
gōng bào
  • gazette;communiqué;bulletin;proceeding;official report
公报 [gōng bào]
  • [official report;bulletin] 简明或提炼的公告或通知,其内容多为人们十分关注的问题,并由权威部门所发布

  • 新闻公报

公报[gōng bào]
  1. 联合公报是由双方代表团团长签署的。

    The joint communiqu é was signed by the heads of both delegations .

  2. 在贸易方面,虽然G20公报很可能照例再次呼吁完成多哈回合多边贸易谈判,但印度和巴西谈判代表已表示,他们不会为了达成共识而对美国作出让步。

    In trade , although the G20 communiqu é is likely to restore the ritual call for a conclusion to the Doha round of multilateral trade talks , Indian and Brazilian negotiators have said they will not give ground to the US to get to a deal .

  3. 这份公报并未透露其他细节。

    The communique gave no other details .

  4. 上海是我们两国发表公报,始建新友谊的地方。

    Shanghai is the city in which my country and yours issued the communique that began our modern friendship .

  5. 公报指出,“全面二孩政策”将有效应对人口老龄化趋势。“全面二孩政策”(theuniversaltwo-childpolicy)即允许全面实施一对夫妇可生育两个孩子政策。

    The statement said the country 's aging trend would be actively1 addressed by the universal two-child policy .

  6. 根据国家卫健委发布的统计公报,2019年我国居民人均预期寿命达到77.3岁,比2015年提高0.96岁。

    Average life expectancy reached 77.3 years in China in 2019 . That was up 0.96 years from 2015 .

  7. 本文简述了用微型计算机编印《时间公报》的BASIC程序设计方法。

    This paper presents a brief description about the method of BASIC program design in compiling 《 Time Bulletin 》 .

  8. 《万国公报》与X射线知识的传播

    The Globe Magazine and the Spread of Knowledge of X-ray

  9. 实际上,中国加入WTO和中美上海公报的签订这两者之间有许多相似之处。

    In fact , there are a number of striking similarities between China 's entry into the WTO and the signing of the Shanghai Communique .

  10. 事实上,在中国加入WTO和中美上海公报的签订这两者之间有许多相似的地方。

    In fact , there are a number of striking similarities between China 's entry into the WTO and the signing of the Shanghai Communiqu ¨ | .

  11. 公报的一份附录称,到4月下旬IMF举行春季会议时,我们力求取得切实的进展。

    We aim to make substantial progress by the Spring meetings of the Fund in late April , an annex said .

  12. 联合公报表示,G7集团对当前东海和南海的局势表示关切。

    It says the Group is concerned about disputes in the East and South China Seas .

  13. 公报要求相关国际组织向G20报告价格上涨的驱动因素,并考虑可能采取的行动。

    The communiqu é asks for international organisations to report back to the G20 on the drivers of higher prices and to consider possible action .

  14. 上个月,20国集团(G20)在其首份关于农业的会议公报中,发出了减少生物燃料使用的呼吁。

    Last month the G20 group of leading nations , in its first communique on agriculture , struck out a call to reduce biofuel use .

  15. 本次墨西哥会议预计将于周日下午闭幕。下周一亚洲市场开盘前,G20将发表一份联合公报,并召开一轮记者招待会。

    The summit is expected to conclude on Sunday afternoon with a communiqu é and a round of press conferences before Asian markets open on Monday .

  16. 官员们表示,上周六晚在莫斯科敲定的g20财长会议公报在没有点名批评日本的情况下,含有一些尖锐措辞。

    While not singling out Japan , officials said that the final communique of the G20 meeting , hammered out on Saturday in Moscow , contained tough language .

