
  • 网络Citizenship education
  1. 通过研究,提出了公民意识教育是建构现代公民人格的教化力量。

    The dissertation proposes citizenship education is an enlightening force of modern citizenship .

  2. 面对理论难题与实践困难,学校公民意识教育课题研究的必要性也提出来了。

    Faced with the difficulties in terms of theory and practice , the issue of citizenship education is of great emergency .

  3. 构建和谐社会需要加强公民意识教育

    Building the Harmonious Society Needs to Strengthen the Education of Civic Awareness

  4. 我国当代大学生公民意识教育研究综述

    Summary on the Awareness of Citizens in College Education

  5. 同时,加强国家意识、公民意识教育。

    In addition , we will cultivate national consciousness and the sense of citizenship .

  6. 这在理论上是一种探索,在公民意识教育内容上是一种丰富。

    Theoretically , this is an exploration of civic education content in a rich .

  7. 公民意识教育,是现代法治社会对素质教育的必然要求。

    Education of citizen consciousness is certain requirement of modern society to quality education .

  8. 当代大学生公民意识教育存在的问题及对策

    Research on the Problem and Counter-measures of Contemporary College Students ' Citizen Consciousness Education

  9. 第二部分:新时期加强大学生公民意识教育和培养的意义。

    The second part : new era significance of strengthening undergraduate education about civic consciousness .

  10. 党的十七大报告中也明确提出要加强公民意识教育。

    The report of the Seventeenth National Congress also proposed to strengthen civic consciousness education .

  11. 加强公民意识教育的法律价值维度解读

    Understanding the Strengthening of the Civic Awareness Education from the Dimension of the Legal Value

  12. 基础教育阶段是加强青少年公民意识教育的奠基阶段。

    Stage of basic education is to strengthen the foundation stage of the youth civic education .

  13. 而目前高校的公民意识教育还比较薄弱。

    However , the current education on consciousness of citizenship in universities is still quite inadequate .

  14. 而公民意识教育的基本理念是为了培养合作的责任公民。

    And the citizen consciousness education of the basic idea is to develop a cooperation responsibility citizens .

  15. 社区课程资源作为社会和公民意识教育的中介和载体日益引起人们的关注。

    As a carrier of society and civic consciousness education , community curriculum resource has attracted much attention increasingly .

  16. 本文从学校公民意识教育建构的原则、目标及内容、学校公民意识教育的实施三个方面对学校公民意识教育的理论体系进行了建构。

    This part constructs the conception system in terms of principles , objectives and content of the citizenship education .

  17. 四是利用两课载体,大众传媒载体和实践活动载体作为大学生公民意识教育的主要载体,落实公民意识教育,把课程教育和实践教育以及大学生的自我教育结合起来。

    The fourth is using existing courses , media and practice in order to carry out civic consciousness education .

  18. 公民意识教育与高校大学生思想政治教育的契合,其教育的基础性、迫切性、重要性、可行性,使公民意识教育成为加强和改进大学生思想政治教育的基础工程。

    The citizen consciousness education becomes the foundation to strengthen and improve the ideological and political education for the students .

  19. 摘要:随着社会的发展和时代的进步,公民意识教育已成为世界范围内的热门话题。

    Abstract : With the development of social and times ," civic consciousness education " has become a hot topic worldwide .

  20. 他坚信,唯有强化公民意识教育,马来西亚族群才能凝聚力量,团结一致。

    He strongly believed that the development of such a civic ethos can more coherently and strongly bind the national community together .

  21. 学校公民意识教育意义深远,然而,目前我国学校公民意识教育中仍然存在许多问题。

    Civic education in schools has an important significance . However , civic education in our schools , many problems still exist .

  22. 公民意识教育要符合时代发展的要求,以国情为依据。

    In addition , the civic awareness education should meet the requirement of the development of age and base on the national condition .

  23. 高等教育中的法律基础课教学应该担负起公民意识教育的重要责任。

    The elementary teaching of the basic law in the higher education should bear the responsibility to implement the education of citizen awareness .

  24. 但是这些著作和文章大多针对普通教育,针对高职院校大学生公民意识教育的相关研究很少。

    However , most of these books and articles are for general education . Researches for civic education about College Students are rare .

  25. 我国当代大学生肩负历史使命和面临国际国内形势及其自身状况,决定了对其进行公民意识教育的必要性、重要性和紧迫性。

    The historical mission and international and domestic situation decide that it is necessary and urgent for the contemporary college students to receive civic education .

  26. 这一时期随着全球化进程的加快,公民意识教育的基本理念为培养负责任的积极参与的世界公民。

    This period of globalization speeding up , the civil consciousness education the basic idea of cultivating responsible for the active participation of citizens of the world .

  27. 然而,大学生在青少年阶段并没有受到良好的公民意识教育,失去了最佳的培养期。

    However , a university student in the youth stage and has not been a good sense of civic education , loss of the best training period .

  28. 自觉化的公民意识教育则表现的更加明显,在权利争取的过程中,公民开始自觉地追求自身的社会主体地位。

    Conscious performance of citizen awareness education is even more evident . In the process of fighting for the rights , citizens began to consciously pursue their social body position .

  29. 这一时期随着工业的发展、城市化进程的加快,美国公民意识教育的基本理念为培养有社会功效的公民。

    This period with the development of industry , the acceleration of urbanization , the United States citizenship education of the basic idea is to develop social efficacy of citizens .

  30. 事实上,公民意识教育尚未能真正进入我国的国民教育体系,学校公民意识教育的开展还存在重重困难。

    As a matter of fact , citizenship education is not prominent in national educational system currently , and it is still difficult to carry out citizenship education in schools .