- 网络Global Environmental Change;global change;gec

The change of China 's LUCC is an important component part of global environmental change .
Land use and land cover change ( LUCC ) is an important component part of global environmental change and main cause result in the environmental change , now has become hotspots of Global change research .
At present , Land use and Land Cover Change ( LUCC ) is becoming one of the most important and interesting problems of the study of global environment change .
Reception and Conduction of Plant to Enhanced UV-B Irradiation Caused by the Changes of Global Environment
Land-Use and Land-Cover Change ( LUCC ) is a current hot topic in researching global environment change .
Therefore , it will be of crucial important to make the deeper researches on China 's LUCC .
The effects of global warming , elevated CO2 , increased UV-B radiation and N deposition on litter decomposition was reviewed in this paper based on literatures .
Land use and land cover change ( LUCC ) plays , an important part in the studies of global environmental change and sustainable development .
Among the researches on global environment variation , the study on land use and land cover change ( LUCC ) is playing a very important role .
Land use / land cover change ( LUCC ) is the reason of global environment change , but also it is the result of global environment change .
Under the scenario of future global climatic change , enhanced CO_2 concentration , warming , as well as altered precipitation pattern might affect the physiological processes of crop plants , thus influencing both the yield and qualities of the grain .
Owing to having long history of land development and various types of land cover , the change of China 's LUCC is an important component part of global environmental changes .
Land use / cover change ( LUCC ) is an important cause of global environmental change , LUCC research related to land use change is always the focus of research .
Land resources are important bases for human existence . Land Use / Land Cover Change ( LUCC ) is an important content to one of the researches in global changes and sustainable development .
However , the plant is not under the influence of a single environmental factor , Global environmental change is the compound effect of multiple factors , and enhanced UV-B radiation is just one aspect of global environmental change .
Land Use and Land Cover Change ( LUCC ) not only play an important role in global environmental change and sustainable development , but also has become the frontier and the focus of researches on global change .
In order to solve the global environment changes and the domain of sustainable development of major issues , land use / ( LUCC ) cover changes and analysis of driving force became the global research hot spot .
IDGEC is a Core Science Project of the International Human Dimensions Programme on Global Environmental Change ( IHDP ) .
Land use and land cover change arose environmental problems , the effects and evaluation of environment has become hos-pot in the study of global change with joint promotion of IGBP and HDP .
In 1999 , the international global environmental change and human security research program ( GECHS ) had been established , the program attention to the research about natural disasters and vulnerability of urban .
In 1995 , the International Geosphere-Biosphere program ( IGBP ) and the international human dimensions of global environmental change program ( IHDP ) co-launched the " land use / cover change research " program and included the core components of their own .
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