
  • 网络Document processing;In-basket Activity
  1. 流程管理FCM在网上公文处理系统中的应用

    Application of Flow - control Management in Office Documents Processing System

  2. NET为平台,开发出基于WEB的自动化公文处理系统的方式,并对系统的设计以及功能特点进行了一定程度的描述。

    NET baseds on the method of the automation official document processing system of WEB , and design to the system as well as function and function characteristic has been carried on the description of fixed level .

  3. 唐代公文处理制度考略

    A Textual Research on Official Documents Processing System in the Tang Dynasty

  4. 通用公文处理系统中的工作流引擎研究与设计

    The Research and Design of Workflow Engine in the Generic Document Handling System

  5. 对改进和规范高校公文处理程序的思考

    An Idea of How to Improve and Standardize Official Documents in a College

  6. 普及公文处理知识是地方高校加强管理的重要手段

    An Important Method to Enhance Local College Management : Spreading Official Document Treatment Knowledge

  7. 关于建立公文处理自动化系统的思考

    Consideration about Creation of Document Treatment Automation System

  8. 行政非立法性规范性文件不规范问题及立法规范的途径&对改革现行行政机关公文处理制度的若干建议

    Some Suggestions to Reform System of Dealing With Official Documents in Present Administrative Organizations

  9. 试论行政公文处理的规范化

    The normalization of processing the official documents

  10. 公文处理系统的电子化

    Workflow-Based Electronic Document Processing System

  11. 结合学校公文处理特点,给出拟发文管理系统的设计方案;

    Designing the electronic archives management system based on the requirements of daily business in Zhejiang University of Technology .

  12. 在公文处理环节中,着重对机关公文的内部流转进行精心设计。

    In the archives processing link , pasts emphatically to the institution archives interior carries on the careful design .

  13. 在时间角度上,根据公文处理的生命周期详细分析了公文系统的安全需求。

    From the dimension of time , according to documents dealing with the life cycle of a detailed analysis of the document system security requirements .

  14. 以政府和企业建立自动化公文处理系统为应用背景,提出了一种以Microsoft。

    With government and enterprise establishment automatic official document processing system are the application background , giving a kind of development serving as the terrace with Microsoft .

  15. 作为企事业单位政务工作中非常重要的一部分,公文处理耗时耗力,手工处理方式在时效性和正确性方面有着很大的弊端。

    As a very important part of administrative work , document processing is time-consuming and labor-intensive , manual handling has a serious shortcoming in timeliness and correctness .

  16. 信息化技术在公文处理方面的应用可以使其工作效率和结果准确性方面有质的飞跃,电子公文传输系统应运而生。

    Using information technology in the documents processing can improve its work efficiency and accuracy of the results . So electronic document transmission system came into being .

  17. 公文处理子系统的目的是实现政府公文的起草、修改、复核、签发及编码、盖章、存档等工作流程的自动化,生成规范的公文。

    The documents processing module is targeted at the work flow automation of documental drafting , modifying , checking , signing , encoding , stamping , formatting and archiving .

  18. 管理性文件拟稿按公司《公文处理实施细则》执行,责任部门应明确写明文件发放范围和是否受控。

    Draft of management documents shall be carried out according to implementation details on official document processing ; department in-charge shall explicitly write out distribution scope of the document and whether it is controlled .

  19. 论述了建立公文处理自动化系统的必要性,分析了公文处理系统的基本需求,给出一个采用菜单、窗口式人机会话的管理系统设计方案。

    This paper discusses the necessity of creating document treatment automation system , analyses the basic requirements of document treatment automation system , and gives a design scheme of menu and window type interactive management system .

  20. 为使党政机关公文处理更加规范,便于公文的立卷归档,适应计算机主题检索及公文管理现代化的需要,党政机关公文必须标注主题词。

    To meet the needs of modernizations of public documents management and subject index search by computer , subject terms are required to be marked in the documents so as to further normalize them for filing .

  21. 结合需求分析将系统分为公文处理、信息采编、考勤管理、车辆管理、会议管理五个基本功能模块。

    According to the requirement the system includes " official document processing , information collection , attendance management , car management , meeting management " . This paper makes a demand analysis combined with the network and security requirements .

  22. 基于公文信息处理的OA模式的设计与实现

    Design and implementation of OA mode based on document information processing

  23. 基于UML和Petri网的公文自动化处理系统的设计与实现

    The Design and Implementation of Document Automation Processing System Based on UML and Petri Net

  24. 此外,公文的处理流程也是严格按照已定义好的XML电子公文处理流程在不同的部门和人员之间进行流转的,杜绝了在此过程中可能出现的营私舞弊;

    The flow of document between people and department is strictly according to the process definition , all these make the platform to be security and probity .

  25. 按照复杂适应性理论(CAS),采用动态管理的方法对建立的模型进行了分析,开发出基于工作流的具有普遍适应性的电子公文流转处理系统。

    A model of government-document-moving was built according as a material and representative sending-file moving , analyzed using the Complex Adaptability System ( CAS ) and dynamic management method .

  26. 行为型设计模式在公文表单处理中的应用

    Behavioral Design Patterns Application in Document Form Operation

  27. 公文是处理各种公务的重要工具,其政治性、法定性、实用性的特点,又严格地规范着公文写作。

    Document is an important means of official business handling , whose political , legal and practical features strictly control the document writing .

  28. 其特点是公文的处理过程都是以流程的形式进行的,并且公文在流转过程中由于审批人员的变更或者处理需求的变化经常会导致处理流程的变化。

    The process of document dealing was in the form of flow , and the process was not constant because of the change of approval staff or dealing requirements .

  29. 论公文写作与处理中的法律问题

    Law Issues in Document Writing and Processing

  30. 在此基础上,提出了开发基于B/S(浏览器/服务器)架构的公文审批与处理系统的设想,并设计了此系统的体系结构和功能模块。

    Based on the following above , the systematic imagination of circulation of official document based on B / S mode of developing has been put forward , and system structure of this system and function module has designed .