
  1. 警察公共关系工作目前还处于起步阶段。

    Police public relations work is still at the initial stage .

  2. 他从一开始就已经显露出从事公共关系工作的天赋。

    She has shown a flair for public relations from the beginnings .

  3. 他们本应雇一组人来做公共关系工作。

    They should have employed a public relations outfit .

  4. 加强南京体院内部公共关系工作的重要性和途径

    Importance and Way of Enhancing the Inside Public Relations in Nanjing Institute of PE

  5. 论图书馆的公共关系工作

    A Discussion on the Public Relations of Library

  6. 汽车公司售后服务市场经验或公共关系工作经验优先。

    Experience in automotive after-sales marketing or Public Relationship field will be an advantage .

  7. 企业公共关系工作基本信息需求范围述略

    A Brief Discussion on the Main Scope of Information Demands in the Public Relations Practice of Enterprise

  8. 让在校活动的宣传工作转变为一份入门公共关系工作是一回事;

    It 's one thing to parlay your college job promoting campus activities into a great entry-level PR job .

  9. 本文对警察公共关系工作中礼仪的功能、原则、意义和养成等方面进行了探讨。

    This paper discusses the function , principle , meaning and cultivation of the proprieties in the work of police public relations .

  10. 论述了图书馆公共关系工作的意义、对象、内容与公关人员的素质。

    This paper discusses the significance target and contents of the public relations of library , and the quality of public relations officer is dealt with too .

  11. 高校不仅需要通过体制改革来应对激烈的市场竞争,更需要树立良好的高校组织形象,通过公共关系工作的实施推动高校的进一步发展。

    Universities not merely need to deal with the fierce market competition by means of system reform . To establish good university image , accelerate the further development of the university , it is the implementation of public relations that counts .

  12. 公共关系工作对于图书馆满足用户需要,保证图书馆信息中心位置有着重要意义,提出了转型期图书馆公共关系工作的几项着重点。

    The paper suggests that the work of public relationship is very important for library to meet the needs of readers and to maintain library as an information centre , and puts forward several key work in the public relationship of library .

  13. 它只是夸大的广告,一个庞大的与公共关系的工作(星期六评论)

    It is pure hype , a gigantic PR job ( Saturday Review )

  14. 他在公共关系部工作。

    He work in public relation .

  15. 我仍然每天直接参与产品设计、广告销售、评论撰写、市场营销、公共关系等工作,帮助员工把握正确的方向。

    I am directly involved with product , ad sales , editorial , marketing , PR , etc. on a daily basis to help steer them in the right direction .

  16. Sam:有,过去两年我一直在公司的公共关系部门工作,我曾策划了一系列的广告活动以及与艺术家、印刷工人的联系沟通事宜。

    Sam : Yes , I have been working in the Public Relations Section of a company for the past two years . I plan the advertising campaigns and cooperate with artists and a typographer .

  17. 广告和公共关系方面的工作对像他们这样优秀的营销人员来说也是非常具有吸引力的。

    Advertising and public relations might also appeal to these types , who are excellent promoters .

  18. 公共关系在档案工作中的运用

    Public Relationship in Archives Management

  19. 公共关系四步工作法的内容包括调查研究、制定计划、传播实施和反馈评估。

    The four steps of Public Relations Work contains investigation , making plans , implementation and feedback of appraisal .

  20. 现在,这些中国车企需要借助西方的专业力量来推动品牌、营销、广告及公共关系方面的工作。

    Now those same auto makers need to engage with Western expertise in branding , marketing , advertising and public relations .

  21. 随着市场营销和公共关系行业的工作薪资越来越高,人才需求越来越大,即使是在最好的经济时期,职位竞争也可能会非常激烈。

    Because jobs in marketing and PR tend to be well-paid and highly desirable , competition for open positions can be fierce even during the best economic times .

  22. 最后研究促销策略,分别讨论对潜在员工和现有员工的促销策略,并分析公共关系在高校工作产品促销中的重要作用。

    Finally , promotion strategy , it discusses promotion strategy distinguish for the latent employee and the current employee , and analyzes important function of the public relations in " job product " promote sales in universities and colleges .

  23. 公共关系与城建档案工作的开放管理

    Public Relations and the Opening Management of Urban Development Archives

  24. 档案是一种重要的信息资源,公共关系是开启档案工作封闭之门的必要手段。

    Archives is an important information resources . Public relations is an important means to open the closed door of archives work .

  25. 本文就公共关系在医院图书馆中的效应和具体应用进行阐述,同时提出医院图书馆在开展公共关系工作过程中应注意的几点问题。

    The paper expounds the effect and concrete application of public relation in hospital library management , and points out some points to which hospital library will pay attention during carrying on public relation .