
xínɡ shì ɡuǎn xiá
  • criminal jurisdiction
  1. 论国际犯罪刑事管辖权的演变

    On the Evolvement of the Criminal Jurisdiction of the International Crime

  2. 国家刑事管辖权是指国家管辖犯罪的权力。

    The state 's criminal jurisdiction is the power to punish crime .

  3. 第三部分,国家刑事管辖权的性质。概言之,国家行使管辖权的性质就是国家主权在惩罚犯罪领域的具体表现。

    Part 2 refers to the definition of the national criminal jurisdiction .

  4. 中国内地与澳门刑事管辖冲突及解决

    Conflicts of Criminal Jurisdiction and Solution between the Chinese Inland and Macao

  5. 中国区际刑法这一体系,包括中国区际刑事管辖权冲突及其解决、中国区际刑事司法互助、中国区际统一刑事法律等三个范畴;

    This law system should conclude three categories : inter-regional concurrent criminal jurisdiction ;

  6. 网络犯罪的本质特征及其刑事管辖

    The Essential Characteristics and Criminal Jurisdiction of Internet Crimes

  7. 国家刑事管辖权法定论

    On the State 's Criminal Jurisdiction Stipulated by Law

  8. 国际刑事管辖权是国际刑事立法规定的对国际犯罪的刑事立法管辖权。

    On the Principle and Practice of the Criminal Jurisdiction Concerning Foreign Affairs ;

  9. 由此,特别行政区拥有独立的刑事管辖权。

    Hence , special administrative regions possess independent penal jurisdiction of their own .

  10. 网络行为的最终目的地作为网络犯罪刑事管辖权的连接点是有意义的。

    That network behavior final destination is network crime criminal jurisdiction junction is meaningful .

  11. 它可以解决抽象过境行为的刑事管辖权。

    It is not bad behavior criminal jurisdiction resolving an " abstract " transiting .

  12. 特别行政区刑事管辖权论略

    On the Penal Jurisdiction of Special Administrative Regions

  13. 计算机犯罪的管辖原则问题也是讨论较多的问题。笔者认为计算机犯罪的确给传统的刑事管辖原则带来了冲击。

    The author thinks that creation of computer crime impacts the traditional principle of jurisdiction .

  14. 对外国船员行使完全的刑事管辖权。

    Exercising criminal jurisdiction over foreign crews ;

  15. 国际犯罪的刑事管辖权是国际刑法中的重要理论之一。

    Criminal jurisdiction over international crimes is an important theory in the International criminal law .

  16. 确定网络犯罪刑事管辖权需要确定犯罪地。

    Ascertain the network crime criminal jurisdiction needing to commit a crime for sure field .

  17. 国家刑事管辖权研究

    Study on National Criminal Jurisdiction

  18. 在确定网络犯罪刑事管辖权时,适用传统的刑事管辖权理论面临诸多困境。

    With traditional theory of criminal jurisdiction it seems hard for us to ascertain the jurisdiction over cyber crimes .

  19. 针对刑事管辖中的特殊情形,我国法律规定了指定管辖制度。

    For the criminal jurisdiction of the special circumstances , our legal system provides for the designation of jurisdiction .

  20. 在此基础上,文章重点论述了刑事管辖权异议制度在我国的具体构建。

    On this basis , the paper mainly discusses the concrete construction of criminal jurisdiction objection in our country .

  21. 战时军事刑事管辖权应当适应战争环境,具有特殊规定;

    The governing power of military criminal at wartime should adapt to war situations , bearing some specific regulations ;

  22. 我国跨法域刑事管辖权竞合研究中国区际诉讼竞合的法律规制

    A Study on the Concurrence of Criminal Jurisdiction over Cross-border Crimes in China Legal constraint on Chinese inter-regional litigation concurrence

  23. 通过对隔地犯进行概述,有利于在下文中探讨关于隔地犯的犯罪地认定及刑事管辖权冲突问题。

    An overview of the partition-space offense is conducive to research the venue of crime and identify the criminal jurisdiction .

  24. 本文认为,解决内地与澳门间的区际刑事管辖权冲突,应该坚持以属地主义为主,以限定的属人主义为补充的原则。

    In order to deal with the problem , this whole think it should insist on this principle of territorial jurisdiction .

  25. 我国刑法中有关计算机犯罪的罪名、犯罪主体、刑罚制裁、刑事管辖权等立法滞后。

    Laws about the criminal names , subject , measure and territorial power concerning with crimes by computer far are lagged behind .

  26. 刑事管辖具有开启刑事诉讼、合理配置司法资源、保障司法公正的功能。

    Criminal jurisdiction with opening criminal lawsuit , rational configuration of the judicial resources and the function of the safeguarding judicial justice .

  27. 派出所涉外警务管理的思考论涉外刑事管辖权的原则与实践

    Reflections on the Administration of Foreign Police Affairs in Police Stations On the Principle and Practice of the Criminal Jurisdiction Concerning Foreign Affairs

  28. 本文认为目前关于本罪刑事管辖权的观点都是在计算机网络这样一个大环境中讨论的,没有具体针对本罪研究。

    This paper considers that criminal jurisdiction for the crime is discussed in whole computer network environment but not to study specifically at present .

  29. 普遍管辖原则是国际刑事管辖领域确立刑事管辖权的重要原则,是国际刑法的一项特殊原则。

    The principle of universal jurisdiction is the most important principle to establish international criminal jurisdiction . It is a unique principle in international criminal law .

  30. 国际刑事管辖权冲突的适当法是受国际私法学中关于侵权行为的适当法理论的启迪而提出来的。

    The proper law of international criminal jurisdiction for its conflict is raised in light of the theory of proper law of tort in private international law .