
  • 网络Bright Future
  1. 光明的未来展现在面前。

    A bright future lies ahead .

  2. 佛罗伦斯正走向光明的未来。

    Florence is walking towards a bright future .

  3. “通往更加光明的未来的通行证”,这话听起来像句老掉牙的广告词,但这次这句套话却言之有物。

    ' A passport to a brighter future ' : it sounds like a worn-out advertising slogan , but for once the cliche has substance .

  4. 我认为,在中国加入WTO以后手机的费用会急剧下调,它的发展也会面临更加光明的未来。

    In my opinion , with its expenses being reduced sharply after China 's entry into the WTO , its development will have a brighter future .

  5. 我们相信,UniX仍有光明的未来,尤其是在高档平台上更有前途。

    We believed that there is still a bright future for UNIX , especially on the high-end platform .

  6. 随着智能手机和移动互联网的普及,Android平台将有一个光明的未来。

    With the popularity of smart phones and mobile Internet , the Android platform will have a bright future .

  7. 那么,Snapchat能否拥有同样光明的未来?

    Could Snapchat 's future be just as bright ?

  8. 印度若想使其经济拥有一个光明的未来,并养活其庞大的人口,就必须保持9%的年均GDP增长速度,进而在未来20年内成为10万亿美元经济体。

    In order for India to secure its economic future and provide for its citizens , the country needs to increase its GDP by 9 % a year in order to become a $ 10 trillion economy over the next 20 years .

  9. 他的话令人宽慰,且与现任总统尼古拉萨科齐(NicolasSarkozy)形成鲜明反差。萨科齐曾承诺,法国将作出痛苦的选择,但回报将是就业、增长以及更加光明的未来。

    His comforting message stood in stark contrast to that of the incumbent , Nicolas Sarkozy , who pledged that painful choices would be rewarded with jobs , growth and a brighter future .

  10. 在团队群情激昂地齐声朗诵以下的领导力标准时,我们坚定地看到了KRRP光明的未来。

    The entire team recited below leadership together with great passion , from which we can see the bright and promising future of KRRP without any doubt .

  11. 正如越南胡志明市律师弗雷德里克伯克(frederickburke)提及东南亚时所说:“环顾这一地区,你可以发现许多国家拥有光明的未来。”

    As Frederick Burke , a lawyer in Ho Chi Minh City , says of South-East Asia : " looking around the region , you can see a lot of countries with a bright future behind them . "

  12. 故事能帮人们想象并拥抱一个更光明的未来。

    Stories Can Help People Imagine and Embrace an Inspiring Future .

  13. 我对苹果光明的未来与史蒂夫的乐观态度相同。

    I share Steve 's optimism for Apple 's bright future .

  14. 我想他前面有一个光明的未来。

    I think he has a bright future ahead of him .

  15. 让我们奋起,为光明的未来而努力!

    Let 's stand up to fight for your bright future .

  16. 国学一定可以拥有更加光明的未来。

    Hushi believed that Chinese traditional culture would get a bright future .

  17. 一片光明的未来往往建立在难以忘却的过去之上。

    The brightest future will always be based on a forgotten past ;

  18. 我相信一个更加光明的未来在等待着我们。

    I believe that a much better and brighter future awaits us .

  19. 他在曼联有光明的未来。

    He will have a long future at Manchester United .

  20. 安东尼尼坚持认为,欧洲造船业拥有光明的未来。

    Mr Antonini insisted that European shipbuilders would have a strong future .

  21. 我确信他会有光明的未来。

    I 'm sure he will have a bright future .

  22. 并开创一个比任何人所能想像,更光明的未来

    and usher in a future brighter than anything we can imagine .

  23. 我很有把握中国会有光明的未来。

    I feel quite sure about China 's bright future .

  24. 超越障碍比赛的优胜者说:这个运动提供一个光明的未来。

    The winner of the show jumping says the sport offers bright prospects .

  25. 为你的新居、光明的未来、美丽的妻子。

    To the new house . a brighter future and your beautiful wife .

  26. 如果他们克服了这些缺点,他们可以有一个更加光明的未来。

    If they overcome these defects , they can have a brighter future .

  27. 我想他有个光明的未来。

    I want him to have a bright future .

  28. 现在就断言骆驼拥有光明的未来,还为时过早。

    It is too soon to say that the future for camels is bright .

  29. 就目前的趋势来看,以太网肯定有一光明的未来。

    In light of current trends , a bright future seems assured for Ethernet .

  30. 因此,它注定有一个光明的未来。

    It has deep roots in Chinese tradition and should have a bright future .