
  • creator;originator;composer
  1. 所以下次当你看到一件艺术品或者听一些音乐的时候,把它当成是和它的创作者的交流,试着去了解它背后的意义。

    So next time when you see a piece of art or listen to some music , take it as communication with its creator and try to get the meaning behind it .

  2. 加入巴特勒是凯拉塞吉维克(终结)和德克斯特的迈克尔C霍尔作为游戏的邪恶的创作者。

    Joining Butler are Kyra Sedgwick ( The Closer ) and Dexter 's Michael C.Hall as the game 's evil creator .

  3. 约翰尼和盖伊是英国最了不起的、还未被公众认可的流行歌曲创作者。

    Johnny and Guy are the greatest unacknowledged pop songwriters in Britain .

  4. 这部电影给人一种创作者与他的素材反常地保持疏离的感觉。

    The film has the feel of a man curiously disengaged from his material .

  5. 绞刑架幽默的创作者或中心人物一般是上述情境下的受害者,而非施害者。

    Gallows humor is typically made by or about the victim of such a situation , but not the perpetrator of it .

  6. 你们选择了追随那些撼动整个体制的人的无畏脚步——瑟古德·马歇尔和金博士那样的民权标杆,托尼·莫里森和斯派克·李那样的故事创作者。

    You chose to follow in the fearless footsteps of people who shook the system to its core — civil rights icons15 like Thurgood Marshall and Dr. King , storytellers like Toni Morrison and Spike16 Lee .

  7. 一名保安幽默地趴在雕塑后面,这尊名为“面具II”的雕塑是创作者的自画像。

    A security guard jokingly inspects the back of a self-portrait entitled'Mask II'by Australian sculptor Ron Mueck .

  8. 谷歌(Google)拥有的这个网站已经成为专业化内容创作者们与观众交流的合法平台。

    The Google-owned site has emerged as a legitimate platform for professional content creators to communicate with their viewers .

  9. 她很简单,她很陌生,她有种令人愉悦的说不清道不明,漫画创作者斯科特·麦克克劳德(ScottMcCloud)对ThinkProgress网站如此说道。

    She is simple , she is alien , she is delightfully inexplicable , the comic author Scott McCloud tells Think Progress .

  10. 多重继承是否真的必不可少(就像C++的创作者认定的那样),它是否不必要而丑陋的(就像C和Java的创作者坚信的那样)?

    Is multiple inheritance really necessary ( as the maker of C + + decided ), or is it gratuitous and ugly ( as determined by the makers of C # and the Java language )?

  11. 为了适应JET技术来创建转换,目标领域专家必须向转换创作者提供一个Exemplar项目。

    To use the JET technology to create transformations , the target domain expert must provide an Exemplar project to the transformation author .

  12. 《脑力大作战》(Cranium)创作者理查德•泰特(RichardTait)如何在一家咖啡馆里开始创作这个棋盘游戏;

    how Richard Tait , creator of Cranium , started the board game in a coffee shop ;

  13. 虽然谷歌从YouTube那里获得了数十亿美元营收,但很多内容创作者们渴望更好的商业化形式。

    Yet while Google itself is reaping billions in revenue from youtube , many content creators are still hoping for better monetization .

  14. 作为ShellCurses的创作者,我可以告诉您当前版本是免费可用的,无需许可证即可用于任何目的。

    As the author of Shell Curses , I can tell you that the current versions are freely available and can be used without license for any purpose .

  15. 大卫艾伦,GTD创作者,往往如何评论认是对立面的工作。

    David Allen , creator of GTD , has often remarked at how thought is the antithesis of work .

  16. 但请不要误解,假如SketchUp的创作者将API基于另外一种更为流行的编程语言,对我而言会更为容易一些。

    But make no mistake : It would have been easier for me if the creators of SketchUp had based their API on a more popular language .

  17. 你们只需要重温一首歌,歌名是《OPP》,创作者是“天生顽家”。

    All you 'll simply need to do is revisit the song " OPP " by Naughty by Nature .

  18. 然而aol已经是最大的线上内容创作者之一,拥有70个在同类网站中排名前五的网站。

    Yet AOL is already one of the biggest creators of online content , with 70 websites that are within the top five in their categories .