  17. 委员会成员们在发布的最终《公报》(en)中表示了如下关切:“某些行业尤其是食品和能源行业的过热发展正在导致价格压力和波动。”

    In their final communiqu é, Committee members expressed concern that " overheating in some sectors , especially food and energy , is resulting in price pressures and volatility . "

  18. 德国IFO商业数据、瑞士央行季度公报、美国耐用品订单和GDP数据,以及英国央行金恩的讲话一同构成今天的日历事件。

    German IFO business confidence , SNB quarterly bulletin , US durable goods orders , GDP figures , and BOE 's King 's speech form today 's calendar .

  19. 就在6月,日本还在20国集团(G20)公报上签字,敦促盈余国家不要进一步寻求出口拉动型增长。

    As recently as June , Japan also signed the communiqu é of the Group of 20 leading economies , which urged surplus countries not to seek further export-led growth .

  20. 王华庆在接受本报采访时表示,中国还将发布一份公报,表明其信守2001年加入世贸组织(wto)时的承诺开放银行业的决心。

    Beijing would also issue a public bulletin that would demonstrate its determination to liberalise the banking sector as promised under the terms of its 2001 entry to the World Trade Organisation , Mr Wang said in an interview with the FT.

  21. 20国集团(G20)公报呼吁采取财政措施,迅速刺激内需,并强调必须坚持有利于财政可持续性的政策框架。

    The Group of 20 communiqu é calls for fiscal measures to stimulate domestic demand to rapid effect and underlines the needs to maintain a policy framework conducive to fiscal sustainability .

  22. 最后,在评价G20时,重要的是不要过于关注实际的会议和公报,而是应更多地关注进程本身。

    Finally , when evaluating the G20 , it is important not to focus too much on the actual meetings and communiqu é s , and more on the process itself .

  23. TOLO电视台在其新闻公报中表示,但未透露是如何被击毙及凶手是谁等细节。

    However , it did not provide details on how he was killed and by whom .

  24. 相反,汇市交易员将G7会议公报语焉不详提及日元汇率视为一个信号,表明G7尚无采取协同行动的正式愿望。

    Instead , traders viewed an oblique reference to the Japanese currency in the G7 communique as a sign there was no official appetite for any concerted action .

  25. VeronicaWitte教授和他在闵斯特大学的同事在国家科学研究院最新一期的公报上如此写道。

    Veronica Witte and colleagues from University of Munster wrote in the latest issue of Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences .

  26. 会后发表的联合公报清楚表明,G20不再认为扩张性财政政策可持续,或对支撑经济复苏有效,因为投资者对于部分国家的公共财政已经失去信心。

    The communiqu é of the meeting made clear the G20 no longer thought expansionary fiscal policy was sustainable or effective in fostering recovery because investors were no longer confident about some countries ' public finances .

  27. 有关方面表示,g20公报没有包括这一措辞,原因是并非所有g20成员国都在以同样的速度发展、并准备好承担g7作出的承诺。

    That language was not in the G20 communique , they said , because not all countries of the G20 were evolving at the same pace and ready to take on the G7 commitments .

  28. 20国集团(G20)墨西哥峰会昨日泄露的一份公报草案显示,G20中的欧元区成员国将承诺压低整个单一货币区域的借款成本。

    Eurozone members of the Group of 20 leading economies will commit to driving down borrowing costs across the single currency area , according to a leaked draft of the communiqu é at the Mexico summit yesterday .

  29. 尽管欧洲人在最近的20国集团(G20)公报中承诺要让选举过程变得更透明与任人唯贤,但他们实际上是在说,新兴市场的时代将会到来&只不过并非现在。

    For all the promises made in recent G20 communiques to make the selection process more transparent and merit-based , the Europeans are in effect saying that emerging markets ' time will come – just not yet .

  30. 该委员会宣布,对于IMF在加强各国经济政策监督以及从一国到另一国的溢出效应方面所取得的进展,委员会表示欢迎。公报称:委员会希望总结在这些领域取得的进步和经验。

    The IMFC announced it welcomed progress in strengthening surveillance of countries ' economic policies and spillovers from one country to another . The committee looks forward to review the progress and experiences in these areas , the communiqu é stated .