
  1. 全日制大学本科财务会计相关专业毕业,具有注册会计师资格;

    Degree in Finance or Accounting with recognized accounting qualification ; Members of CICPA or ACCA is an advantage ;

  2. 第二,一大部分学生(超过40%)在四年全日制大学中没能毕业,甚至延长到了年也无法毕业。

    Second , a goodly proportion ( more than 40 percent ) of those attending four-year colleges full-time fail to graduate , even within six years .

  3. 即便如此,很多年轻人还是无力支付全日制大学课程所需的各项费用。他们没有足够的钱支付学校费用。

    Even so , many young people cannot afford to pay the expenses of fulltime college work . ① They do not have enough money to pay for school costs .

  4. “非大学生”则是指那些被调查者,他们既非大学学生也没有注册四年全日制大学。

    " Non-college students " were defined as those respondents who either did not attend college through the course of the study or were not enrolled full-time at a four-year university .

  5. 远程教育在日本开展的形式主要有两种,一是以放送大学为代表的开放式远程教学,二是全日制大学的通信制远程教学。

    There are two main forms to carry out distance education in japan : one is the open and distance education represented by the University of the air ; the other is communicated education in fulltime universities .

  6. 有些学生需要用完全不同的另类学校来代替四年全日制的大学概念。

    Some students need an alternative to the four-year , full-time college concept entirely .

  7. 如果有机会让我去念全日制的大学,我会综合考量下目前的工作。

    If I have the chance for go to university , I will calculate my present work carefully .

  8. 尽管综合性全日制科研型大学仍就是高等教育的核心,但其他类型的大学可能会因为全新市场以及经营模式的出现而变得面目全非。

    There will remain a core of comprehensive , primarily residential and research-based universities , but for the rest new markets and new business models will make them seem increasingly different .