
  1. 事实上,先行组织者策略适用于一切言语信息的学习,尤其是像英语这样的以讲授教学为主的学习。

    In fact , advance organizer strategy applies to learning about all the words information , especially English teaching which used lecturing teaching primarily in .

  2. 本研究尝试将先行组织者策略应用于初中英语阅读教学中,采用了文献分析法和案例分析法,全文共分为六个部分。

    This study attempts to use advance organizer strategy in the English reading teaching of junior high school . The study adopts literature analysis and case analysis .

  3. 因此,在物质结构教学中,以建构主义和先行组织者策略作为基本的教学理论基础,注重初、高中物质结构知识的教学衔接;

    Therefore , in the physical structure teaching , constructs the construction principle and " the advance organizer " the strategy took the basic teaching rationale , at the beginning of the attention , the high school matter structure knowledge teaching links up ;

  4. 第三部分首先指出了初中英语阅读教学中存在的问题,基于这些问题,对先行组织者策略应用于初中英语阅读教学进行了可行性分析,同时指出先行组织者策略应用于初中英语阅读教学的局限性。

    Firstly the author pointed out the problems in the English reading teaching of junior high school . Then based on these problems , the author analyzed the feasibility about advance organizer strategy used in the English reading teaching in junior high school .

  5. 美国教育理论家、心理学家奥苏贝尔(D.P.Ausubel)的先行组织者教学策略(AdvanceOrganizerModel)给了我们很好的启迪。

    The United States education theoretician , psychologists Ausubel ( D.P. Ausubel )" Advance Organizer " teaching strategy ( Advance Organizer Model ) gave us a good enlightenment .

  6. 先行组织者教学策略在高中化学概念教学中的应用研究

    The Practice and Research of the Teaching Tactics of the " Advance Organizer " in the Middle-school Chemistry Concept Teaching

  7. 实验班学生接受略图式先行组织者教学策略,而控制班学生则接受传统常规教学方式进行教学。

    The experimental group students were taught by the teaching strategies of ketch-style advance organizers , while the control group students taught by conventional teaching methods in general .

  8. 并简单分析了学习目标分类理论、元认知策略、最近发展区概念、支架式学习理论、先行组织者学习策略对编写目标的指导作用。

    This paper also simply analysing the guidance effect of classification theory of the learning objective , Meta-cognition Learning Strategy . the zone of proximal development . the Scaffolding learning theory and advance organizer study tactics when writing learning objectives .

  9. 依据上述情况,因此笔者以先行组织者教学策略为研究内容,首先对高中物理教学中先行组织者教学策略应用情况做了实际调查。

    According to the above , so I teaching strategies to advance organizer for the study , the first thing on the high school physics teaching in the " advance organizers " the application of teaching strategies to do the actual research .

  10. 本研究通过教学实验探讨先行组织者教学策略在高中化学概念教学中的作用:是否适用于高中课堂教学?

    This essay focuses on the introduction of " Advance organizer " into the teaching of chemistry concepts , making an exploration into some problems as followed : Whether the " Advance organizer " is beneficial for the teaching in senior high school ?

  11. 在教学中合理运用先行组织者的教学策略。

    In teaching reasonable utilization " advance organizer " teaching strategy .

  12. “先行组织者”教学策略是教育心理学家奥苏伯尔提出的一个重要概念。

    The Advance organizer is an important conception of educational Psychologist D.P.Ausubel .

  13. 第三部分,在上述理论的指导下构建了相应的高中化学概念教学策略:先行组织者概念教学策略;实验探究概念教学策略和主体性概念教学策略。

    In the most important part , we put forward the strategies for the instruction of Chemical conception involve : the advance organizer strategy , the experiment based inquiry strategy and the self-determination strategy .