  15. 本文将介绍IPPBX如何改善拥有多个办公地点的组织机构的通信方式,并概述选择IPPBX系统的标准。

    This paper will explain how to improve the communication of an organization with multiple office locations by using IP PBX , and summarizes the criterion for selection of IP PBX system .

  16. 办公设备送纸机构动力学仿真及分析

    Dynamics Simulation and Analysis for Paper Feeding Mechanism of Office

  17. 为了改善办公设备送纸机构的设计,从根本上消除办公设备使用过程中常见的卡纸故障,采用非线性有限元方法对纸张的力学特性进行了研究。

    In order to improve the office paper feeder design and minimize paper jam fault in running office equipment , paper mechanical properties are studied by means of nonlinear finite element method .

  18. 社会主义市场经济体制建立时期反腐倡廉的主要措施:治理乱收费、狠刹行业不正之风;党政纪检监察机关合署办公和国家反贪机构成立;开展三讲教育活动。

    Anti-corruption measures in the period of the socialist market economic system : management fees , restraint of unhealthy tendencies in some industries ; Party discipline inspection and supervision organs of the reconsideration office ; the establishment of national anti-corruption agency and carry out the " following " education activities .

  19. 随着互联网的出现与迅速发展,信息技术步伐的加快,办公平台信息化是目前企事业单位提高办公效率和机构精简改革趋势的一个要求。

    With the rapid development of Internet and information technology , the information of office platform is one request for the establishing enterprises to improve the office efficiency and retrench the structure .

  20. 这项研究可作为进一步研究办公设备纸张动态特性及动态仿真的基础,对合理设计办公设备进纸机构以解决卡纸故障有重要意义。

    Dynamic property of moving paper in office equipment assessed in this work could be used to design paper feeder in order to avoid jamming of paper .