
  • 网络Public housing;public house;council house
  1. 维护公屋资源的合理分配最后建议报告书

    Safeguarding Rational Allocation of Public Housing Resources Report on Final Recommendations

  2. 越来越多年青人自行申请公屋。

    More young people are applying for public housing on their own .

  3. 时报经过多方查证后发现,这个号码属于一家名为MQRealty的公司,注册地址是华埠一处公屋里的一间公寓。

    The Times cross-referenced that number and found it was tied to a firm called MQ Realty with an address at an apartment in a public housing complex in Chinatown .

  4. 保守党(Conservatives)借着提振房地产需求的承诺执掌了权力,比如遗产税优惠和一个令人难以接受的想法——出售公屋。

    The Conservatives sailed into power on a wave of promises that would boost the demand for property , such as inheritance tax breaks and an ill-received idea for selling off social housing .

  5. 此后,新公屋供应减少了60%。

    The new housing supply fell by 60 % after that .

  6. 租住公屋/居屋综合发展计划

    Housing Scheme for Local Government Officers combined rental / HOS development

  7. 小家庭公屋供求评估

    Accommodation for Small Households & Assessment of Supply and Demand

  8. 在香港,公屋一般由政府或者私人地产开发商开发,开发的目的也是为了解决中低收入者的居住问题。

    The development is designed to solve the housing problem of low-income people .

  9. 公屋住户拥有私人住宅物业问题专责小组委员会

    Ad Hoc Committee on Private Domestic Property Ownership by Public Rental Housing Tenants

  10. 香港公屋本质、公屋设计和居住实态

    Essence of Public Housing , Housing Design and Residential Condition in Hong Kong

  11. 维护公屋资源合理分配政策

    Policy on safeguarding rational allocation of public housing resources

  12. 举例来说,梁振英曾承诺要建造更多公屋。

    Mr Leung has , for example , promised to build more public housing .

  13. 致力把轮候公屋的时间缩短至平均三年。

    And reduce the average waiting time for public rental housing to three years .

  14. 公屋租户家庭特点调查

    Survey on household characteristics of public housing tenants

  15. 家有年老亲属申请公屋新计划

    New Applications Scheme for Families with Elderly Persons

  16. 刘江华议员就公屋租金的厘定提出质询。

    Hon LAU Kong-wah raised a question on the determination of public housing rentals .

  17. 完成的交易共有12274宗,收回的租住公屋单位有10080个。

    12274 transactions have been completed and10080 public rental housing flats have been recovered .

  18. 房屋委员会负责策划和兴建公营房屋,把公屋出租或出售给低收入人士。

    It plans and builds public housing for rent or sale to low income people .

  19. 他住的是政府公屋。

    He lives in a Council house .

  20. 香港公屋单体设计的分析及对我国保障性住房建设的启发

    Design Analysis and Inspiration of Hong Kong Public Housing to Economically Affordable Housing in China

  21. 改善公屋小型维修服务试验计划

    Trial Scheme to Improve Minor Repair Service

  22. 私营公屋的价格自然是上升了近60%&难道这不是必然会产生的结果吗?

    Private-sector prices of course rose by almost 60 % & what else would you expect ?

  23. 同时香港公屋的发展体现着社会性、福利性。

    At the same time the development of Hong Kong amalgamated dwelling reflects sociality , welfare .

  24. 涂谨申议员就公屋单位的租金水平提出质询。

    Hon James to raised a question on the level of rents of public rental housing units .

  25. 公屋住户资助上诉小组

    Housing Subsidy Appeals Panel

  26. 顾汝德:最极端的例子要属上世纪90年代停止原有公屋项目的决定。

    The most dramatic example was the decision in the 1990s to stop the traditional public housing program .

  27. 此外,公共住屋费用因豁免公屋租金而在十二月骤降。

    In December , public housing cost came down sharply , owing to the waiver of public housing rentals .

  28. 政府的政策是确保有真正需要的家庭获编配公屋单位。

    It is the Government 's policy to ensure that these flats are allocated to families in genuine need .

  29. 公屋轮候册是最大的安置类别之一,于年内占去19248个单位。

    The Waiting List , being one of the largest housing categories , took up 19248 flats in 1998 .

  30. 所以公屋的发展更多的受到社会、经济、政策等方面的影响。

    Therefore , the development of residential collection is influenced by social , economic , policy impacts and other aspects .