
  • 网络internal governance;Internal management
  1. 同时应当借鉴美国FCPA的执行机制,加强我国公司的自律性行为规则和内部治理责任。

    Also we should study the FCPA enforcement mechanism , strengthen corporate governance and internal governance responsibility .

  2. 成功的IPO不仅可以使发行公司筹集到发展所需资金,提高知名度,而且有助于优化资本结构,分散公司风险,提高资本在二级市场的流动性,完善公司内部治理。

    Not only can the success of IPO issuers to raise capital needed for development , increase awareness , but also help optimize the capital structure , decentralized company risk , raising capital in the secondary market liquidity , improve internal governance .

  3. 随着我国加入WTO和QFII制度的实行,集团公司内部治理已成为国企改革深化的重要内容,管理会计在方法上如何创新与发展将成为理论和实际工作者关注的问题。

    With China 's entry into WTO and the execution of the QFII system , internal governance of group companies has been an important part in reform of state-owned companies . How management accountancy innovates and develops has been the hot topic .

  4. 既然gleco将凌驾于其它机构之上,因此这些机构的内部治理无需改变。

    Since the Gleco will stand above the other institutions , there is no need to alter their internal governance .

  5. 本文以理论探讨及HM公司的公司治理与经营绩效之间相互影响为例进行实证分析,管中窥豹,用以得出国内中小上市公司内部治理对企业经营绩效的影响一般结论。

    This essay analyses that the interaction between the corporate governance and firm Performance of HM company . And we found that the corporate governance has a normal impact on the firm Performance of inland medium and minor listed companies .

  6. 我国基金会内部治理问题的博弈分析

    Game Analysis on the Internal Corporate Governance of Foundations in China

  7. 内部治理视角下的上市公司资信研究

    Study on Credit Standing and Respectability Based on Internal Corporate Governance

  8. 制度落差、内部治理与中国企业的跨国经营&交易成本的视角

    Institutional Distance , Internal Governance and Transnational Operations of Chinese Firms

  9. 完善内部治理结构,构建现代公司制;

    Perfecting the inter government structure , building the present company system ;

  10. 第二部分,对我国民营企业内部治理结构存在的问题进行分析,主要分析了民营企业主管理知识欠缺、企业家族化导致决策机制不科学;

    Secondly , analyzed the questions of corporate inside governance .

  11. 制度环境的变革与大学内部治理结构创新

    Reform of Institutional Environment and Innovation of Universities ' Internal Governance Structure

  12. 加强上市公司的内部治理的一种构想&建立和完善多极化的董事会

    Internal Governance Enhancement and Establishment of Multi-pole Board of Directors

  13. 国有酒店集团化发展中的内部治理机制构建研究

    The Research on the Internal Corporate Governance Building in State-owned Hotel Group

  14. 我国非营利组织内部治理机制研究

    Research on Internal Governance Mechanism of Nonprofit Organizations in China

  15. 我国信托型私募基金的内部治理结构分析

    The Internal Governance Structure Analysis on Trust-based Private Equity Fund in China

  16. 中国上市公司内部治理结构与盈余管理的实证研究

    Positive study on internal governance and earnings management of Chinese listed companies

  17. 内部治理是指公司内部的激励与监督制度。

    Internal governance concerns the internal incentive and supervision system .

  18. 建立内部治理架构和责任追究体系;

    Establishing internal governance framework and responsibility investigating system ;

  19. 公司与合作社内部治理结构的比较研究

    Comparison of Inner Governance Structure between Company and Co-operative

  20. 本章的主要创新之处在于:构建了高管薪酬机制的内部治理框架。

    This chapter constructs the analysis framework of internal governance of executive remuneration .

  21. 内部治理审计:利益相关方的视角

    Internal Governance Audit : A View from Interested Party

  22. 认为存在不足与缺失,对公立医院内部治理的作用是有限的。

    The faultiness external restriction could do little to public hospital internal governance .

  23. 根据经济环境的变化着力改进内部治理结构;

    Mainly improving internal management structure according to the change of economic circumstance .

  24. 而本文作者将从一个新的视角&政府的内部治理方面探讨责任政府的构建。

    The author explores the responsible government from internal construction of the government .

  25. 会计师事务所内部治理问题探析公司治理结构

    A Discussion on the Interior Governance of CPA Firms

  26. 论国有公司内部治理结构模式的重塑

    On Remodeling the Internal Management Structure in State-owned Companies

  27. 信息不对称条件下的资产评估机构内部治理结构研究

    Study on Internal Governance Structure of Asset Evaluation Agencies Based on Information Asymmetry

  28. 世行董事会已推进了内部治理工作。

    Our Board has advanced work on internal governance .

  29. 境外上市、治理环境与内部治理机制改进研究

    Research on Listing Overseas , Governance Environment and Improvement of Internal Governance Mechanism

  30. 股权结构与银行内部治理有着紧密的内在联系。

    Ownership structure and corporate governance are closely linked .