
  • 网络global context;globalization context
  1. 新感觉派:全球化语境中的文化观照

    The New-Sense Group : the Civilization Thought in the Global Context

  2. 论全球化语境中民间美术对现代设计思维的启示

    The Enlightenment of Folk Arts to Modern Design Thinking in a Global Context

  3. 英语全球化语境下的民族身份构建

    The Construction of National Identity under the Context of English Globalization

  4. 全球化语境下广告传播的文化使命

    The Cultural Mission of Ad Communication in the Context of Globalization

  5. 阿拉伯文学:全球化语境中的机遇与挑战

    Arab Literature : Opportunity and Challenge in the Context of Globalization

  6. 全球化语境中的中国当代文论建设

    The Construction of Chinese Contemporary Literature Theory in the Globalized Context

  7. 全球化语境下对中国当代陶艺的反思

    Reflection on Chinese contemporary ceramic art in the context of Globalization

  8. 略论英语全球化语境下中国大学生的文化身份

    On Chinese College Students ' Culture Identity in English Globalized Context

  9. 全球化语境下的体育文化自觉及其发展

    Self-consciousness and Development of Sports Culture in the Context of Globalization

  10. 全球化语境下的意境研究评述

    Comments on " Yijing " Study in the Context of Globalization

  11. 全球化语境中文学的精神价值取向

    Research on value Trends of literary Spirit hi the Globalizing Context

  12. 全球化语境中的青岛旧城更新

    The Rebuilding of Old Town in Qingdao in the Globalized Context

  13. 全球化语境下中国大众文化传播策略研究

    Strategies for Mass Media in China in the Context of Globalization

  14. 刍议全球化语境下青年审美素质的培育

    Cultivation of Youth 's Aesthetic Quality under the Globalization Linguistic Context

  15. 试论全球化语境下跨文化传播控制的不可与不能

    Control of Trans-cultural Communication under Global Background is Impossible and Unable

  16. 全球化语境中民族文学的时代价值选择

    The Time Value Choice of National Literature in Globalization Context

  17. 文化全球化语境下的当代中国文化建设

    Contemporary Chinese Cultural Construction in the Context of Cultural Globalization

  18. 全球化语境下的价值冲突与整合

    On the value conflict and conformity under the global background

  19. 全球化语境下的中国城市空间文化及其实践

    Chinese Urban Spatial Culture and Its Practice in the Globalized Language Context

  20. 强化文艺理论研究中的独立自主的意识&浅议全球化语境下文艺学的应对策略

    Strengthening Independence and the Initiative Consciousness in Literature Theoretical Research

  21. 经济全球化语境下的紧凑发展与城市结构多样性

    Compact Development and Structural Diver-sity in Discourse of Economic Globalization

  22. 全球化语境下国产动画片之民族化、现代化走向

    The Nationalization and Modernization of Chinese-made Cartoons in the Background of Globalization

  23. 全球化语境下的中国现代文论

    Discussions on modern Chinese literature in the context of globalization

  24. 对全球化语境下我国俄语人才培养的几点思考

    Considering Training Russian Talents in the language Environment of Globalization

  25. 全球化语境下商标的异质性&商标译例分析

    Heterogeneity of Trademark - Translating in the Context of Globalization

  26. 全球化语境下美学的困境与出路

    The Predicament and Way Out in Aesthetics in the Background of Globalization

  27. 新疆双语教育发展的全球化语境与现实问题

    Discussion of bilingual educational of Chinese minority in the globalization linguistic context

  28. 对全球化语境下中国住区景观设计风格的思考

    Considerations on Chinese residential landscape design style under the background of globalization

  29. 论全球化语境中的文学民族性的形成与流变

    On the Formation and Evolution of Literary Nationality in the Global-Cultural Context

  30. 在全球化语境下,国内的文化研究开始蓬勃兴盛。

    In the globalization context , home cultural studies thrive well accordingly .