  19. 此模板的创作者忘记(或不知道)一件事情的属性的标识符应该拼写为thingid,而不是id。

    The author of this template forgot ( or didn 't know ) that the identifier attribute on a thing was spelled thingid , not id.

  20. 该剧已经演了这么长时间,却还这么有观赏性。这要归功于它的创作者、罗伯特和米歇尔·金(RobertandMichelleKing)夫妇的想像力和活力。

    Especially given how long this show has lasted , it 's a credit to the imagination and energy of its married creators , Robert and Michelle King , that " The Good Wife " has remained so watchable .

  21. 我们也希望G-8能够强有力的保障艺术家和创作者的版权。这不仅仅是保护版权,更是在保护我们的文化。

    We hope the G-8 will strongly affirm that the property rights of artists and creators are more than a matter of protecting cultures .

  22. 另外,这部剧的创作者兼制片人RobDoherty还说,第七季除了会像恒星毁灭一样耀眼以外,剧情上还会有一次时间跳跃。

    In addition to a stellar final run , we can also apparently look forward to a bit of a time jump in Season 7 , says creator and showrunner Rob Doherty .

  23. 面对SongPop的迅速窜红,游戏的联合创作者马修•洛扎雷斯本人也大感意外。

    Nobody is as surprised by how quickly people have taken to the game as its co-creator Mathieu nouzareth .

  24. 香港——“世界上最昂贵的钻石项链”背后的创作者是香港珠宝设计师陈世英(WallaceChan),他从八岁就开始做手艺活了。

    HONG KONG - Wallace Chan , the Hong Kong jeweler behind the creation of what has been called the world 's most expensive diamond necklace , began working with his hands when he was 8 years old .

  25. 根据MTV欧洲音乐盛典的官方网站显示,李宇春是一名流行歌手、创作者和演员。她自出道以来,发行过7张畅销专辑、52首榜首单曲以及参演过三部电影。

    According to her profile on 2013 MTV EMA website , Chris Lee is a popular singer , songwriter , and actress , who has 7 best selling albums , 52 number one singles , and three films since her debut .

  26. 作为宣传活动的一部分,《怪奇物语》的创作者和制片人马特·达菲(MattDuffer)和罗斯·达菲(RossDuffer)兄弟还导演了一则广告,片中人物在一家电影院喝着新可乐。

    As part of the promotion , the creators and showrunners of " Stranger Things , " brothers Matt and Ross Duffer , also directed an ad that features the show 's characters enjoying New Coke at a movie theater .

  27. 他仿佛博尔赫斯(Borges)爱冷笑的淘气儿子,小心翼翼地创造出一张严密的,由极右文学家与美文创作者构成的大网,对于他们来说,希特勒意味着美、真理与伟大的失落希望。

    As if he were Borges 's wisecracking , sardonic son , Bola ñ o has meticulously created a tightly woven network of far-right litt é rateurs and purveyors of belles lettres for whom Hitler was beauty , truth and great lost hope .

  28. 它首次亮相时,该系列-主演是BenedictCumberbatch和MartinFreeman--因其巧妙的写作、视觉设计和强大的知指导阵容而获得好评,所有这些都由创作者MarkGatiss和StevenMoffat共同完成,两人都因“奇异博士”而出名。

    When it first debuted , the series - which stars Benedict Cumberbatch and Martin Freeman - received critical acclaim for its clever writing , visual design , and strong direction , all held together by creators Mark Gatiss and Steven Moffat , both of whom are best known for their work on Doctor Who .

  29. Skybound是一家公司,致力于为人们带来那种通常在其他地方难以得到的漫画。我们让创作者们去做他们自己真正想做的事情,或者做他们真正热爱的事情,不管这些事情在漫画行业里是不是有人追捧。

    Skybound is a company that works really hard to bring people comics that you wouldn 't normally get from other places . We give creators an opportunity to do what they really want , or what they 're passionate about , despite what may be deemed popular in the comic book industry .

  30. 其次,本研究并对广告创作者有一定的指导意义,能帮助他们创作精彩的广告。

    Second , this study has some values for advertisement creators .