
xínɡ fǎ shì yònɡ fàn wéi
  • scope of application of criminal law
  1. 网络的发展带来了网络虚拟财产的繁荣,也带来了对传统刑法适用范围的挑战。

    The development of the Internet has brought the prosperity of network virtual property .

  2. 网络繁荣带来网络游戏产业飞速发展的同时,也带来了对我国传统刑法适用范围的挑战。

    Network online game industry has brought prosperity and rapid development ; it also brings the challenge of traditional applicable scope of criminal law .

  3. 罚金刑是强制犯罪人向国家缴纳一定数量金钱的刑罚方法,它是现代各国刑法典中适用范围最广的一种财产刑。

    Criminal penalty is the penalty method that forces a person to pay a certain amount of money to the State . It is a abstract of title which is the widest scope of application of modern states criminal law legislation .